2. Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU

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    Efecto del manejo de la alimentaciĆ³n sobre la estructura de la mucosa ruminal del toro de lidia2017-09-05

    En el presente trabajo se ha evaluado el efecto producido sobre diversos parĆ”metros fisiolĆ³gicos indicativos de salud ruminal, de la utilizaciĆ³n de una mezcla homogĆ©nea de alimento concentrado y forraje, como sistema de alimentaciĆ³n para la finalizaciĆ³n, o cebamiento, del toro de lidia, comparĆ”ndolo con un lote de animales testigo mantenidos en extensivo y otro de individuos alimentados siguiendo el sistema tradicional, basado en la administraciĆ³n de alimento concentrado y forraje por separado. Para ello se tomaron muestras de la mucosa ruminal y del contenido del rumen de los animales inmediatamente despuĆ©s de su sacrificio para el anĆ”lisis histolĆ³gico de dicha mucosa y la determinaciĆ³n del pH ruminal. En el conjunto de los animales se observaron valores de pH compatibles con el padecimiento de una acidosis ruminal crĆ³nica (pH= 6,09 Ā± 0,49), siendo significativamente menor en los individuos alimentados con el carro mezclador (pH= 5,96 Ā± 0,43). Ambos mĆ©todos de manejo de la alimentaciĆ³n conducen a la formaciĆ³n de papilas de longitud reducida (43,09 Ā± 23,18 %) y excesivamente engrosadas (441,66 Ā± 140,74 Ī¼m). AdemĆ”s, se aprecia un efecto negativo de las dietas en las que el forraje se ofrece incorporado al concentrado, presentando abundantes pĆ©rdidas de materia con soluciones de continuidad en el epitelio del rumen y una cantidad importante de cĆ©lulas en vĆ­as de degeneraciĆ³n. Esto puede ser debido al resultado pernicioso de la trituraciĆ³n excesiva del forraje, escaso tamaƱo de partĆ­cula, disminuyendo el efecto estimulante de la rumia y salivaciĆ³n. Por otra parte, el tiempo de cebo parece influir negativamente sobre la morfologĆ­a de la papila ruminal en periodos mayores a 6 meses, mostrando un mayor acortamiento de su longitud.

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    MonitorizaciĆ³n del ganado lidia con tecnologĆ­a GPS-GPRS : estudio del comportamiento en pastoreo y la distribuciĆ³n espacial2017-10-10

    En los Ćŗltimos aƱos, el comportamiento del ganado vacuno en pastoreo ha sido poco estudiado, en comparaciĆ³n con el comportamiento en granja. AdemĆ”s, en determinadas razas criadas en sistemas extensivos, la presencia humana puede modificar o interrumpir sus pautas etolĆ³gicas: los animales se alejan de quien los observa. El uso de la tecnologĆ­a GPS-GPRS en la monitorizaciĆ³n de bovinos explotados en rĆ©gimen extensivo nos permite disponer de datos de interĆ©s en tiempo real; proporciona informaciĆ³n sobre desplazamientos, distancias recorridas, territorio pastoreado, zonas mĆ”s frecuentadas, pautas de comportamiento, etc. En esta investigaciĆ³n, se monitorizaron, mediante la implantaciĆ³n de collares GPS, 21 vacas de diferentes edades, de tres ganaderĆ­as de la provincia de Salamanca pertenecientes a la raza bovina lidia. El estudio se llevĆ³ a cabo durante ocho meses, distribuimos a los animales en cercados de diferentes dimensiones y caracterĆ­sticas orogrĆ”ficas, y recogimos datos de su posiciĆ³n geogrĆ”fica cada 15 minutos. AdemĆ”s de corroborar el buen funcionamiento de los dispositivos GPS, se estableciĆ³ el Ć”rea de campeo para cada animal: la media fue de 56 ha. Elaboramos un grĆ”fico de su ritmo circadiano con las distancias recorridas por horas, donde se observa una tendencia a iniciar la actividad diaria unas horas antes del amanecer, atenuar su actividad al anochecer y durante la noche, asĆ­ como mantener una fase de reposo nocturno de aproximadamente siete horas. TambiĆ©n analizamos la distancia diaria recorrida (3.15 km media/animal), donde encontramos diferencias sustanciales en funciĆ³n de la edad, la superficie/animal disponible en el cercado, el dĆ­a y la noche, y la Ć©poca del aƱo. Nuestros resultados son valiosos para un mejor manejo de las superficies pastables con cercados en los que los animales utilicen toda la superficie disponible.

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    Effect of intense exercise on plasma macrominerals and trace elements in lidia bulls2021-06-01

    Minerals are inorganic substances present in all body tissues and fluids that directly or indirectly influence the maintenance of multiple metabolic processes and, therefore, are essential for the development of various biological functions. The Lidia bull breed may be considered an athlete, as during a bull fight it displays considerable physical effort of great intensity and short duration in a highly stressful situation. The objective of this study was to assess plasma minerals concentration (macro- and microminerals) in Lidia bulls after intense physical exercise during a bull fight. Plasma Ca, Mg, P, K, Na, Fe, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se and Mo concentrations were measured in 438 male Lidia bulls. Ca, P and Mg were measured using a Cobas Integra autoanalyzer, while Na and K were determined by ICP-AES, and Fe, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se and Mo were measured by ICP-MS. All macrominerals, (Ca: 2.96 0.31, Mg: 1.27 0.17, P: 3.78 0.65, K: 7.50 1.58, Na: 150.15 19.59 in mmol/L), and Cr (1.24 0.58), Ni (0.249 1.07), Cu (22.63 4.84) and Zn (24.14 5.59, in mol/L) showed greater mean values than the reported reference values in the published literature, while Co (0.041 0.07), Se (0.886 0.21) and Mo (0.111 0.08, in mol/L) values were lower than those reported for other bovine breeds. These increased concentrations could be justified mainly by muscle cell metabolism, hepatic need to provide energy, and intense dehydration and hemoconcentration by losses through sweat glands or urination.

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    Effect of Lidia bulls training on the falling syndrome and the physical activity developed during the show2021-06-08

    Aim of study: The aim of this work was to study the effect of different length of physical activity carried out by the bull prior to the show during the final performance of the animal, analyzing the behavior and physical activity displayed in the ring. Area of study: There is no clear scientific evidence of physical capacity improvements during the lidia show or ā€œcorridaā€, in Lidia cattle, as a result of previous training. Material and methods: A total of 233 bulls from eight farms were studied and classified, on each farm, into three groups according to the length of the training period: group 1 (no training), group 2 (training for 3 months prior to the show) and group 3 (training for 6-9 months prior to the show). Locomotion times or percentage of time the animals moved were quantified, and number of falls, their severity and distribution during the show were registered. Main results: Trained animals performed last phase of the ā€œcorridaā€ show with a significantly longer length compared to untrained animals. Furthermore, they remained longer in motion during the initial phase of the ā€œcorridaā€. However, trained animals experienced more falls of type 1 and 2 during the last phase (ā€œmuletaā€). Research highlights: A training period of up to 3 months before the show is positive, providing animals a greater physical performance, improving the quality of the lidia show. However, longer training periods over 3 months prior to the show, can negatively affect the performance of these bulls during the ā€œcorridaā€.

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    Blood biochemical variables found in lidia cattle after intense exercise2022-03-11

    There are limited published data in the bovine species on blood biological variables in response to intense work or after significant physical exertion. Lidia cattle, in addition to their exercise components, have some behavioral agonistic features that make them more susceptible to stress. The bullfight involves stress and exercise so intense that it causes significant changes in some metabolic variables. The study objective was to evaluate changes in blood biological variables in response to intense exercise and stress. After the fight in the arena, and once the bulls were dead (n = 438), blood samples were taken, and some biochemical and hormonal variables were determined in venous blood. A descriptive analysis was performed using the Statistica 8.0. computer program. The mean ( s.d.) results obtained were: total protein (85.8 10.8 g/dL), albumin (3.74 4.3 g/dL), triglycerides (39.65 0.16 mg/dL), cholesterol (2.44 0.03 mmol/L), glucose (22.2 9.6 mmol/L), uric acid (340 80 mol/L), creatinine (236.9 0.4 mol/L), urea (5.93 1.27 mmol/L), LDH (2828 1975 IU/L), CK (6729 10,931 IU/L), AST (495 462 IU/L), ALP (90 33 IU/L), GGT (50 34 IU/L), ALT (59 35 IU/L), cortisol (117.5 46.6 nmol/L), and testosterone (20.2 23.8 nmol/L). Most of the measured variables clearly increased; thus, we found severe hyperglycemia and increases in LDH, AST, GGT, and ALT enzymes, particularly in CK. The increases in all these variables are justified by the mobilization of energy sources, tissue/muscle damage, and dehydration due to continued stress and intense exercise.

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    Analysis of Lidia cattle behavior : influence of handling and selection2019-01-12

    The fighting bull breed is characterized by a genetic selection based on a certain behavior called "bravery". Making use of the etiological assessment computer software designed by the Department of Animal Production of the University of LeĆ³n, the behavior of 2577 animals aged from 3 to 6 years has been recorded. These animals have been grappled since 1991 to 2016 in different Spanish bullrings of 1st and 2nd category, in order to study the evolution of the selection carried out in the breed during the last 25 years and the influence on the behavior of the improvements implemented in the management of this type of livestock. Interesting results can be obtained that reflect the change in the selection of the fighting bull towards a nobler bull and "tolerable", corresponding to the information that gives us the starting point behavior of the animal and during the third of rods. In turn, there is an increase in physical activity developed by the animal, which leads to longer crutches, with more batches, probably due to improvements in feeding and the implementation of a physical training protocol in most of the farms.

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    Relationships between eye fluids and blood values after exercise in lidia cattle : mineral parameters2019-07-12

    Eye fluids (aqueous humour and vitreous humour) may be helpful in estimating ante-mortem blood levels, since some parameters measured in these fluids have proved to be stable or to change in a predictable way after death. This would help in diagnosing the cause of death in some diseases or to evaluate ante-mortem blood levels in certain animals not easy to handle or with difficult access. In order to establish reference values of some parameters in blood and eye fluids (aqueous humour and vitreous humour), as well as the possible correlation among these three different fluids, various minerals and electrolytes (Ca, P, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se and Mo) were measured in 15 four to five year-old Lidia bulls, all dying after a period of significant stress and major exertion. Plasmatic values of Mg and P were much greater than reported in the literature. In general, mineral plasmatic values were greater than those found in ocular fluids (aqueous and vitreous), while Na, K and Cr were similar in the three fluids. We have verified the existence of correlations in P, Co and Mo among the three fluids measured, and between Se of plasma and vitreous humour. But the most marked correlations were observed in Mo (plasma -aqueous humour, r = 0.893, plasma-vitreous humour, r = 0.945, HA -HV, r = 0.849), in P (plasma-vitreous humour, r = 0.726) and in Co (plasma-vitreous humour, r = 879).

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    EvoluciĆ³n del SĆ­ndrome de CaĆ­da del toro de lidia en los Ćŗltimos 25 aƱos2018-01-01

    Se ha registrado la manifestaciĆ³n de caĆ­da de 2.225 animales de 3 a 5 aƱos, de la raza de Lidia, desde 1991 en diferentes plazas de toros de 1ĀŖ y 2ĀŖ categorĆ­a siguiendo la metodologĆ­a y software de valoraciĆ³n etolĆ³gica de Alonso et al. (1995a). Se parte de un 99,56% de los individuos que presentaron caĆ­das durante los aƱos 1991-1993 con problemas graves en el 17,16% de los animales (caĆ­das tipo 4, 5 y 6) mejorando situaciĆ³n en la actualidad (2014-2016) con un 79,82% de individuos que manifiestan el sĆ­ndrome, de los que sĆ³lo un 8,23% experimentan caĆ­das tipo 4. La manifestaciĆ³n de caĆ­das se acentĆŗa con el avance de la lidia, siendo las formas mĆ”s leves (tipos 1 y 2) los tipos de claudicaciones mĆ”s comunes registradas, fundamentalmente en el tercio de muleta, fruto del incremento significativo de su duraciĆ³n. A su vez, se observa una disminuciĆ³n gradual de las formas mĆ”s graves, llegando a ser prĆ”cticamente inexistentes las caĆ­das tipo 5 y 6 en los Ćŗltimos aƱos. Todo ello asociado a una mejora en la selecciĆ³n y en la alimentaciĆ³n, unida a la implementaciĆ³n de la preparaciĆ³n fĆ­sica del animal previa a la lidia mediante entrenamientos estandarizados. / There has been registered 2,225 events of falling syndrome in fighting bulls 3 to 5 years old since 1991 in different bullrings of first and 2nd category the study was carried out observing the methodology and software by Alonso et al.(1995ĀŖ). The present work started with 99.56% of the individuals who showed falls during 1991-1993, with serious problems for the 17.16% of these animals (falls-type 4, 5 and 6) improving the present situation (2014-2016) with a 79.82% of individuals that manifested the syndrome and which only 8.23% experienced the fall-type-4. The manifestation of falls increases during the bullfight, being the milder forms (falls-type 1 and 2) the most common claudication recorded, mainly during the ā€œTercio de muletaā€, generated by the significant increase of its duration. At the same time, it is observed a gradual decrease of the most critical forms of fall, becoming almost non-existent fall-type 5 and 6 in recent years. All of this has been achieved thanks to an improvement in genetic selection and feeding, along with the implementation of the animal's pre-fight physical preparation through standardized training.