doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 63-86 | 79

July-December of 2020

María Díez-Garrido

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

acceptable level at 53.76% (15 points), which is a barely passing score. The PSOE obtained 35.71% of the aspects possible (15); Ciudadanos, 28.57% (12); and the PP, 16.6% (7). Even though the score for Unidas Podemos was not very high, it managed to triple the mark of the PP, which shows the lack of commitment by parties in this area.

Graph 3: Results of Section III (Decision-making and Collaboration)

Source: Prepared by the author

As in the previous section, the presence of decision-making and collaboration in the statutes of the political parties was also reviewed. The PSOE, Unidas Podemos and Ciudadanos made mention this aspect. As all three parties have internal democratic processes, they mention this feature in their statutes. With regard to collaborative systems, the possibility of participating in election campaigns, as well as involvement in fundraising and other activities, was also mentioned. At the same time, the PP did mention the process of internal democracy created to elect the candidate for President of the Government (a process applied on only one occasion), as well as to elect those of the members who will collaborate in the election campaigns, and the option of allowing different experts to contribute their knowledge.

All of the parties have regulations for these internal democratic systems, but none of them had specific regulations for the collaborative processes.

As mentioned above, the existence of regulated procedures of internal party democracy was valued as an essential part of decision-making, which is something that the PSOE, Unidas Podemos, and Cs counted on, both for the President of the Government as well as for local and regional procedures. By contrast, the PP only had this system for selecting the candidate for President of the Government, which was established at the 18th People’s Congress in February 2017.

With regard to the decision-making initiatives investigated, neither the PP nor the Ciudadanos party carried out any citizen consultations, while the PSOE had recently performed this task, but it was only a potential consultation. On the other hand, Unidas Podemos does have a system for consulting its members, which they use with some frequency on their participation portal.