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Effect of fasting on urinary excretion of water and nitrogen in the rat

Title: Effect of fasting on urinary excretion of water and nitrogen in the rat
Authors : Codina, J.
Herrera Castillón, Emilio.
Abstract: El ayuno de 48 h produjo en ratas, mantenidas en jaulas metabólicas, una disminución en la cantidad de agua bebida y aumento del volumen de orina excretada. Tanto la cantidad de creatinina como de urea excretada al dia disminuyeron con el ayuno, mientras que la de amoniaco aumentó. Ademas de demostrar la perdida de agua metabólica con el ayuno, los resultados indican que el principal producto de! catabolismo de aminoacidos con el ayuno es el amoniaco derivado del metabolismo de la glutamina en el riñón mas que la urea formada en el higado.

Rats housed in metabolic cages undergoing 48 h fasting showed reduced daily intake or drinking water and increased urinary volume. Both the daily amount or urinary creatinine and urea excreted were diminished with fasting, while that of ammonia was augmented. Besides demonstrating metabolic water loss under fasting, results suggest that ammonia derived from glutamine in the kidney, rather than urea formed in the liver, is the main nitrogenous cataholic product o[ amino acids in fasting.
Description: En: Revista Española de Fisiología, ISSN 0034-9402, 1979. N. 35, pp 457-460
Rights :
Issue Date: 19-Sep-1979
Center : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Appears in Collections:Facultad de Farmacia

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