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One-loop determination of τ ; π(K)ντ [γ] branching ratios and new physics tests


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Title: One-loop determination of τ ; π(K)ντ [γ] branching ratios and new physics tests
Authors : Arroyo Ureña, Marco Antonio
Hernández Tomé, G.
López Castro, G.
Roig Garcés, Pablo
Rosell Escribá, Ignasi
Keywords: Field Theory (Physics)Particles (Nuclear physics)Campos, Teoría clásica de.Lagrange, Funciones de.Lagrangian functions.Partículas (Física nuclear)
Publisher: Springer Nature
Citation: Arroyo-Ureña, M.A., Hernández-Tomé, G., López-Castro, G., Roig, P. & Rosell, I. (2022). One-loop determination of τ → π(K)ντ [γ] branching ratios and new physics tests. Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 2022, i. 2, art. 173 (21 feb.). DOI:
Abstract: We calculate the ratios R /P 􀀀 ( ! P [ ]) /􀀀 (P ! μ μ[ ]) (P = ,K) at one loop following a large-NC expansion where Chiral Perturbation Theory is enlarged by including the lightest resonances and respecting the short-distance behavior dictated by QCD. We find R / = (0.18±0.57)% and R /K = (0.97±0.58)%, where the uncertainties are induced fundamentally by the counterterms. We test the lepton universality, obtaining |g /gμ| = 0.9964±0.0038 and |g /gμ|K = 0.9857±0.0078, and analyze the CKM unitarity, getting results at 2.1 and 1.5 from unitarity via |Vus/Vud| and |Vus|, respectively. We also update the search for non-standard interactions in decays. As a by-product, we report the theoretical radiative corrections to the ! P [ ] decay rates: = −(0.24 ± 0.56)% and K = −(0.15 ± 0.57)%.
Description: Este artículo se encuentra disponible en la siguiente URL:
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ISSN: 1126-6708
1029-8479 (Electrónico)
Language: es
Issue Date: 21-Feb-2022
Center : Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU
Appears in Collections:Dpto. Matemáticas, Física y Ciencias Tecnológicas

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