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Towards a sustainable active virtual learning model

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Título : Towards a sustainable active virtual learning model
Autor : Polyakova, Oksana
Galstyan Sargsyan, Ruzana
Materias: Enseñanza universitariaHigher educationAprendizaje en líneaVirtual learningMétodo de aprendizajeLearning methodsDesarrollo sostenibleSustainable development
Editorial : Octaedro
Citación : Polyakova, O. & Galstyan-Sargsyan, R. (2022). Towards a sustainable active virtual learning model. En Esteve Faubel, J.M. ... et al. (eds.). Transformando la educación a través del conocimiento (pp. 1020-1035). Barcelona: Octaedro.
Resumen : Although substantial research has been dedicated to refining active learning in recent years, minor improvements have been made to its development within the virtual environment oriented towards sustainability. Few information theorists and practitioners would argue the necessity of the metacognitive evolution of training processes performed via telecollaboration. These problems can be solved by using Active Learning Methodologies and Cooperative approaches. Our research examines the Sustainable Active Virtual Learning or SAVL model, which combines relevant social, academic, competential and sustainable development factors. We analyse four case studies` outcomes accomplished through inter-university virtual collaboration; each followed a different final task engagement (case study 1 – portfolio, case study 2 – video, case study 3 –presentation and case study 4– poster). The study showed that virtual collaboration might be leveraged to build creative learning environments, allowing more cost-effective university training options. Given the current growth of internet-based educational exchanges, instructors and students will appreciate the suggested model. The proposed model application for enhancing online interactions helps overcome such challenges as schedules or grading systems and boosts learning motivation and purposefulness.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/10637/16103
Derechos: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/deed.es
Open Access
ISBN : 9788419506733
Fecha de publicación : nov-2022
Centro : Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU
Aparece en las colecciones: Dpto. Humanidades

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