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    Análisis conceptual del propósito corporativo: sostenibilidad, RSC, ODS y comunicación2024

    Este artículo presenta una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre el concepto de propósito corporativo (PC) y reflexiona sobre su relación con nociones como sostenibilidad, RSC, ODS y comunicación. La definición y la activación del PC en las empresas es una tendencia en la gestión actual de intangibles. Tras una búsqueda de artículos en Web of Science y Scopus, y una vez aplicados los filtros correspondientes, se analizan 50 artículos a partir de técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas. Entre los hallazgos se detectaron cinco ámbitos principales de conocimiento que estudian el PC (gobierno corporativo, gestión empresarial, derecho, economía y comunicación) y ocho criterios comunes en las diferentes definiciones aportadas. Asimismo, la discusión de los resultados permite concluir que, a diferencia de la estrecha relación entre el PC con la RSC y la sostenibilidad, la literatura que estudia su vinculación con los ODS es escasa, como también lo es aquella que estudia la forma de comunicar la razón de ser de una empresa y su narrativa social. Finalmente, se realiza una nueva definición de PC que busca unificar criterios y aportar cierta paridad ante un concepto que presenta múltiples interpretaciones y reflexiones.

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    The strategic value of corporate social responsibility CSR: the present and future of its management2022-04-04

    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become the central theme of many debates on the role of organizations in society in recent years. The voluntary incorporation of strategies that influence economic profitability and in turn social and environmental issues is already a reality in companies. This article has several aims: (1) to analyse whether CSR is strategic and cross-cutting for companies and whether there exists a true dialogue between companies and stakeholders; (2) to identify the functions, relationships and quality of CSR or sustainability directors; (3) to determine the main challenges for the future; (4) to reflect on the impact that Covid-19 has had on the development of CSR in businesses. The study was based on the Delphi method and employed a sample of 20 experts: 10 academics (lecturers and researchers) and 10 professionals (communication and CSR directors, and CSR and reputation consultants). The results reveal that: (1) with the exception of SMEs, CSR management in companies is strategic and cross-cutting; (2) there is no reciprocal dialogue between companies and stakeholders; (3) the functions carried out by CSR directors can be classified as analytical, strategic, tactical and communicative; (4) the most outstanding qualities of the CSR director are communication skills, deep knowledge of the company and a willingness to work as part of a team; (5) the main challenge for senior management for the future is to be more strategic; (6) Covid-19 has changed the focus in CSR areas of action and in the prioritization of stakeholders. In short, we conclude that CSR management is well rooted in companies and represents a true transformation for businesses as social entities.A