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Effects of hypo and hyperthyroidism on the response to glucose loading of blood glucose ketones and insulin and liver glycogen as studied in the fasted rat.

Title: Effects of hypo and hyperthyroidism on the response to glucose loading of blood glucose ketones and insulin and liver glycogen as studied in the fasted rat.
Authors : Martínez, J.M.
Llobera, M.
Cornellá, M.
Herrera Castillón, Emilio.
Abstract: After receiving an i.p. glucose load, 24 h fasted thyroidectomized rats showed a progressive increase in blood glucose and a slow decrease in blood ketone bodies. Both liver glycogen and plasma insulin levels showed no differences within 60 min of the glucose administration. It is suggested that the glucose intolerance in these animals is partly due to an insulin deficiency. Thyroidectomized rats treated daily with 25 11g of L-thyroxine/100 g body weight for 40 days responded to the glucose test with a supranormal and more persistent elevation o( blood glucose but with a faster and a greater fall in blood ketone bodies, as compared to controls. Sixty min after the glucose loading, liver glucogen levels were lower and plasma insulin were slightly higher than controls. It is suggested that a diminished extraction of glucose during transhepatic passage can be responsible for the impaired glucose tolerance observed in the hyperthyroid animals.
Description: En: Revista Española de Fisiología, ISSN 0034-9402, 1977, N. 33, pp 323-330.
Rights :
Issue Date: 19-Sep-1977
Center : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Appears in Collections:Facultad de Farmacia

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