Facultad de Económicas y CC Empresariales

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/10637/9

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    Haciendo de la coordinación una experiencia transversal: el estudio de la Estructura Económica en el siglo XXI desde la perspectiva del largo plazo2019

    CEU San Pablo University, and more specifically its Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, decided to launch a subject that involves the compendium and coordination of two clearly differentiated subjects: Economic History and Economic Structure. This has meant, not only the definition of a single program that integrates all the knowledge of both subjects, but also that two lecturers teach the same subject in the same group. Thus, in Structure and Economic History there is a complete and total coordination of the subjects under study, which allows students to link the knowledge, acquired in both of them. Furthermore, this allows them to develop critical thinking, and to face the analysis of the main economic problems from different perspectives.

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    Prácticas en Empresas: Un modelo de integración de las competencias para el desarrollo profesional2020

    The purpose of this article is to see, through the experience of a group of Academic Tutors of curricular practices, if these serve to prepare the students in the acquisition and development of the competences and abilities that are needed in the present labour market and that serve them for the future. Secondly, we want to analyse what companies think about the training of our students when they work with them during the internship period. We want to test all this through the contents of the Final Reports that both our students and the Company Tutors have to send at the end of the internship period. This information is received through a tool, developed by the University, where students can carry out all the procedures related to the internship and can be in contact too with their Academic Tutor

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    Transformando el Programa Intensivo sobre el Futuro de la Banca y Las Finanzas en un encuentro virtual2021

    El estallido de la pandemia originado por el virus SARSCOVID 19 ha obligado a un replanteamiento de nuestra vida en todos los ámbitos. Inmersos en este nuevo contexto, y con el objeto de continuar ofreciendo a nuestros estudiantes una formación integral que incluya no sólo conocimientos, sino también competencias, que les permitieran incorporarse a un mercado laboral que también se ha transformado radicalmente, se decidió convertir el Programa Intensivo sobre el Futuro de la Banca y las Finanzas en un evento virtual. Durante seis meses se trabajó en un nuevo planteamiento, que ha permitido a los estudiantes participantes continuar trabajando de manera colaborativa en un entorno multicultural.

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    Fomentando el trabajo autónomo y cooperativo en un contexto de cooperación internacional: VI Programa Intensivo sobre el futuro de la banca y las finanzas2019

    Enmarcado dentro del compromiso de la universidad española de formar no sólo en conocimientos sino también en competencias, este trabajo presenta una nueva forma de enfocar la elaboración de los trabajos de fin de grado. En esta propuesta prima la adquisición de competencias transversales por parte del estudiante, combinando el trabajo autónomo con el cooperativo gracias a la colaboración entre varias universidades europeas. A lo largo de su último curso de grado, los estudiantes, guiados por varios profesores, deben investigar sobre varias cuestiones relacionadas con el mundo de la banca, de las finanzas y de la ética, para prepararse de cara al encuentro. Esta preparación previa les permite abordar durante la semana en que tiene lugar el programa intensivo y junto con el resto de compañeros europeos, la elaboración de un trabajo académico desde una perspectiva internacional. Esta investigación, además, les puede servir de base para la posterior elaboración y defensa de su trabajo de fin de grado en su universidad de origen.

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    Why Do Spanish Savings Banks Invest In The Stock Capital Of Publicly Traded Companies?2006

    By definition, Savings Banks form part of what is known as the social economy, so their investment policies must logically comply with objective efficiency and other more subjective social criteria. However, at different moments in time, accusations have been launched against their investment policies, claiming that they have ignored both the above criteria. The aim of this paper is therefore to empirically determine, based on a samples of publicly traded Spanish companies, whether said claims are founded or not. We use a qualitative dependent variable model (logit) to analyse the variables explaining the investment performance of savings banks compared with regular banks, and between savings banks according to whether the company is publicly traded or not. The results indicate that investment in the publicly trading companies in our sample does not comply with efficiency criteria based on business returns, but is mere speculation aimed at market gains.

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    Estudio de la banca privada española durante el franquismo mediante la aplicación de los métodos PROMETHEE2023

    In 1962, the Ley de Bases para la Ordenación del Crédito y de la Banca (LBOCB) was passed, which sought, at least theoretically, to introduce greater competition in the Spanish banking sector. After more than a century, the banking sector was forced to specialize and to choose between the provision of commercial services (the raising of short-term deposits and loans and discounting of bills) or the financing of industrial activities (typical of industrial banking). The sector, characterized by the presence of a multitude of small and medium-sized banks, presented oligopolistic features as more than 80% of the resources were in the hands of the large national banks. The aim of this paper is to characterize the activity of Spanish banks in 1955 and 1965. By means of a multicriteria analysis, a classification of the banks according to different parameters is proposed, with the aim of contrasting whether the banking strategy was similar or not. This work is framed in the tradition of the New Economic History or Cliometrics developed in the 70's of the 20th century, characterized by the interconnection of mathematics, economics, and statistics in the historical analysis.

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    Has the Great Recession and the Pandemic been one of the Triggers for the rise in Unemployment? A Comparative analysis: Türkiye & EU272022-12

    In 1999 the European Council celebrated in Helsinki, on a proposal by the Commission, made Türkiye a candidate country for EU membership. To make further progress in the process, several reforms, both political and economic, had to be implemented. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, to study the evolution of one of the leading macroeconomic indicators: unemployment. Secondly, through the estimation of dynamic econometric models, to analyze the possible differences in the evolution of unemployment in Türkiye and the EU27, depending on variables such as per capita income, population, inflation, investment, or public debt. Furthermore, what has been the effect that relevant events such as the Great Depression of 2008 and the pandemic have had on unemployment?

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    Regulación y concentración bancaria en España: un análisis regional, 1962-19752024-01-31

    En 1962 se aprobaba la Ley de Bases para la Ordenación del Crédito y de la Banca. La finalidad de la nueva ley era acabar con el statu quo bancario, liberalizando el sector y forzando su especialización. Desde un punto de vista de la historia bancaria este período se ha investigado muy profusamente. Sin embargo, estos estudios se han centrado fundamentalmente en el comportamiento del mercado nacional, sin tener en cuenta que el mer cado relevante en el que compiten los bancos privados es el regional y/o el local. La casi inexistencia de datos desagregados por provincias de los balances de la banca privada española para ese período explicaría este hecho. La presente investigación analiza la evolución de la concentración bancaria entre 1963 y 1975 en todas las provincias españolas, con el objetivo de determinar en qué medida el cambio institucional del año 1962 modificó la estructura de estos mercados.

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    GREECE vs. SPAIN: Similarities and Differences in the Evolution of Unemployment in the 21st Century2024-04

    Unemployment is one of the main problems facing today's economies. In the context of the European Union, it is the Mediterranean economies that have traditionally shown a less favorable evolution of unemployment. This paper presents an explanatory model of the evolution of unemployment in two of these Mediterranean economies, Greece, and Spain, since the launching of the European Monetary Union. These were two of the European economies hardest hit by the Great Recession of 2008 and subsequently by the pandemic in 2020, so it is interesting to study which economic factors would explain the evolution of their unemployment rates. For this purpose, economic variables such as GDP pc, the output gap, investment, deficit, the employment rate by educational levels, inflation, labour productivity, labour force and public spending as a percentage of GDP. On the other hand, it is interesting to note to what extent Greece and Spain have or have not shown similar patterns of behavior of their labour markets so far this century, and what kind of economic policy measures could be put in place to ensure that both countries cease to have one of the highest unemployment rates in the EU. Finally, it will be analyzed how they have been affected by the Great Recession and the covid health crisis.

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    Compitiendo con la gran banca privada: la exitosa estrategia de la Caja de Ahorros de Madrid durante el desarrollismo franquista (1962-1975)2024-04-12

    Since their creation in the mid-19th century, savings banks have played a crucial role in the Spanish economy, not only at the national level but also regionally and locally. These centuries-old institutions have deep roots in the municipalities and provinces where they offered their services. From the beginning of the 20th century, they became significant competitors to private banks. Recognizing that the working classes, traditional customers of the savings banks, would be key to their development in the medium term, private banks established their own savings sections. In this context, the Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Madrid, during Franco's regime—a period financially dominated by private banks—managed to capture a large portion of the savings resources in the province of Madrid and positioned itself alongside the major national banks of the era. What strategy did it employ during a period characterized by significant legislative changes aimed at increasing competition in the sector? How did a savings bank manage to compete on an equal footing with the powerful national banks of Franco's regime? These are the main questions this article aims to answer.