Escuela de Politécnica Superior
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- Cartografías del paisaje: los proyectos colaborativos del CAVS para la recuperación de las márgenes del Charles River
2020-06-14 El presente artículo presenta las intervenciones que resultaron de una iniciativa de carácter institucional, promovida desde el Center for Advanced Visual Studies (CAVS) del Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) a principios de los años setenta, en la que se plantearon una serie de proyectos sobre el área del Charles River que exploraban la posibilidad de ‘habitar’ el río, entendido éste como límite físico entre las ciudades de Cambridge y Boston. La iniciativa planteaba el estudio de esta área, entonces frágil y vulnerable, amenazada por el crecimiento descontrolado de ambas ciudades y profundamente deteriorada. Para ello, se apostó por la creación de nuevos espacios urbanos y paisajísticos basados en la teoría de sistemas y en la cibernética, que emplearon nuevas tecnologías para intervenir sobre el medio y que planteaban recuperar el entorno natural del río e integrarlo en continuidad con la trama urbana. Todos ellos han influido enormemente en las arquitecturas interactivas y en los entornos inteligentes que comenzaron a materializarse en propuestas concretas ya en la década de los ochenta, menos marcadas por lo cibernético que por lo digital y que hoy en día están ayudando a visualizar y concienciar a la ciudadanía sobre parámetros negativos que puedan afectar a nuestro entorno urbano, en el contexto de las actuales ciudades inteligentes.
- Visión periférica: Secuenciación fotográfica por el paisaje periurbano de Madrid
2020 Recorrer el paisaje supone un diálogo con el territorio fundamental a la hora de conocer y analizar sus valores y características, ligando la acción humana con el espacio y con el tiempo. Así, el camino, o la carretera, se convierte en un elemento que canaliza las vistas y narra la siempre dinámica y cambiante lectura de un territorio. La percepción del paisaje visto desde la carretera se hace especialmente relevante ante el fenómeno de dispersión urbana. Las tendencias de urbanización creciente de las últimas décadas han conducido a una movilidad cotidiana cada vez más amplia y veloz, favoreciendo la proliferación de espacios ‘servidores’ a la ciudad en una franja cada vez más extensa y difusa en torno al centro. Esta ‘urbanización del territorio’ en la zona de proximidad a Madrid se viene conformando en torno a siete ejes radiales: ‘corredores metropolitanos’ que asumen la función de soporte territorial de estos viajes. Se plantea el análisis de la franja periurbana de Madrid a través de dichos corredores. Para ello, se diseñan y aplican técnicas metodológicas específicas y extrapolables a otros casos o a periferias de otras poblaciones: observación directa, inventario fotográfico secuencial, análisis de contenido y generación de cartografía. Los resultados pretenden ahondar en la caracterización del área periurbana de Madrid, así como enriquecer el catálogo de herramientas de estudio disponibles para los agentes que intervienen en el planeamiento y diseño de estas áreas periurbanas, destinadas a crecer en las décadas venideras.
- Green Infrastructures in the Peri-Urban Landscape: Exploring Local Perception ofWell-Being through "Go-Alongs" and "Semi-Structured Interviews"
2020-08-23 Providing conditions for health and well-being, especially for those most exposed to social and environmental inequalities, is a precondition for sustainable development. Green infrastructures in peri-urban areas have the potential to improve the quality of life of locals by fostering healthy practices, providing views, or bringing nature closer to the city. This work explores the local perception of well-being within urban green infrastructures (UGI) in the peri-urban fringe of Madrid (Spain) through a combination of qualitative methods: “go-alongs” and “semi-structured static interviews”. The grounded-theory based codification of the data using NVivo software and their subsequent analysis results in the identification of social, natural, and perceptual elements that prove to play a relevant role in locals’ perception of well-being. Among these, connectivity with other green spaces, panoramic views and place-based memories are aspects that seem to make UGI serve the community at its full potential, including perceived physical and psychological well-being. We identify in each case study both positive characteristics of UGI and dysfunctional aspects and areas of opportunity. Lastly, a methodological, geographical, and theoretical discussion is made on the relevance of the case studies and pertinence of the two interview methods as valuable tools for analysis and intervention in the peri-urban landscape.
- City thresholds: The role of urban green infrastructures in Madrid
2020-11-03 This paper presents an exploration of the thresholds of the city, embodying the concept of Urban Green Infrastructure. In particular, it is a journey through the urban fringe of Madrid, where these green infrastructures, due to their form and history, achieve the sense of urban threshold and act as identity generators of the city. We examine the concept of peri-urban landscape in relation to nowadays challenges of sustainable development, as well as the benefits of Urban Green Infrastructures in the contour of the city. We then take a brief tour though the peripheral landscape of the city of Madrid, where we analyse metropolitan parks and historical green areas that comply its proximity image. After identifying the green infrastructures acting as thresholds in the city of Madrid, we focus on the south-east diagonal of the capital in order to reaffirm its importance in the construction of the image and identity of the city. We defend the importance of Urban Green Infrastructure to and from the city, suggesting the necessity of a supra-municipal planning tool to take change of the peri-urban landscape, usually perceived as subsidiary, to deem the proximity visions of the city as relevant for its design.
- Smart citizen in architecture and landscape: Method design based on spatial intelligence and universal accessibility learning by students with intellectual disabilities
2023-01-13 The Smart Citizen concept is at an early stage of research in the field of architecture and landscape architecture. ICTs and their use by citizens have been studied exclusively in the fields of engineering and telecommunications sciences as well as Artificial Intelligence. This study seeks to publicize the Smart Citizen concept in architecture and landscape from a spatial understanding and the perception of citizens with intellectual disabilities. A real case study developed by architects in collaboration with psychologists focused on the development of spatial intelligence for people with intellectual disabilities is presented in this study. “The students that participated in these activities belong to San Pablo CEU University course financed by ONCE Foundation (FONCE) and the European Social Fund.” The purpose is to question the effectiveness of the use of technologies for said cognitive development and how even the increased use of GPS navigator systems could be a detriment to the citizen when trying to orient him or herself in open spaces. The result to highlight in this review is to know if a person with a disability is equally capable of understanding a space and navigate it without the aid of GPS as a person without an intellectual disability. Both analogical tools (2D plan) and digital tools (GPS) are used under the same conditions. New lines of research are presented in the study of spatial intelligence through innovating tools or TICs in relation to urban elements where concepts like scale, proportion, light, and shade were identified