Lago Ávila, Maria Jesús
Research Projects
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- La importancia de los procesos de mentorización y la adquisición de habilidades blandas en la incorporación laboral de los alumnos universitarios
2022-12-30 La Universidad española está inmersa en un profundo cambio metodológico desde el Plan Bolonia de 1999, con innovaciones en los procesos docentes que convierten al alumno en un agente activo de los mismos. Tras el necesario desarrollo de contenidos profesionalizantes en los grados es necesario desarrollar el grupo de competencias denominadas transversales (incluidas en el Informe de Competencias de la OCDE de 2019).
- The Teaching of Skills in Undergraduate Studies. Application case: Title of Leadership of the San Pablo CEU University
2022-12-02 El presente artículo describe un proyecto de innovación educativa de aprendizaje de competencias, realizado en el Curso Propio de Liderazgo de la Universidad San Pablo CEU, transversal a toda su oferta educativa. Se trata de nuevo proyecto basa- do en una docencia híbrida, donde las masterclass más teóricas se han complemen- tado con un aprendizaje basado en retos vinculados a materias de comunicación y sostenibilidad, aplicando la metodología Design Sprint. De esta forma, se consigue formar al alumno en las llamadas habilidades blandas, cada vez más demandadas por el entorno laboral.
- Importance of sustainable training for the employment of the future
2023 Purpose: University learning of a group of competencies, also proposed by Bologna, is currently gaining importance: transversal competencies, already included in the OECD Competencies Report (2019) which, common to all university degrees, bring the student closer to a new reality and to a diverse professional future, where sustainable leaders will be one of the fundamental axes of any decision. Design/methodology/approach: The results of a massive survey that was carried out on how university students perceive and value these skills are analyzed, together with a series of qualitative interviews with employers, analyzing what deficiencies exist. Findings: The results show that soft skills are essential for the professional future of students and that they understand and value it. Likewise, it was observed that it is essential to establish a common system of certified recognition of these competences and that universities must develop instruments that facilitate their accreditation in the workplace through digital badges. implications: For its effective development, it is necessary to incorporate in the different degree studies a type of training anchored in the values and attitudes necessary to achieve a fairer and more balanced society, in line with what the Sustainable Development Goals 3, 4 and 8 mark. Originality/value: This study provides a vision of the need for training in certain skills to achieve a rapprochement between the labor market and the university.