Fernández Andújar, Marina
Research Projects
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Search Results
- Effectiveness of a Long-Term Training Programme for Teachers in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder on Knowledge and Self-Efficacy
2022-04-07 The active participation of teachers in the process of diagnosis and intervention of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is relevant to helping mitigate future problems in children with ADHD. In training programmes, teachers usually implement strategies to improve the child’s functioning after participating in an ADHD management-training programme. However, they receive little psycho-educational training and coaching and have low-to-moderate levels of knowledge of the disorder, mostly in terms of training in classroom management strategies. This study analyses the effectiveness of training in increasing knowledge and perceived self-efficacy with regard to ADHD in 40 primary school teachers. Twenty of these teachers participated in a long-term psycho-educational training programme on the management of ADHD (intervention multimodal group), while the other 20 did not (control group). The results of the post-treatment phase revealed statistically significant differences between the two groups of teachers with regard to their knowledge (Z = −5.427; p = 0.000; d = 0.89) and perceived self-efficacy (Z = −5.150; p = 0.000; d = 0.79), in favour of the participants who had received training. Our findings have important implications for the design of training programmes for teachers in the management of ADHD in the classroom
- Psychometric properties of Spanish version of the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale
2022-03-30 Background/Objective:Theaimofthestudywastoexaminethefactorstructureandpsy-chometricpropertiesoftheSpanishversionoftheMini-MentalAdjustmenttoCancerScale(Mini-MAC)inalargesampleofpatientswithnon-metastatic,resectedcancer.Methods:Prospective,observational,multicenterstudyforwhich914patientswererecruitedfrom15Spanishhospitals.Exploratoryandconfirmatoryfactoranalyses,validityandreliabilityanalyseswereconducted.Results:Factor-analyticresultsindicateda4-factorstructureoftheSpanishversionoftheMini-MAC.ThreesubscaleshavepsychometricpropertiessimilartothoseofHelplessness,Anxiouspreoccupation,andCognitiveavoidanceoftheoriginaltheMini-MAC.TheFightingspiritandtheFatalismsubscaleswerecombinedonthePositiveattitudescale.Thefourfactor-derivedscalescoresexhibitedacceptableaccuracyforindividualmeasurementpurposes,aswellasstabilityovertimeintest-retestassessmentsat6months.Validityassessmentsfoundmeaningfulrelationsbetweenthederivedscalescores,andBriefSymptomInventorydepressionandanxietyscoresandFunctionalAssessmentofChronicIllnessTherapyspiritualwell-beingscores.Conclusions:TheSpanishversionoftheMini-MACprovidesreliableandvalidmeasuresforpatientswithnon-metastatic,resectedcancer,andresultscorroboratetheinstrument’scross-culturalvalidity
- Adicción a Internet y Plan de Acción tutorial en alumnado de Educación Artística
2022-03-24 En la actualidad buena parte del alumnado universitario utiliza las NTIC en sus estudios, así como en actividades formativas y de ocio. Un uso inadecuado de las mismas puede afectar a su rendimiento académico y bienestar psicológico, pudiéndose incluso desarrollar una adicción a internet. El phubbing es una manifestación ligada a la conducta de adicción a nuevas tecnologías que consiste en ignorar a otras personas por el uso del teléfono móvil o internet dificultando la interacción social con los demás. Una vez se han establecido en el estudiante estas conductas disfuncionales se hace necesario encontrar espacios educativos donde detectarlas y poder orientarlas. La tutoría universitaria es un escenario idóneo para abordar algunas manifestaciones negativas del phubbing, hecho que supondría un beneficio académico, personal, social y en un futuro laboral de los universitarios. El objetivo del presente artículo es identificar aspectos susceptibles de acompañamiento tutorial en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías de alumnado de enseñanzas universitarias del ámbito de la educación artística
- Obesity and Gray Matter Volume Assessed by Neuroimaging : A Systematic Review
2022-09-19 Obesity has become a major public and individual health problem due to its high worldwide prevalence and its relation with comorbid conditions. According to previous studies, obesity is related to an increased risk of cognitive impairment and dementia. This systematic review aims to further examine the present state of the art about the association between obesity and gray matter volume (GMV) as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A search was conducted in Pubmed, SCOPUS and Cochrane of those studies released before 1 February 2021 including MRIs to assess the GMVs in obese participants. From this search, 1420 results were obtained, and 34 publications were finally included. Obesity was mainly measured by the body mass index, although other common types of evaluations were used (e.g., waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio and plasma leptin levels). The selected neuroimaging analysis methods were voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and cortical thickness (CT), finding 21 and 13 publications, respectively. There were 30 cross-sectional and 2 prospective longitudinal studies, and 2 articles had both cross-sectional and longitudinal designs. Most studies showed a negative association between obesity and GMV. This would have important public health implications, as obesity prevention could avoid a potential risk of GMV reductions, cognitive impairment and dementia.