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Enseñar a ver


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Title: Enseñar a ver
Authors : Maestre Galindo, Clara Eugenia
Keywords: Expresión gráfica arquitectónicaDibujo arquitectónicoDiseño arquitectónico
Publisher: Universidad de Alcalá, Departamento de Arquitectura
Citation: Maestre Galindo, C. (2016). “Enseñar a ver”. En: El arquitecto, De la tradición al siglo XXI: Actas del XVI Congreso Internacional de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), 2-3 junio de 2016, V1 pp. 371-376.
Abstract: This paper is a proposal to revisit some of the many opinions of our masters on learning in order to reconsider our present time. Tertiary education, is being convulsed by numerous changes –in academic programs, contents, a strong emergence of bilingualism, etc.􀂱, immersed within a proliferation of resources 􀂱communication, information access and even our own technology in the field of graphic design􀂱 has caused a very obvious decrease in the numbers of students in architecture. As we face other new coming challenges and it will be of great help to look back and recover the experience of our own learning to put it at the service of the future architects.
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ISBN: 9788488754394
Issue Date: 2016
Center : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Appears in Collections:Escuela de Politécnica Superior

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