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Recent developments in data acquisition, treatment and analysis with ion mobility-mass spectrometry for lipidomics

Title: Recent developments in data acquisition, treatment and analysis with ion mobility-mass spectrometry for lipidomics
Authors : Moran Garrido, María
Camunas-Alberca, Sandra M.
Gil de la Fuente, Alberto
Mariscal, Antonio
Gradillas Nicolás, Ana
Barbas Arribas, Coral.
Sáiz Galindo, Jorge
Keywords: AcquisitionDataDatabasesIon mobilityLipidomicsMass spectrometry
Publisher: Wiley
Citation: Moran-Garrido, M., Camunas-Alberca, S. M., Gil-de-la Fuente, A., Mariscal, A., Gradillas, A., Barbas, C., & Sáiz, J. (2022). Recent developments in data acquisition, treatment and analysis with ion mobility-mass spectrometry for lipidomics. Proteomics, 22, e2100328.
Abstract: Lipids are involved in many biological processes and their study is constantly increasing. To identify a lipid among thousand requires of reliablemethods and techniques. Ion Mobility (IM) can be coupled with Mass Spectrometry (MS) to increase analytical selectivity in lipid analysis of lipids. IM-MS has experienced an enormous development in several aspects, including instrumentation, sensitivity, amount of information collected and lipid identification capabilities. This review summarizes the latest developments in IM-MS analyses for lipidomics and focuses on the current acquisition modes in IM-MS, the approaches for the pre-treatment of the acquired data and the subsequent data analysis.Methods and tools for the calculation of Collision Cross Section (CCS) values of analytes are also reviewed. CCS values are commonly studied to support the identification of lipids, providing a quasi-orthogonal property that increases the confidence level in the annotation of compounds and can be matched in CCS databases. The information contained in this review might be of help to new users of IM-MS to decide the adequate instrumentation and software to perform IM-MS experiments for lipid analyses, but also for other experienced researchers that can reconsider their routines and protocols.
Rights :
ISSN: 1615-9861
Supported by: Acuerdo Transformativo - 2022
Issue Date: 2-Jun-2022
Center : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Appears in Collections:Facultad de Farmacia

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