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Application of artificial vision in flow redirection during filling of liquid composite molding processes


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Title: Application of artificial vision in flow redirection during filling of liquid composite molding processes
Authors : Falcó Montesinos, Antonio
Chinesta, Francisco
Sánchez López, Fernando
Tornero Montserrat, Josep
García, J. A.
Montés Sánchez, Nicolás
Keywords: Gums and resins.Métodos de simulación.Manufacturing processes.Structural optimization.Simulation methods.Procesos industriales.Optimización estructural.Gomas y resinas.
Publisher: American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Citation: Montés, N., Sánchez, F., García, J.A., Falcó, A., Tornero, J. & Chinesta, F. (2007). Application of artificial vision in flow redirection during filling of liquid composite molding processes. En Cueto, E. and Chinesta, F. "10th. ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming : AIP Conference Proceedings", v. 907, p. 902-907.
Description: Esta ponencia forma parte del 10th. ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming que se celebró en Zaragoza (España) del 18 al 20 de abril de 2007.
Rights :
ISBN: 9780735404144
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2007
Center : Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU
Appears in Collections:Dpto. Matemáticas, Física y Ciencias Tecnológicas

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