Dpto. Enfermería y Fisioterapia
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/10637/10413
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- Tratamiento informativo de las drogas en medios de salud en España y su relación con la agenda científica
2013 España se sitúa a la cabeza en consumo de drogas en Europa y, en particular en consumo, y prevalencia de cocaína y cannabis. Sin embargo, la percepción de las drogodependencias como un problema de salud no está instaurada en la sociedad. Con el fin de evaluar como tratan los medios técnico-profesionales especializados en salud la problemática de las drogodependencias en España, se analizan en este estudio la cobertura de información, las sustancias referidas y el valor de intensidad formal de un total de 147 textos, comparándolos con la cobertura hallada en agenda científica en un período de 6 meses. La metodología aplicada es el análisis de contenido de tipo categorial y evaluativo. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la cobertura en estos medios es reducida, la presencia de noticias relacionadas con la cocaína y el cannabis es baja, especialmente en comparación con la agenda científica y que la intensidad con que se tratan esta problemática es media. Todo ello, permite concluir que la problemática de las drogodependencias no es un tema prioritario en la agenda mediática de los soportes, técnico profesionales existiendo diferencias significativas en relación a la agenda científica.
- Advance-care planning implementation through the nursing process
2021-10 If healthcare professionals wish to provide healthcare that protects patients' values and preferences, it is necessary to find a way to systematically implement the Advance-Care Planning process. The purpose of this article is to review the literature and present a theoretical model of Advance-Care Planning implementation through the Nursing Process.
- Determinants of nutritional recovery status and survival time among children from 0 to 14 years old with acute malnutrition admitted to a therapeutic feeding center in Oromia, Southern Ethiopia: a retrospective cohort study
2023-03-09 Some studies have been conducted in Ethiopia to analyze the predictive factors associated with recovery or mortality in children with acute malnutrition, but no recent studies carried out in Oromia have analyze nutritional recovery status in this children. we studied the factors affecting nutritional recovery for survival in acutely malnourished children Southern Ethiopia. cohort study that included the children admitted to the (blinded for review) hospital (Oromia, Ethiopia) for acute malnutrition from January 2015 to December 2016 (n = 440). Kaplan–Meier tests and log-rank tests were used to describe the survival. Chi-squared tests and Spearman and Mann–Whitney U correlation tests were also employed. The mean survival time was shorter in children with severe versus moderate malnutrition at admission (49 days vs. 101 days; log-rank p = 0.042). The survival time was shorter in children with severe acute malnutrition at the time of admission. Survival time of children with moderate acute malnutrition was shorter in children who came from rural areas compared to urban areas. Severe acute malnutrition was associated with hospital stays, death rates, or transfer to another hospital. Practical implications: the results of this study may improve the care of children with malnutrition.
- The effect of virtual reality versus standard-of-care treatment on pain perception during paediatric vaccination: a randomised controlled trial
2024 Aims and Objectives: To determine the effect of immersive virtual reality (VR) on perceived pain and fear in children during vaccination and parental satisfaction with the procedure. Background: Virtual reality can reduce the perception of pain by children but only three studies have analysed its use during vaccination to date; these had small sample sizes and imperfect methodological designs. Design: A randomised controlled clinical trial. Methods: One hundred and sixty participants from the Tres Forques Health Center were randomly assigned to the intervention group (IG) (n = 82) in which distraction with immersive VR was used during the vaccination, while standard distraction techniques were used for the control group (n = 80). The primary outcome was pain (Wong–Baker FACES). Secondary outcomes included (Children's Fear Scale) and parental satisfaction with the vaccination procedure. Chi-squared tests were used for qualitative variables, relationships between quantitative variables were tested with Spearman correlations, and Mann–Whitney U- or Student t-tests were employed to assess the relationship between quantitative and qualitative variables. Results: Compared to the controls, the children in the IG reported significantly less pain and fear, while parental satisfaction was significantly higher. Reported pain and fear did not differ according to the sex of the patient. Child age was not linked to fear but was related to pain: the younger the patient, the greater the pain they described. Conclusions: Immersive VR effectively controlled pain and fear in children during vaccination and increased parent satisfaction with the vaccination process. Patient sex did not influence the level of pain and fear but age did. Relevance to clinical practice: Improving vaccination experiences can reduce perceived pain and fear in children and increase parent satisfaction, thereby enhancing vaccination schedule adherence and improving group immunity. Reporting Method: The CONSORT Statement for non-pharmacological randomised clinical trials were followed.
- El matrimonio cristiano en Clemente de Alejandría desde la antropología filosófica
2019-12-20 Clemente de Alejandría fundó la filosofía cristiana demostrando que fe y filosofía son verdaderamente comple-mentarias. Nacido a mediados del siglo II, inauguró la convergencia y alianza entre el cristianismo y la cultura griega. Sus obras poseen un valor inestimable dentro de la literatura eclesiástica y de la filosofía cristiana de los primeros siglos de la Iglesia. El presente estudio aborda desde la antropo-logía filosófica el pensamiento de Clemente de Alejandría sobre el matrimonio cristiano. Es cierto que el matrimonio no constituye uno de los temas centrales en las obras del autor cristiano, no obstante, dedicó gran parte del tercer libro de los Stromata a refutar doctrinas heréticas surgidas en torno al matrimonio. Este trabajo presenta una reflexión de tipo filosófico sobre los textos que se encuentran en las obras de Clemente de Alejandría en las que fundamenta su visión sobre el matrimonio. La finalidad, características, dignidad del matrimonio así como las segundas nupcias son algunas de las cuestiones que se tratan en este estudio desde la antropología filosófica.