Pascual Fuster, Vicente
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- Documento de recomendaciones de la SEA 2018 : el estilo de vida en la prevenciĆ³n cardiovascular
2018-11-01 El estilo de vida es un concepto complejo que incluye los aspectos externos a nosotros mismos que pueden modular e influir en nuestra salud. Los conocimientos sobre la relaciĆ³n entre el estilo de vida y el riesgo cardiovascular estĆ”n lejos de proporcionar los niveles de evidencia que se han conseguido con los ensayos clĆnicos con fĆ”rmacos, debido a que los estudios son escasos, fundamentalmente de tipo observacional y en grandes cohortes, con la dificultad aƱnadida de la no existencia de mĆ©todos seguros para conocer con precisiĆ³n la ingesta diaria o lo largo de tiempo, asĆ como la dificultad en la recogida de datos y en la mediciĆ³n de la adherencia debido a diferencias en la composiciĆ³n de los alimentos en distintas Ć©pocas y a la conducta alimentaria cambiante que posee el ser humano a lo largo del tiempo. En este documento nos hemos propuesto llevar a cabo una revisiĆ³n actualizada y jerarquizada en base a las evidencias actuales, prestando atenciĆ³n a tres aspectos que tienen gran importancia patogĆ©nica y que podemos modificar directamente: la actividad fĆsica, el consumo de tabaco y el patrĆ³n de alimentaciĆ³n. Con ello pretendemos actualizar los nuevos conocimientos sobre su relaciĆ³n con el riesgo cardiovascular aportando evidencias Ćŗtiles, constituyendo una herramienta sencilla dirigida especialmente a todos los profesionales de la salud implicados en el cuidado de personas con riesgo cardiovascular para trasladarlos a la prĆ”ctica clĆnica, definiendo unas lĆneas de actuaciĆ³n sencillas y fĆ”ciles para ser transmitidas a las personas que reciban un consejo para la prevenciĆ³n primaria y secundaria de las enfermedades cardiovasculares. / Lifestyle is a complex concept that includes aspects external to ourselves that can modulate and influence our health. The knowledge of the relationship between lifestyle and cardiovascular risk does not attain the level of evidence achieved with clinical trials with drugs, because clinical studies are scarce and mainly of observational nature, albeit based on large cohorts. Nutritional epidemiology has the added difficulty of being based mostly on subjective dietary recall methods to ascertain nutrient and food intake over time, with the additional problems of incomplete data collection, variable measurements of adherence due to seasonal and geographical differences in food composition, and the changing eating behavior that human beings have over time. The purpose of this document is to carry out an updated and hierarchical review of the relationship between lifestyle and cardiovascular disease based on current evidence, paying attention to three aspects that are of great pathogenic importance and are directly modifiable: physical activity, tobacco consumption, and diet. With this, we intend to update the knowledge on this relationship, construct evidence-based recommendations, and provide a simple tool for clinical practice especially directed to health professionals involved in the care of people at cardiovascular risk, defining simple and easy strategies for individuals who receive advice for the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
- Utilidad de los esteroles vegetales en el tratamiento de la hipercolesterolemia
2017-09-01 Un consumo de 2 gramos diarios de esteroles vegetales produce una inhibiciĆ³n de la absorciĆ³n intestinal de colesterol y reduce la concentraciĆ³n plasmĆ”tica de c-LDL (colesterol asociado a lipoproteĆnas de baja densidad) alrededor de un 10%, lo que ha determinado su incorporaciĆ³n a diferentes productos alimenticios como margarinas o lĆ”cteos. Los esteroles vegetales desarrollan su acciĆ³n en el intestino, donde dificultan la absorciĆ³n del colesterol aumentando su eliminaciĆ³n a travĆ©s de las heces. En la prĆ”ctica clĆnica, la utilizaciĆ³n de alimentos funcionales con esteroles vegetales a las dosis recomendadas se puede considerar como complemento de las modificaciones del estilo de vida, en individuos con hipercolesterolemia y riesgo cardiovascular global bajo, pero que no precisen tratamiento farmacolĆ³gico hipocolesterolemiante, y tambiĆ©n en aquellos pacientes que reciben tratamiento farmacolĆ³gico con hipolipemiantes y que no alcanzan los objetivos terapĆ©uticos de c-LDL. El efecto hipocolesterolemiante de los esteroles vegetales es aditivo al alcanzado con los cambios del estilo de vida y/o con otros hipolipemiantes. La coadministraciĆ³n con estatinas genera un efecto hipocolesterolemiante habitualmente superior al obtenido cuando se dobla la dosis de estatina. / A consumption of 2 grams per day of plant sterols produces an inhibition of intestinal absorption of cholesterol and reduces the plasma concentration of c-LDL (cholesterol associated with low-density lipoprotein) by around 10%, which has determined its incorporation into different food products like margarines or dairy. The plant sterols develop their action in the intestine, where they reduce the absorption of cholesterol increasing their elimination fecal. In clinical practice, the use of functional foods with plant sterols at the recommended doses can be considered as a complement to lifestyle modifications, in individuals with hypercholesterolemia and low cardiovascular risk but who do not require hypocholesterolemic pharmacological treatment, and also in those patients receiving pharmacological treatment with lipid-lowering drugs and who do not get the therapeutic goals of c-LDL. The hypocholesterolemic effect of plant sterols is additive to that achieved with changes in lifestyle and/or other lipid-lowering agents. Coadministration with statins generates a hypocholesterolemic effect usually greater than that obtained when the statin dose is doubled.
- RelaciĆ³n entre AtenciĆ³n Primaria y Hospitalaria en la prevenciĆ³n cardiovascular y tratamiento de las dislipidemias : algoritmo de derivaciĆ³n : criterios de alta
2021-05-09 Una prevenciĆ³n cardiovascular eficiente exige aprovechar todas las oportunidades de contacto de las personas con los Servicios de Salud para la detecciĆ³n de los factores de riesgo modificables (FRV) y estratificar el riesgo cardiovascular global (RCV). Ello implica especialmente a los servicios de AtenciĆ³n Primaria (AP), que deben coordinarse con la AtenciĆ³n Hospitalaria (AH) para poner a disposiciĆ³n de la poblaciĆ³n todos los recursos sanitarios disponibles. AdemĆ”s, es preciso tener en cuenta la aportaciĆ³n de la Salud Laboral (Medicina del Trabajo) y de las oficinas de Farmacia. Existen seĖnales esperanzadoras respecto a la posibilidad de superar las barreras que limitan el necesario intercambio de informaciĆ³n entre los profesionales de AP y AH, como base para una adecuada coordinaciĆ³n entre ambos niveles asistenciales. Ello incluye la implantaciĆ³n de algoritmos de derivaciĆ³n y alta (en esta revisiĆ³n nos referimos a los relacionados con las dislipidemias) aceptados por los profesionales de ambos niveles y facilitados en la actualidad por la disponibilidad de nuevas herramientas corporativas (mĆ³vil, correo electrĆ³nico, consulta virtual). El reto radica en aprovechar la oportunidad que ofrecen para hacer efectiva su implementaciĆ³n.
- Documento de consenso SEA-SEMERGEN 2019 : recomendaciones dietĆ©ticas en la prevenciĆ³n cardiovascular
2019-07-01 El actual paradigma en las ciencias de la nutriciĆ³n establece que la unidad nutricional bĆ”sica no son los nutrientes, sino los alimentos que los contienen (aceites, frutos secos, productos lĆ”cteos, huevos, carnes rojas o procesadas, etc.), que actĆŗan como matriz alimentaria en la que los diferentes nutrientes modulan sinĆ©rgica o antagĆ³nicamente sus efectos sobre diversas vĆas metabĆ³licas determinantes para la salud y la enfermedad. La alimentaciĆ³n no se basa en nutrientes ni en alimentos aislados sino en complejas mezclas de unos y otros que forman parte de un patrĆ³n alimentario concreto, concepto que se ha seƱalado como el mĆ”s pertinente para evaluar las asociaciones entre nutriciĆ³n y salud o enfermedad. Este documento resume las evidencias disponibles sobre la relaciĆ³n existente entre los diferentes alimentos y la salud cardiovascular, y ofrece recomendaciones sencillas para ser implementadas en el consejo dietĆ©tico que se ofrezca por parte del profesional sanitario. / The current paradigm in the nutrition sciences states that the basic nutritional unit is not the nutrients, but the foods that contain them (oils, nuts, dairy products, eggs, red or processed meats, etc.), which act as a matrix food in which the different nutrients synergistically or antagonistically modulate their effects on various metabolic pathways determining health and disease. Food is not based on nutrients or isolated foods but on complex mixtures of one and the other that are part of a specific food pattern, a concept that has been targeted as the most pertinent to evaluate the associations between nutrition and health or disease. This document summarizes the available evidence on the relationship between different foods and cardiovascular health, and offers simple recommendations to be implemented in the dietary advice offered by the health professional.
- Fermented dairy foods rich in probiotics and cardiometabolic risk factors : a narrative review from prospective cohort studies
2021-06-04 Probiotic foods, including fermented dairy (FD) products such as yogurt and cheese, naturally contain live microorganisms, but the relationship between the consumption of probiotic foods and health is unclear. The aim of the present narrative review is to integrate the available information on the relationship between the most studied FD products, which are yogurt and cheese, and cardiometabolic risk factors obtained from meta-analysis, systematic reviews of prospective cohort studies (PCSs) and PCSs published up to 2 November 2019. Additionally, the effects identified by randomized controlled trials of less-studied FD products, such as kefir and kimchi, on cardiometabolic risk factors are provided. PCSs have shown that the consumption of cheese, despite its high saturated fat content, is not associated with expected hypercholesterolemia and an increased cardiovascular risk. PCSs have revealed that the total consumption of FD appears to be associated with a lower risk of developing stroke and cardiovascular disease. The consumption of yogurt seems to be associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. There is a lack of sufficient evidence of a protective relationship between FD or cheese consumption and metabolic syndrome. Moreover, the association of FD, cheese and yogurt with hypertension needs further evidence. In conclusion, the intake of fermented foods containing probiotics, particularly yogurt and cheese (of an undetermined type), opens up new opportunities for the management of cardiometabolic risk factors.
- SEA 2022 standards for global control of cardiovascular risk
2022-05-17 One of the objectives of the Spanish Society of Arteriosclerosis is to contribute to better knowledge of vascular disease, its prevention and treatment. It is well known that cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in our country and entail a high degree of disability and health care costs. Arteriosclerosis is a multifactorial disease and therefore its prevention requires a global approach that takes into account the different risk factors with which it is associated. Therefore, this document summarises the current level of knowledge and includes recommendations and procedures to be followed in patients with established cardiovascular disease or at high vascular risk. Specifically, this document reviews the main symptoms and signs to be evaluated during the clinical visit, the laboratory and imaging procedures to be routinely requested or requested for those in special situations. It also includes vascular risk estimation, the diagnostic criteria of the different entities that are cardiovascular risk factors, and makes general and specific recommendations for the treatment of the different cardiovascular risk factors and their final objectives. Finally, the document includes aspects that are not usually referenced in the literature, such as the organization of a vascular risk consultation.
- Documento de consenso de la Sociedad EspaƱola de Arteriosclerosis (SEA) para la prevenciĆ³n y tratamiento de la enfermedad cardiovascular en la diabetes mellitus tipo 2
2018-07-01 A consensus document of the Diabetes working group of the Spanish Society of Arteriosclerosis (SEA) is presented, based on the latest studies and conceptual changes that have appeared. It presents the cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and the action guidelines for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease (CVD) associated with T2DM. The importance of lipid control, based on the objective of LDL-C and non-HDL-C when there is hypertriglyceridemia, and the blood pressure control in the prevention and treatment of CVD is evaluated. The new hypoglycemic drugs and their effects on CVD are reviewed, as well as the treatment and control guidelines of hyperglycemia. Likewise, the use of antiplatelet agents is considered. Emphasis is placed on the importance of global and simultaneous action on all risk factors to achieve a significant reduction in cardiovascular events.
- Moderate consumption of beer and its effects on cardiovascular and metabolic health : an updated review of recent scientific evidence
2021-03-09 There is growing interest in the potential health-related effects of moderate alcohol consumption and, specifically, of beer. This review provides an assessment of beer-associated effects on cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors to identify a consumption level that can be considered āmoderateā. We identified all prospective clinical studies and systematic reviews that evaluated the health effects of beer published between January 2007 and April 2020. Five of six selected studies found a protective effect of moderate alcohol drinking on cardiovascular disease (beer up to 385 g/week) vs. abstainers or occasional drinkers. Four out of five papers showed an association between moderate alcohol consumption (beer intake of 84 g alcohol/week) and decreased mortality risk. We concluded that moderate beer consumption of up to 16 g alcohol/day (1 drink/day) for women and 28 g/day (1ā2 drinks/day) for men is associated with decreased incidence of cardiovascular disease and overall mortality, among other metabolic health benefits.