80 | 31, pp. 63-86 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2020

Open political parties: applying the principles of Open Government to Spanish political affiliations

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Figure 3: Results of a consultation of Unidas Podemos

Source: https://podemos.info/consulta-estatal-voto-podemos-xiii-legislatura/ (Consultation: 09/03/2020)

On the other hand, the collection of signatures from political parties to propose Popular Legislative Initiatives was not found. As for digital applications, Unidas Podemos was the only party that used nVotes for some consultations and a free software called Consul.

After analysing the decision-making initiatives, those related to collaboration were taken into account:

In this regard, none of the parties offered citizens or supporters a tool for proposing electoral programme measures, although Unidas Podemos did have a system for registered users to vote for or against the programme proposed by the party.

Only the PSOE had a system for making complaints or suggestions on its participation platform, while the other parties only allowed this to be done by email.