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CE as orthogonal technique to HPLC for alprazolam degradation product identification.


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Title: CE as orthogonal technique to HPLC for alprazolam degradation product identification.
Authors : Saavedra, Luis
Huidobro, Ángel Luis
García, Antonio
Cabanelas, José Carlos
González, María G.
Barbas Arribas, Coral.
Keywords: Capillary coating.Impurities.Poly(3-aminopropylmethoxysilane.Pharmaceutical analysis.
Abstract: The control of degradation products is currently a critical issue to the pharmaceutical industry. A degradation product that appeared in alprazolam tablets during their stability assay, 7-chloro-1-methyl-5-phenyl-[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a]quinolin-4-amine, also named triazolaminoquinoline, was tested as possible candidate in the HPLC method employed for the study. The impurity showed the same retention time and spectra as the degradation product; but as all these compounds are very closely related, a confirmation with an independent technique was necessary, and CE was chosen for that purpose. Problems related to the adsorption of the analytes to the negatively charged silica surface were solved by employing a new polymeric capillary coating consisting of poly(3-aminopropylmethylsiloxane). The polymer provided EOF towards the anode, and the two compounds were separated in less than 8 min in a 60 cm total-length capillary, 75 mm id capillary with a BGE containing 50 mM phosphate buffer at pH 2.0 with 20% ACN. When the sample containing the degradation product was injected, the presence of triazolaminoquinoline was confirmed.
Description: En: Electrophoresis, ISSN 1522-2683, 2006, 27 : 2360-2366 p.. ISSN 1522-2683
Artículo en colaboración con: Angel Luis Huidobro, Antonia García, Jose Carlos Cabanelas, María G. González, Coral Barbas
Rights :
Issue Date: 19-Sep-2006
Center : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Appears in Collections:Facultad de Farmacia

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