Amado Luz, Laura
Research Projects
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- Effectiveness of a Long-Term Training Programme for Teachers in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder on Knowledge and Self-Efficacy
2022-04-07 The active participation of teachers in the process of diagnosis and intervention of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is relevant to helping mitigate future problems in children with ADHD. In training programmes, teachers usually implement strategies to improve the childās functioning after participating in an ADHD management-training programme. However, they receive little psycho-educational training and coaching and have low-to-moderate levels of knowledge of the disorder, mostly in terms of training in classroom management strategies. This study analyses the effectiveness of training in increasing knowledge and perceived self-efficacy with regard to ADHD in 40 primary school teachers. Twenty of these teachers participated in a long-term psycho-educational training programme on the management of ADHD (intervention multimodal group), while the other 20 did not (control group). The results of the post-treatment phase revealed statistically significant differences between the two groups of teachers with regard to their knowledge (Z = ā5.427; p = 0.000; d = 0.89) and perceived self-efficacy (Z = ā5.150; p = 0.000; d = 0.79), in favour of the participants who had received training. Our findings have important implications for the design of training programmes for teachers in the management of ADHD in the classroom
- IntervenciĆ³n familiar grupal en niƱos con trastorno por dĆ©ficit de atenciĆ³n con hiperatividad (TDAH)
2009-07-24T11:31:26Z El present treball pretĆ©n explicar en quĆØ consisteix el trastorn per dĆØficit dā atenciĆ³ amb hiperactivitat (TDAH) i els diversos mĆØtodes dā intervenciĆ³ que existeixen a lāhora dāabordar el mencionat trastorn. Un altre dels propĆ²sits dāaquest treball Ć©s revelar la importĆ ncia dā un dels trastorns mĆ©s freqĆ¼ents a la infĆ ncia i la repercussiĆ³ que aquest suposa a lā entorn escolar, familiar i social.
- IntervenciĆ³n grupal en niƱos con trastorno por dĆ©ficit de atenciĆ³n con hiperactividad desde un enfoque cognitivo-conductual
2008-03-05T11:17:38Z El treball Ć©s una revisiĆ³ dāun trastorn infantil molt important avui en dia anomenat Trastorn per DĆØficit dāAtenciĆ³ e Hiperactivitat (TDAH). Poc a poc i a mesura que profunditzes en les seves pĆ gines, es responen les mĆ©s rellevants qĆ¼estions que avui es plantegen sobre aquest tema els pares i els professors dels nens hiperactius. El treball ofereix una clara visiĆ³ de conjunt dāun trastorn que ho Ć©s tot menys simple. A qui ho pateix, o als qui conviuen amb nens hiperactius provoca un gran malestar i un deteriorament significatiu en lāĆ mbit familiar, escolar i/o personal. Ens interessa destacar que hem dāajudar a aquests nens a entrar a lāedat adulta amb la millor educaciĆ³ possible, havent adquirit habilitats Ćŗtils per la vida, unes bones relacions familiars i confiant en sĆ mateixos. En sĆntesis, aquest treball Ć©s un intent dāoferir a les families i als terapeutes que es troben davant la meta de tractar a aquests nens unes nocions bĆ siques sobre el trastorn aixĆ com programes de tractament que incorporen les tĆØcniques dāintervenciĆ³ que han demostrat major eficacia.