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- Engaging students through social media. Findings for the top five universities in the world
2022 Instagram has become a fundamental tool for information, communication and interaction, especially among younger individuals. The literature has analysed user interactions on this social network to determine the extent to which they are capable of generating engagement. The purpose of this study is to explore the ability of the official Instagram accounts of the world top 5 universities to generate engagement among their users. All posts on Instagram over the course of one academic year by these 5 universities (758 posts) were encoded and a comparative analysis carried out using multivariate modelling. This study aims to help identify which variables generate greatest engagement among users, providing strategic proposals for marketing management on this social network. Social network managers at higher education institutions will discover in the findings of this research patterns behind the posts and communication strategies that can generate greatest engagement, thus generating more valuable relationships with stakeholders.
- Insights into user engagement on social media. Case study of a higher education institution
2020 The interactions of users in social networks have been analyzed in the literature as sources of information on their ability to generate engagement among stakeholders in higher education institutes, which make more tactical than strategic use of social networks. This study helps identify which variables generate greater participation in Instagram users, providing strategic proposals for digital marketing. From the codification of all the publications published by a university in a social network site during the period of one year, a comparative analysis was carried out through a multivariate model. The results provide important and timely implications for both universities and higher education professionals. Our findings suggest that higher education marketing specialists should develop stronger and more consistent communication strategies to establish more valuable relationships with stakeholders. The administrators of the social networks of higher education institutions can find patterns in those publications that generate a greater participation in this study.
- Research rigor and the gap between academic journals and business practitioners
2017-09-11 Purpose: This paper examines the engagement of business practitioners with academic business research. The main purpose is to assess whether there is a gap between academic research and business people, and, if so, how to bridge this gap. Design/methodology/approach: Over 150 senior business practitioners were surveyed, in order to capture their views on the usefulness of academic research to them in their roles as practicing managers. Survey questions covered both their current access and reading of business related publications and what the ideal academic business journal should be, in terms of access and contents. Findings: Academic journals are not very well known among business professionals. If these professionals could choose, they would like academic journals to be written by experienced business people, to contain business cases and to be accessible on line. Existing academic business journal ‘repositories’, such as Google Scholar, are not mentioned in the survey results. Practical implications: The findings indicate that potential solutions to bridge the gap between academic journals and business practitioners should not be overly complicated to implement, and would greatly help bring these two communities closer, with mutually enriching results. Originality/value: This article takes a very pragmatic view of the gap between academic journals and business practitioners, and seeks to assess this gap in terms of how it can be bridged on an everyday basis, rather than take a theoretical approach. It begs for the definition of actionable next steps.
- The instructional simulation in the business environment and attitude towards entrepreneurship in improving oral communication in English
2018-06 This article is an empirical study to analyze the oral production in English by simulation as a teaching instructional strategy among college students of Business Management at the University Abat Oliba CEU. A design group pre-test and post-test in the overall assessment of oral expression variable is used. Quantitative data on progress and contribution to learning English with the simulation were collected in a questionnaire online. The results show how the instructional simulation and the use of new technologies are effective tools in the acquisition of language skills in English.
- Elements d'estadística administrativa
1999 El libro "Elements d'estadística administrativa" aborda los fundamentos y conceptos esenciales de la estadística administrativa. La obra ofrece una perspectiva detallada sobre el uso de datos estadísticos en el ámbito de la administración pública y la seguridad. A través de su contenido, la autora explora los elementos clave de la estadística que son relevantes para la toma de decisiones administrativas, proporcionando una guía comprensiva y práctica para aquellos involucrados en la gestión gubernamental. El libro busca facilitar la comprensión y aplicación de los principios estadísticos en el contexto administrativo.
- L'urbanisme a la ciutat de Palma de Mallorca
2000 Obra galardonada con el Premio de Investigación en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales Ciutat de Palma 1998. El libro "L'urbanisme a la ciutat de Palma de Mallorca" examina la evolución urbanística de la ciudad de Palma desde su fundación romana hasta analizar las políticas urbanísticas de los noventa. A lo largo de sus páginas, se realiza un detallado recorrido histórico, abordando los cambios significativos en la planificación y el desarrollo urbano de la ciudad. Se exploran las transformaciones arquitectónicas y urbanísticas que ha experimentado Palma, desde su origen romano hasta llegar a las políticas urbanísticas implementadas en la década de los noventa. El libro ofrece una visión integral de la historia urbanística de Palma, destacando cómo diversas épocas y decisiones políticas han dejado su huella en la configuración y estructura de la ciudad
- Políticas sociolaborales. Un enfoque multidisciplinar
2004 Por primera vez se ofrece en un solo volumen una aproximación politológica, el examen socioeconómico y el análisis jurídico de las políticas públicas sociolaborales. Su enfoque pluridisciplinar permite tratar los principales elementos de esta materia de forma unitaria, conjunta y coordinada. La primera parte nos introduce en el tema de las políticas públicas, en general, y en el de las políticas sociolaborales, en particular. La segunda nos permite un completo estudio de las políticas sociales y laborales de los estados contemporáneos. Y la tercera completa la obra con un extenso análisis de los aspectos jurídicos de las políticas sociolaborales.
- Instrumentos solidarios en tiempos de crisis
2012 La situación económica en Europa no pasa por sus mejores momentos. Hay dudas a todos los niveles: políticos, económicos, sociales, incluso ideológicos. La solución no es fácil ni es única pero sí hay instrumentos solidarios que la sociedad puede utilizar para paliar los efectos negativos de todo ello. Nos referimos a las empresas de inserción en sus diferentes modalidades, que pueden ayudar a mejorar el nivel de ocupación. También a los instrumentos financieros, que van desde la experiencia histórica de la banca islámica, a las políticas públicas procedentes de los Fondos Europeos, pasando por las iniciativas privadas basadas en los microcréditos y las monedas solidarias. Todos estos elementos, en su conjunto, nos aportan una forma de salida y de cooperación con la empresa tradicional, para solucionar los problemas actuales, al mismo tiempo que nos ayudan a comprender qué buscan las empresas cuando se refieren al beneficio social y a la responsabilidad que tienen frente a la sociedad
- New Forms of Organisation in Knowledge-Base Societies
2013 'Social innovation’ can be simply defined as the new ideas and initiatives that make it possible to meet our society’s challenges in areas such as the environment, education, employment, culture, health and economic development. It is currently becoming increasingly important as a central concept for social theories and politics. This edited volume brings together interdisciplinary contributions which examine the complex interrelation between innovation and social problems, a link which has been surprisingly underexplored in academia and practice thus far. Social Innovation: New Forms of Organisation in Knowledge–Based Societies examines the mutual interdependence of innovation processes and social affairs. This interdependent relationship is characterised by a high degree of complexity which stems on the one hand from the true uncertain character of innovation and on the other hand from the different time scales in both domains. The alliance between innovation and social policy is highly relevant to the challenges which we are facing in the 21st century, such as resource scarcity, ageing societies and climate change. All of these issues demand substantial, continuous and sustainable structural change to maintain international competitiveness. Social change can only be understood by improving our knowledge about the impact of innovation processes in their co-evolutionary alliance with social evolution. The purpose of this book is to increase awareness of social participation among civil society organisations, SMEs, governments and research institutions, in order to promote economic, political and social changes that enhance collective welfare. This volume offers a key starting point for those looking to further explore this important realm of social research.
- Responsabilidad y empresa familiar
2016 Las empresas familiares, tanto en España como en el resto del mundo, son el elemento fundamental de la actividad económica, tal como lo demuestra su importante participación en términos de creación de riqueza y empleo. El presente libro, que surge en el seno de la Cátedra de Empresa familiar y Creación de Empresas de la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, ofrece una radiografía completa de los diferentes tipos de responsabilidad empresarial, desde la responsabilidad social corporativa, la gestión de los recursos humanos, el emprendimiento, la responsabilidad económica y financiera en la empresa, etc., y lo hace a través de la concienciación de valores que vienen impuestos por la necesidad de sensibilizar a las empresas sobre una ejecución eficiente de responsabilidad y sostenibilidad. Se trata de un texto de gran interés no sólo académico, sino también empresarial, ya que permite conocer y profundizar sobre los pilares en los que debe asentarse una empresa responsable y sostenible a través de un enfoque integral y multidisciplinar en el que se ha puesto énfasis en las peculiaridades de la empresa familiar, buscando dar una respuesta específica a sus características