78 | 31, pp. 63-86 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2020

Open political parties: applying the principles of Open Government to Spanish political affiliations

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

would be ground-breaking if the parties decided to follow this path and took an interest in the concerns and ideas of citizens.

Unidas Podemos was the only party with tools to make proposals. Specifically, they had two. One was called Iniciativas Ciudadanas (Citizen Initiatives), and the other, Iniciativas Ciudadanas Populares (Popular Citizen Initiatives). The first was replaced by the second, although the archive remains on the participation platform. The functioning has remained the same: those registered can make proposals, and if they have enough support, they can go on to debate them in a binding referendum. In addition, those registered can comment on the initiatives proposed by others.

All of the political parties, with the exception of Ciudadanos, offered the possibility of sharing content on various social networks in most of their sections (Cs only did so in the Actualidad -News section), yet none of the parties allowed comments on the sections. This research has also investigated possible technological innovations that political parties might be able to apply to deliberation. For this reason, the existence of chatbots or virtual assistants was verified (Campos-Domínguez and García-Orosa, 2018), yet none of the parties provided these services. The use of these services would mean a great technological advance and a step forward in the relationship between transparency and robotics.

The tools that all the parties did have were the notification services through Telegram and WhatsApp, so it can be confirmed that these instruments are widespread among Spanish political parties. Even so, it should be noted that in the case of Cs, its WhatsApp channel was not mentioned on its website, but instead this information appeared in one of the party’s Facebook posts. Similarly, all of the parties except Ciudadanos had a notification service by email or an RSS system. The group led by Albert Rivera only offered to send information about the party to people who became supporters. As expected, the four parties made contact available to citizens via e-mail or through a comparable contact form.

With regard to digital discussion platforms, Unidas Podemos was the only party to have one on Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/podemos/), where users can post messages on different topics, comment on other publications, and vote for or against them.

Face-to-face deliberative events were also taken into account, as the debate is not only on the Internet. The websites showed that the PP and PSOE held regular meetings with supporters and various other groups, as well as various information days. The PSOE also held face-to-face debate forums as well. All of the parties, except for Ciudadanos, had held conferences before the analysis was carried out and information related to such meetings was available on the website. Furthermore, as this analysis was carried out during the election campaign, political rallies held at the time were also taken into account.

These results confirm that all parties must continue to strengthen deliberation, especially the Partido Popular, and above all, Ciudadanos, as they did not obtain satisfactory results. It must not be forgotten that deliberation is the basis of any participatory debate, and therefore, initiatives must be developed to promote debate in which citizens are involved.

Section III. Decision-making and Collaboration

The last section, which studied the participatory and collaborative measures of the political parties, was the part for which all parties received the worst scores. The average of all four was 33.92% was a fail. Only Unidas Podemos reached an