Escuela de Politécnica Superior

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    Una lectura de los vínculos interesados entre arquitectura y poder desde la Semiótica: El caso de Albert Speer2019-05

    Poder y Arquitectura han establecido vínculos interesados a lo largo del tiempo, demandando el primero, por voluntad impuesta, la manifestación iconográfica de esta que a su vez representa en sus diferentes estilos el mensaje ideológico requerido. El régimen nazi extremó esta alianza fáustica con una simbiosis simbólica fascinadora en su lenguaje codificado. Albert Speer, el brillante arquitecto del Führer visionario, quedó atrapado en esta atmósfera que cultivaba la idolatría al líder carismático dentro de una visión totalizante. Sirvió de instrumento eficaz en la creación de la arquitectura expresiva del político hasta el punto de lograr fijar en piedra la palabra del poder. Proponemos una mirada desde la Semiótica, como dispositivo complementario de análisis arquitectónico ya que no solo la arquitectura es funcionalidad, sino también expresión, emoción, y, sobre todo, comunicación. Speer alcanza sus mayores logros al conseguir en sus escenografías arquitectónicas un espacio cohesivo en el que la representación del poder absoluto llega al clímax emocional común, destinado a un público narcotizado en la fascinación colectiva. Es la semiótica, aún con sus limitaciones en su necesidad de reestructuración continua para las descodificaciones, donde las ideologías y la circunstancia perturban el mensaje, un eficaz instrumento analítico, entre otros, aplicable al campo arquitectónico.

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    Cognitive Diversity in the Classroom: the Role of Attention and Engagement in the Teaching-Learning Process in the Face of Dropout Rates in Higher Education2022-07-04

    The idea of a classroom composed of students with more or less homogeneous characteristics is a chimera: we are increasingly finding heterogeneous teaching scenarios where students with a wide social diversity are grouped together. There are many studies on social inclusion through teaching strategies, PBL, etc., including on the attitudes and training on inclusion of university teachers focused on students with disabilities (2); but if we are not only referring to social, ethnic or cultural diversity, which causes a large part of the problems of inclusion, but also to diversity in levels of motivation, attention span and educational needs -cognitive diversity-, there are few studies on the inclusive role of attention and academic engagement in the classroom (19,28). Academic engagement in higher education creates, according to the latest research, an affective commitment that positively influences the degree to which students are involved, connected and actively engaged in learning and the degree to which teachers are involved in and improve their teaching (16). On the other hand, cognitive diversity in the classroom or knowledge-related diversity reflects the variety of student perspectives on learning, with the potential to enrich the group by diversifying and broadening heuristics and mental models, but may also show certain disabilities that hinder academic performance. The attached research proposal explores all of these parameters to help increase quality, equity, inclusion and success for all in education and training.

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    Building Materials and Their Impact on the Environment2022-03-16

    Traditionally, in the construction sector it has been common to use materials indigenous to the construction site, such as bricks, cork, wood, etc. and this has significantly reduced energy costs and environmental impact. Similarly, there has been an adjustment of building design to local climatic conditions, resulting in improved building quality and thermal comfort for occupants. Currently, the massive use of global materials such as cement, aluminum, concrete, PVC, etc., has led to a significant increase in energy and environmental costs.

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    Reconocer, Reconsiderar, Reconvertir: la mirada de Loos en tres actos2014

    El viaje aquí propuesto se inicia con una mirada de aparente corto alcance. Se mira a lo ordinario, a todo aquello que en los hábitos cotidianos nos rodea con su acostumbrada presencia y cuya frecuencia es continua como los objetos diarios, los usos conocidos, los modos habituales. En definitiva, un universo de alteridades que la arquitectura generalmente ha excluido de su ámbito especulativo. Es ahora, en la incertidumbre del cambio permanente y después del fin del positivismo moderno, cuando se hace necesario un replanteamiento de los procedimientos creativos que abra posibilidades de redefinición disciplinar, en busca de la formulación de lo inesperado y del hallazgo de lo extraordinario. Acompañados del arquitecto Adolf Loos y de su actitud crítica innovadora en la búsqueda de una modernidad distinta, de otra alteridad, se propone un recorrido por su trayectoria personal en tres actos –Miller, Möller Müller– ligados correlativamente a tres actitudes –Reconocer, Reconsiderar, Reconvertir– para descubrir otra manera de pensar, actuar y producir.

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    Construction parameters that affect the air leaks of the envelope in dwellings in Madrid2023-09-13

    In buildings, ventilation, or rather, a lack of airtightness facilitates air leaks, from the outside to the inside and vice versa, and is not controlled. Cold air enters through the enclosure, and warm air is lost to the outdoors, due to the poor hermeticity of the facades, roofs, carpentry, ducts, etc. In order to quantify the airtightness in multi-family dwellings in Madrid, 151 blower door tests have been carried out in multi-family dwellings built in different periods whose execution has been regulated by the UNE-EN 13829 standard. Through its quantification by an n50 value, the average values of 5.8 renovations per hour have been obtained in addition to detecting the main points where air infiltration occurs. The constant improvement in the transmittance of construction elements has indicated that the entry of outside air has a progressively greater relevance to the total energy consumed by the residential sector while facilitating the uncontrolled movement of air through the building envelope. This not only implies higher energy consumption but also generates a series of problems that affect the health of the occupants, such as a lack of thermal comfort, entry of pollutants and odours, noise, inadequate operation of ventilation systems, and less protection against fire.

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    Acondicionamiento higrotérmico en un módulo urbano mediante cicloenergía eléctrica de propulsión humana para climas cálidos2019-10

    Utilization of the energy obtained through the recreational use of the leisure zones by means of human-powered traction using mini-bike pedals as a renewable source intended to produce accumulative energy. Energy is generated through the physical and sporty activity of pedalling. Such energy is subsequently accumulated in batteries using two alternators for its later use transforming it into environmental conditioning and lighting. A system capable of transforming physical exercise into power generation intended for lighting, artificial shade, and coolness is proposed. This system provides a solution to obtain artificial shade and coolness by means of the nebulization of water vapour in environments of hard urbanism, which allows humanizing the city through a participative citizen action. Such nebulization is obtained through the process of transforming the human renewable source of pedaling into energy for environmental conditioning and hygrothermal comfort through a bioclimatic strategy. A study is carried out in order to analyse the bioclimatic conditions of the environment in order to create urban facilities, which guarantee optimal habitability conditions by taking advantage of those factors, which provide quality of life and social development, such as environmental aesthetics, level of environmental stress, pedestrian areas, and leisure zones, among others. In the recent past years, the design of urban facilities, which encourage social relations and a healthy life, is in increasing evolution referring to the first designs installed in the parks and gardens of the cities. However, nowadays there is not system capable of integrating more significantly physical exercise and power generation intended for lighting, artificial shade, and coolness.