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Cerezo Herrero, Enrique

Research Projects

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Colaborador Externo Posgrado


Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la ComunicaciĆ³n / Departamento de Ciencias de la EducaciĆ³n

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    Key competences and plurilingual education in the Valencian Region (Spain) : a curricular analysis of Primary Education2020-01-03

    The purpose of this work is to study the level of transversality of key competences in Primary Education in the Valencian Community. To this end, an analysis of the Decree 108/2014 currently in effect will be carried out, along with determining the frequency with which each competence is worked on during this stage of education. The data obtained will be interpreted bearing in mind plurilingual programs and, more specifically, the basis of the methodological needs that are pursued in CLIL, the approach to teaching non-linguistic areas through a foreign language. Generally, the findings point to a lack of transversality in some of the competences, one of them being the linguistic competence. This implies the need for a more cross-curricular competence model for plurilingual education, since the rigid structure of the key competences in the current curriculum and, therefore, the lack of a greater interconnection among them may hinder to a great extent the proper functioning of the principles that the CLIL approach posits. / El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar el grado de transversalidad de las competencias clave en la etapa de EducaciĆ³n Primaria en la Comunitat Valenciana. Para ello se llevarĆ” a cabo un anĆ”lisis del Decreto 108/2014 actualmente vigente y se establecerĆ” la frecuencia en que cada una de las distintas competencias clave se trabaja a travĆ©s de los seis cursos que conforman este ciclo educativo. Los datos obtenidos se interpretarĆ”n teniendo presentes los programas plurilingĆ¼es y, mĆ”s concretamente, en base a las necesidades metodolĆ³gicas que se persiguen en AICLE, el enfoque utilizado para la enseƱanza de Ć”reas no lingĆ¼Ć­sticas impartidas a travĆ©s de la lengua extranjera. Los resultados apuntan, en general, hacia una falta de transversalidad de algunas competencias, siendo una de ellas la lingĆ¼Ć­stica. Esto nos lleva a la necesidad de contar con un modelo de competencias mĆ”s intercurricular para la educaciĆ³n plurilingĆ¼e, ya que la estructura rĆ­gida de las competencias en el currĆ­culum actual y, por ende, la falta de una mayor interconexiĆ³n entre ellas puede obstaculizar, en gran medida, el correcto funcionamiento de los principios postulados por el enfoque AICLE.

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    La expresiĆ³n e interacciĆ³n orales en la enseƱanza de E/le en Noruega2019-04-29

    El fin Ćŗltimo de cualquier estudiante de lengua extranjera debe ser el fomento de la habilidad de comunicaciĆ³n. Sin embargo, la importancia atribuida a la destreza de la expresiĆ³n oral ha sido tradicionalmente minimizada, favoreciendo un estudio de la lengua que obedece a mĆ©todos de enseƱanza mĆ”s mecĆ”nicos. En contraposiciĆ³n, los modelos pedagĆ³gicos actuales abogan por un aprendizaje basado en principios comunicativos y, por lo tanto, en un tipo de aprendizaje social. Teniendo en cuenta este nuevo paradigma, el presente trabajo pretende llevar a cabo un estudio sobre la enseƱanza de espaƱol como lengua extranjera en Noruega y, mĆ”s concretamente, cĆ³mo se aborda la destreza oral en las aulas. Para ello, se presenta una investigaciĆ³n mixta que nos permita conocer dicha realidad. Los resultados apuntan hacia una necesidad de aumentar la prĆ”ctica oral en el aula noruega de E/le. / The ultimate aim of any student learning a foreign language must be the enhancement of the ability to communicate. However, the importance attached to the oral expression skill has traditionally been downplayed in favor of other more mechanical teaching methods. In contrast, current pedagogical models advocate a teaching based on communication principles and, therefore, on a type of social learning. Bearing in mind this new paradigm, in this paper we purport to carry out a study on the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language in Norway and, more particularly, how the oral expression skill is approached. For this purpose, a mixed research study has been conducted with a view to knowing this reality. The findings point to the need to boost oral practice in L2 Spanish in the Norwegian context.

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    Lenguas extranjeras con fines traductolĆ³gicos : en busca de una identidad propia2022-01-29

    La formaciĆ³n lingĆ¼Ć­stica de un futuro traductor o intĆ©rprete es un pilar fundamental en la adquisiciĆ³n de la competencia traductora por ser la lengua el motor de toda la actividad. Sin un conocimiento excelente de las lenguas implicadas en el proceso traductor, se producirĆ” un desequilibrio en la implementaciĆ³n de otras subcompetencias directamente relacionadas con la competencia traductora. Sin embargo, esta formaciĆ³n ha recibido una atenciĆ³n escasa hasta la fecha y se basa en enfoques generalistas que no velan por las necesidades lingĆ¼Ć­sticas del estudiantado. AsĆ­ pues, el presente artĆ­culo tiene como objetivo definir esta enseƱanza con mayor precisiĆ³n y ubicarla en un espacio Ćŗnico e intransferible con el fin de ofrecer una formaciĆ³n centrada en los futuros traductores e intĆ©rpretes. / Language learning for future translators and interpreters is a cornerstone in the acquisition of the translation competence since the language is the engine of the whole translation activity. Without a thorough command of the languages involved in the translation process, there will be an imbalance in the implementation of other subcompetences directly linked to the translation competence. However, to date this training has been disregarded and is based on general approaches which do not cater for the linguistic needs of the students. Therefore, this article purports to define this teaching in a more accurate manner and place it in a unique and nontransferable spot with a view to offering a training focused on prospective translators and interpreters.

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    How do plurilingual trainee teachers view the CLIL challenge? : a case study2021-06-30

    The Valencian region is a Spanish autonomous community with a long-standing tradition in bilingual education. However, as opposed to some other Spanish regions, attention towards the linguistic education system from the point of view of research has been scarce. On this basis, the present investigation seeks to analyze the plurilingual education system of the Valencian region currently in force from the perspective of trainee teachers. To this end, a study has been conducted with three focus groups. The narrative produced by the participants has been analyzed taking into consideration four major dimensions, namely plurilingual programs, teacher training, methodology, and resources and materials. In this analysis, the main idea underlying each dimension has been identified and then the information has been synthesized in flow charts that broadly represent the information conveyed by the groups. The results obtained evince a lack of initial and continuous teacher training in plurilingual issues, a reality which translates into a low level of linguistic competence and methodological lacunae, as well as a lack of tailored-made teaching materials. There is thus an urgent need to revisit major aspects of the plurilingual programs and bring about certain changes that could contribute to their improvement and consolidation.

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    SistematizaciĆ³n de competencias en la enseƱanza de lengua B para TraducciĆ³n e InterpretaciĆ³n en el EEES a partir de un modelo de competencia traductora2019-01-29

    El objetivo de este artĆ­culo es ofrecer un modelo de competencias para la enseƱanza de la Lengua B en las titulaciones de TraducciĆ³n e InterpretaciĆ³n dentro del Espacio Europeo de EducaciĆ³n Superior (EEES). Hasta la fecha, las asignaturas de lengua extranjera no han recibido la atenciĆ³n suficiente en el Ć”mbito de la investigaciĆ³n y las directrices ofrecidas en documentos oficiales han sido muy vagas y generales y no han tenido en cuenta las necesidades formativas y profesionales de los discentes. Con el objeto de revertir esta situaciĆ³n resulta necesario establecer un modelo de competencias basado en la propia actividad traductora. Para ello, en este trabajo se tomarĆ” como referencia el modelo de competencia traductora del grupo PACTE. Se espera que la sistematizaciĆ³n de competencias que aquĆ­ se propone sirva para arrojar un rayo de luz en una subdisciplina fundamental en la pedagogĆ­a de la traducciĆ³n y proporcione a los docentes una base sĆ³lida sobre la naturaleza de las asignaturas de la Lengua B en las titulaciones de TraducciĆ³n e InterpretaciĆ³n. / ā€œSystematization of competences in the teaching of Language B in Translation and Interpreting Studies within the EHEA taking as a basis a translation competence modelā€. The objective of this article is to offer a model of competences for the teaching of the Language B in Translation and Interpreting degrees within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). To date, foreign language subjects have not received due attention in the field of research and the guidelines offered thus far in official documents have been very vague and general, not taking account of the training and professional needs of the students. With the aim of reverting this situation, it is necessary to establish a competence-based model in accordance with translation practice. For this purpose, in this work we will take as a reference the Translation Competence Model proposed by PACTE group. The systematization of competences proposed in this paper is expected to shed light on a fundamental sub-discipline in translation pedagogy and provide lecturers with a sound foundation regarding the nature of Language B subjects in Translation and Interpreting degrees.

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    La didĆ”ctica de lenguas extranjeras en los estudios de TraducciĆ³n e InterpretaciĆ³n : ĀæquĆ© nos dice la investigaciĆ³n?2020-01-01

    El conocimiento de lenguas, tanto extranjeras como maternas, constituye una competencia fundamental en la formaciĆ³n de traductores e intĆ©rpretes, ya que la traducciĆ³n profesional no puede existir si dicha competencia no se ha consolidado previamente. Sin embargo, la investigaciĆ³n referente al aprendizaje y adquisiciĆ³n de lenguas extranjeras dentro de los estudios de TraducciĆ³n e InterpretaciĆ³n es muy escasa y, con frecuencia, su prĆ”ctica se adhiere a modelos pedagĆ³gicos generalistas que se desvinculan de la meta final de esta formaciĆ³n y de los objetivos principales que deberĆ­an cimentar este tipo de enseƱanza. Partiendo de esta base, el objetivo del presente artĆ­culo es poner en diĆ”logo la principal literatura derivada de este campo de estudio y ofrecer una reflexiĆ³n sobre sus implicaciones docentes. Para dicho fin se harĆ”, en primer lugar, una contextualizaciĆ³n de la enseƱanza de lenguas en la formaciĆ³n de traductores e intĆ©rpretes y se establecerĆ”n una serie de principios pedagĆ³gicos bĆ”sicos. Posteriormente, se harĆ” un anĆ”lisis del tratamiento de las cuatro principales destrezas comunicativas (comprensiĆ³n oral y escrita y expresiĆ³n oral y escrita) en esta formaciĆ³n. En Ćŗltimo lugar, a modo de conclusiĆ³n, se comentarĆ”n las implicaciones docentes que derivan de la investigaciĆ³n en esta Ć”rea de conocimiento. / The knowledge of both foreign and mother languages constitutes a core competence in translator and interpreter training, as professional translation cannot exist if this competence has not been previously consolidated. Nevertheless, research regarding the teaching and acquisition of foreign languages within Translation and Interpreting studies is extremely scarce and its practice frequently adheres to general pedagogical models which do not keep to the ultimate goal and main objectives that should lay down the foreground for this type of teaching. On this basis, this article aims to discuss the main literature derived from this field of expertise and offer a reflection on the teaching implications. For such purpose, the teaching of foreign languages for translator and interpreter trainees will first be contextualized and a series of basic pedagogical principles will be established. Subsequently, an analysis of the four main communicative skills (written comprehension and expression and oral comprehension and expression) will be carried out. Last but not least, by way of conclusion, the teaching implications that derive from research into this area of knowledge will be discussed.

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    Thinking skills in Primary Education : an analysis of CLIL textbooks in Spain2020-01-07

    In this work an analysis of CLIL textbooks based on Bloomā€™s taxonomy and the subsequent revision made by Anderson and Krathwohl will be conducted. The objective is to ascertain whether teachers have at their disposal a bibliographical support consistent with the didactic tenets that the CLIL methodology promotes. The bidimensional table proposed by these authors has been utilized as a tool of analysis, taking both the cognitive and knowledge dimensions into account. Within the latter, the study focuses on the metacognitive knowledge level. Six Natural Science textbooks for sixth year of Primary Education, designed by different publishers and currently in use, have been analyzed. These textbooks have been designed according to the CLIL approach. We purport to verify whether these materials develop High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), which are necessary for the proper development of this approach. It can be concluded that 66% of the analyzed materials do not promote the necessary HOTS for the proper implementation of the CLIL approach. Therefore, a change in the elaboration of textbooks is deemed necessary. / En el presente trabajo se realizarĆ” un anĆ”lisis de libros de texto AICLE partiendo de la taxonomĆ­a de Bloom y de la posterior revisiĆ³n de Anderson y Krathwohl. El objetivo es comprobar si los docentes disponen de un soporte bibliogrĆ”fico coherente con los principios didĆ”cticos que la metodologĆ­a AICLE impulsa. Se aplica como herramienta de anĆ”lisis la tabla bidimensional desarrollada por estos autores, considerando la dimensiĆ³n cognitiva y la dimensiĆ³n de conocimiento. Dentro de la dimensiĆ³n de conocimiento, el estudio se detiene en el nivel de conocimiento metacognitivo. Se analizan seis libros de texto de Natural Science de sexto curso de EducaciĆ³n Primaria diseƱados por diferentes editoriales y actualmente en uso. Se pretende precisamente comprobar si estos desarrollan las habilidades de pensamiento de orden superior (HOTS), siendo estas destrezas necesarias para el correcto desarrollo de este enfoque. Se concluye que el 66% de los materiales analizados no desarrollan mĆ­nimamente los HOTS para una correcta implementaciĆ³n del enfoque AICLE, por lo que resulta necesario un cambio en la elaboraciĆ³n de materiales didĆ”cticos.