doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 63-86 | 81

July-December of 2020

María Díez-Garrido

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Figure 4: PSOE tool to make complaints or suggestions

Source: (Consultation: 09/03/2020)

A space dedicated to surveys was found only in the case of the PSOE, although the party had last used this tool in 2014.

None of the parties had a means for sending materials, wiki tools, or crowdsourcing, which would allow them to benefit from the volition and knowledge of citizens.

Unidas Podemos was the only party to publicise collaborative efforts in face-to-face election campaigns on its website. For their part, the PSOE, Unidas Podemos and Cs had networks that were developed for the purpose of promoting messages on social networks. The PP only disseminated the tags used on the networks.

Once again, Unidas Podemos was the only political party that offered a system for users to collaborate in social movement campaigns. This was the IMPULSA programme, which finances innovative social projects using the surplus from the party’s public expense accounts. This initiative enables non-profit organisations as well as Citizens’ Groups and Councils to apply for funding to develop social movements7.

Finally, none of the parties promoted face-to-face collaborative initiatives, such as workshops, laboratories and similar events.

4. Conclusions and discussion

This work represents an initial approach to the concept of open political parties, which until now has not been present in any academic study. As such, the objective is to continue evaluating the openness of political parties from time to time so that there is a record of their degree of development over the years.

After carrying out the Delphi study for the purpose of creating the Guide to Best Practice for Open Political Parties, a definition was reached as to what characteristics must be fulfilled by political organizations in order to be considered

7 Source:ón_170629.pdf