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An improvement of flow front computation through Bézier Shape Deformation guaranteeing mass conservation law


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Title: An improvement of flow front computation through Bézier Shape Deformation guaranteeing mass conservation law
Authors : Falcó Montesinos, Antonio
Montés Sánchez, Nicolás
Sánchez López, Fernando
Hilario Pérez, Lucía
Keywords: Teorías no lineales.Ondas no lineales.Métodos iterativos (Matemáticas)Informática - Aplicaciones en geometría.Curvas - Simulación por ordenador.Modelos matemáticos.
Citation: Hilario, L., Falcó, A., Montés, N. & Sánchez, F. (2010). "An improvement of flow front computation through Bézier Shape Deformation guaranteeing mass conservation law". International Journal of Material Forming, vol. 3, n. 1 Supplement, p. 923-926. DOI:
Description: Este es el pre-print de Hilario, L., Falcó, A., Montés, N. & Sánchez, F. (2010). "An improvement of flow front computation through Bézier Shape Deformation guaranteeing mass conservation law". International Journal of Material Forming, vol. 3, n. 1 Supplement, p. 923-926, que se ha publicado a texto completo en
Rights :
ISSN: 1960-6206
Issue Date: 1-Apr-2010
Center : Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU
Appears in Collections:Dpto. Matemáticas, Física y Ciencias Tecnológicas

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