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- El emprendimiento en el sistema educativo español
2016 En un mundo globalizado en el que cada vez más la competitividad se plantea como la garantía del éxito para el crecimiento económico, la Unión Europea ha identificado un déficit empresarial respecto a EEUU, al que pretende dar solución a través de la educación desarrollando y fomentando el espíritu emprendedor y el sentido de la iniciativa en las escuelas para promover la cultura empresarial desde los sistemas educativos.
- El arquitecto como coleccionista. El atlas como dispositivo crítico
2015 Las propuestas historiográficas y críticas tradicionales quedan obsoletas al acercarse al fragmentado panorama arquitectónico actual. La diversidad formal y técnica de las propuestas existentes hacen necesarias nuevas taxonomías que se alejen de los sistemas tradicionales, que se muestran insuficientes para establecer un marco crítico común. Son necesarias, pues, aproximaciones integradoras que sean capaces de reconocer en el caos, constelaciones, caminos y temas recurrentes. El principal objetivo de esta investigación es establecer la actualidad del Bilderatlas Mnemosyne de Aby Warburg y sus formas de trabajo ±íntimamente ligadas a un formato que fue diseñado por su discípulo Fritz Saxl± para el estudio y la crítica de la arquitectura contemporánea. Warburg es uno de los referentes culturales de estos últimos años. Padre de la iconología y creador de la Kulturwissenschaft (ciencia de la cultura) es citado en prácticamente todos los ámbitos. Sin embargo, su revival ha venido acompañado de una serie de mitos. Entre ellos, los más destacables son la relación de sus propuestas con las de Walter Benjamin, que conducen a interpretaciones erróneas del legado warburgiano, y aquellos que cuestionan la verdadera naturaleza de su Atlas, que ha llegado hasta nosotros incompleto. Por este motivo, tras una reflexión sobre el trabajo del historiador hamburgués, se propone una crítica de la arquitectura desde paneles de imágenes, desde el collage, que recontextualize las imágenes que lo forman. Aunque los arquitectos son reacios a aproximarse a la arquitectura desde la fotografía, en las publicaciones especializadas del sector hay más de estos documentos que de aquellos dibujos elaborados por los autores. Además considerar que las imágenes no están aisladas, sino siempre en movimiento e interactuando permanentemente, guarda una profunda relación con lo que hoy se llama museo virtual, un banco de datos o red de mapas que recoge cualquier fenómeno que pueda llamarse estético y justificarse como tal. Mnemosyne, a principios del siglo XX, tiene ya una estructura dispositiva semejante a una página web y un diseño de montaje narrativo posmoderno
- Confident perception of primary care physicians correlates to the attitude toward donation and organ transplantation: a multicenter study of medical and nursing Spanish students
2020-03 A primary care physician (PCP) not only accompanies the patient in the process of an illness, but throughout his or her life. The confidence we have in these health professionals is fundamental, and their favorable attitude toward organ donation and transplantation (ODT) has a significant influence on the population. Objective: To analyze trust in PCPs among Spanish medical and nursing students, the relationship with their attitude toward ODT, and the factors that condition it. Methods and Design: A sociologic, multicenter, and observational study. Population: medical and nursing students in Spanish universities. Database: Collaborative International Donor Project, stratified by geographic area and academic course. A validated questionnaire (PCID-DTO-RIOS) was self-administered and completed anonymously. A sample of 9598 medical and 10,566 nursing students (99% confidence and precision of ±1%), stratified by geographic area and year of study. Results: Completion rate: 90%. With respect to students’ trust in their physician, 18% (n = 3267) of them totally trust (completely), 45% (n = 8101) trust enough, 30% (n = 5478) of them have not enough trust, and 7% not at all. Comparing groups, medical students totally trust more in PCPs than nursing students (55% vs 45%; P < .000), however, nursing students have less than enough trust in their PCP than medical students (53% vs 47%; P < .000). Students that totally trust in their PCP were more in favor toward ODT than students with not enough trust (83% vs 77%; P < .000). Conclusion: Only 18% of Spanish medical and nursing students totally trust in their PCP. Attitude toward ODT is related to a higher level of trust in PCPs among these students.
- Secrets of the fungus-specific potassium channel TOK family
2023-05 Several families of potassium (K+) channels are found in membranes of all eukaryotes, underlining the importance of K+ uptake and redistribution within and between cells and organs. Among them, TOK (tandem-pore outward-rectifying K+) channels consist of eight transmembrane domains and two pore domains per subunit organized in dimers. These channels were originally studied in yeast, but recent identifications and characterizations in filamentous fungi shed new light on this fungus-specific K+ channel family. Although their actual function in vivo is often puzzling, recent works indicate a role in cellular K+ homeostasis and even suggest a role in plant–fungus symbioses. This review aims at synthesizing the current knowledge on fungal TOK channels and discussing their potential role in yeasts and filamentous fungi.
- Organ donation related with attitude toward the law of presumed consent: Spanish university medical and nursing students study
2020-03 Introduction: Information provided by health care professionals is crucial to create a climate of social opinion. This is important in organ donation and transplantation (ODT), where the participation of the general public is essential to obtain organs. Objective: To determine the attitude toward the Law of Presumed Consent (LPC) among Spanish university students and to analyze their relation with attitude toward ODT. Methods: and design. The type of study was a sociologic, multicenter, observational study. The population included medical and nursing students in Spanish universities. Database of Collaborative International Donor Project was used stratified by geographic area and academic course. A validated questionnaire (Collaborative International Donor Project, organ donation and transplantation questionnaire in Spanish [PCID-DTO-RIOS]) was self-administered and completed anonymously. A sample of 9598 medical and 10,566 nursing students was analyzed (99% confidence and precision of ±1%) and stratified by geographic area and year of study. Results: Completion rate was 90%. Regarding attitude toward LPC, 66% of the students were against the law, whereas 34% accepted it. Of the students surveyed, 9% considered the law as a gesture of solidarity, 25% as an effective way of not wasting organs, 48% as an abuse of power, and 18% as offenses against the family. Those students who were in favor of LPC also had a more favorable attitude toward ODT (86% vs 76%; P < .001). Comparing groups, nursing students were less in favor of LPC than medical students (32% vs 36%; P < .000). Conclusion: Sixty-six percent of Spanish university medical and nursing students were against the LPC. The favorable attitude toward ODT is associated with considering the law as a gesture of solidarity or as an effective way of not wasting organs.
- El estado autonómico en la lucha contra el cambio climático. Entre la imprecisión competencial y las deficiencias de las relaciones intergubernamentales
2013 La lucha contra el cambio climático (CC) en España es una competencia compartida entre el Estado y las Comunidades Autónomas (CCAA). De esta forma, ambos entes competentes deben colaborar a fin de articular un sistema de acción común coherente en aras a la consecución de un fin con importantes implicaciones sociales, económicas, políticas y ambientales. Es por ello que las relaciones intergubernamentales, ya sean formales o informales, serán un instrumento esencial para evitar duplicidades, solapamientos e incoherencias internas que conlleven la no optimización de los escasos recursos disponibles con los que cuentan tanto el poder central como las regiones. Este trabajo muestra de forma breve el reparto de competencias establecido en el bloque de constitucionalidad y cómo la concepción de la materia como compartida hace necesarias las relaciones intergubernamentales para, posteriormente, describir a grandes rasgos las características de estas en materia de lucha contra el cambio climático y el funcionamiento de los foros formales de relación con los que el Estado y las CCAA cuentan en materia de cambio climático.
- Exploring Health Science students' notions on organ donation and transplantation: a multicenter study
2020-06 The knowledge acquired during university education about organ donation and transplantation (ODT) decisively influences the information future health professionals transmit. This is important in ODT where the participation of the general public is essential to obtain organs. Objective: To determine notions of Spanish medicine and nursing students on ODT and its relationship with attitude toward ODT. Methods and design: and design. We conducted a sociologic, multicenter, and observational study. The population for our study consisted of medical and nursing students in Spanish universities. Our database was the Collaborative International Donor Project, stratified by geographic area and academic course. A validated questionnaire (PCID-DTO-RIOS) was self-administered and completed anonymously. Our sample consisted of 9598 medical and 10,566 nursing students (99% confidence interval; precision of ±1%), stratified by geographic area and year of study. Results: The completion rate for our study was 90%. Only 20% (n=3640) of students thought their notions on ODT were good; 41% (n=7531) thought their notions were normal; 36% (n=6550) thought their notions were scarce. Comparing groups, there were differences between those who believed that their notions on ODT were good (44% nursing vs 56% medical students; P < .000), and those who believed it scarce (54% nursing vs 46% medical students; P < .000). Notions on ODT were related with attitude toward the donation of one's own organs: those who considered their notions were good were more in favor then those who considered it scarce (88% vs 72%; P < .000). Conclusion: Only 20% of Spanish medical and nursing students thought their notions on ODT were good. Having good knowledge is related to a favorable attitude towards ODT. Receiving specific information on the subject could improve their knowledge about ODT during their training.
- Nursing students faced with organ donation: multicenter stratified national study
2022-08 Aim: To analyze the attitude of university nursing students at Spanish universities toward organ donation and transplantation and the factors affecting to their attitude. Background: The opinion of future nurses toward organ transplant donation could have an important influence on the population. Knowing that opinion and what factors influence it is important to improve the attitude towards organ donation and transplantation. Design: A multicenter, sociological, interdisciplinary and observational study including university nursing diploma students in a complete academic year. Methods: Selected and randomized sample was taken of students from 52 of the 111 faculties and nursing schools and faculties in Spain with teaching activity PARTICIPANTS: A sample of 10,566 students was selected stratified by geographical area and year. Measurement instrument: The instrument used was a validated questionnaire of attitude toward organ donation and transplantation, self-administered and completed anonymously. Results: Completion rate: 85 % (n = 9001). Of the students surveyed, 78 % (n = 7040) would donate their organs after dying. Variables related to a favourable attitude: (1) Interest in listening to a talk about organ donation and transplantation [Odds ratio 1.66, 95 % confidence interval 2.05-1.35]; (2) Family discussion [Odds ratio 2.30, 95 % confidence interval 2.79-1.90] or discussion with friends about organ donation and transplantation [Odds ratio 1.56, 95 % confidence interval 1.86-1.31]; (3) Knowing that one's father [Odds ratio 1.54, 95 % confidence interval 1.94-1.22], mother's [Odds ratio 1.44, 95 % confidence interval 1.82-1.13] or partner [Odds ratio 1.28, 95 % confidence interval 1.60-1.03] has a favourable opinion; (4) Having a good self-assessment of information about organ donation and transplantation [Odds ratio 2.94, 95 % confidence interval 4.90-1.78]; (5) Not being worried about possible mutilation of the body after donation [Odds ratio 2.73, 95 % confidence interval 3.36-1.72]. Conclusions: Nursing students in Spain tend to have a favourable attitude toward organ donation and transplantation although more than 20 % of those surveyed are not in favour. Tweetable abstract: To maintain a high rate of organ donation for organ transplantation, it is necessary to improve the social awareness of future generations of nurses towards organ donation.
- Colostrum immunoglobulin G concentration of multiparous Jersey cows at first and second milking is associated with parity, colostrum yield, and time of first milking, and can be estimated with Brix refractometry
2017-07 The objective of this study was to evaluate colostrum IgG concentration harvested at first and second milking from multiparous Jersey cows, the dam's lactation number, colostrum yield, and time of first milking. In addition, we validated the use of a Brix refractometer to estimate IgG concentration in colostrum from multiparous Jersey cows using radial immunodiffusion as the reference method. Colostrum samples and total weight of colostrum harvested at first (n = 134) and second (n = 68) milking were collected from 134 multiparous Jersey cows housed in a California herd. Fresh colostrum samples were analyzed for IgG concentration with Brix refractometry and frozen samples by radial immunodiffusion. A total of 90.4 and 42.7% of the samples from first and second milking met industry standards of quality for IgG concentration (>50 g/L). Second and third lactation cows had similar colostrum IgG concentration but lower than cows on their fourth and greater lactation. At second milking, 56.4% of cows on their fourth or greater lactation had colostrum IgG concentrations >50 g/L. When colostrum yield increased from low (<3 kg), medium (3 to 6 kg), to high (>6 kg), IgG concentration decreased. Higher IgG concentration was observed on colostrum harvested at <6 h (short) versus 6 to 11 h (medium) after calving. However, IgG concentration in colostrum harvested after 11 h (long) was similar to that harvested at short and medium time. Readings of %Brix were highly correlated with IgG at first (r = 0.81) and second (r = 0.77) milking. The best Brix threshold to identify colostrum from first milking with >50 IgG g/L was 20.9% based on logit equations with Youden's index criterion and 18.0% based on accuracy criterion. For colostrum harvested at second milking, similar Brix thresholds were obtained, 19.2 and 19.0%, regardless of whether Youden's index or accuracy was used as the selection criterion. Our results indicate that the dam's lactation number, colostrum yield, and time of first milking relative to calving are associated with IgG concentration in colostrum from multiparous Jersey cows. Second milking colostrum from mature Jersey cows should be evaluated to extend colostrum supply on dairies especially during times of shortage. Readings of %Brix can be used to rapidly estimate IgG concentration in Jersey colostrum harvested at first and second milking.