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Constrictive myelopathy secondary to caudal articular vertebral process dysplasia in West Highland white terrier dogs

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Título : Constrictive myelopathy secondary to caudal articular vertebral process dysplasia in West Highland white terrier dogs
Autor : Ros, Carlos
Fuente, Cristian de la
García de Carellán Mateo, Alejandra
Laborda Vidal, Patricia
Materias: DisplasiaDysplasiaPerrosDogsAnimal diseasesEnfermedad animalDiagnósticoDiagnosisMédula espinalSpinal cord
Editorial : Canadian Veterinary Medical Association
Citación : Ros, C., de la Fuente, C., de Carellán Mateo, A.G. & Laborda-Vidal, P. (2020). Constrictive myelopathy secondary to caudal articular vertebral process dysplasia in West Highland white terrier dogs. The Canadian Veterinary Journal, vol. 61, i. 11 (nov.), pp. 1155–1158.
Resumen : Clinical signs, imaging findings and long-term follow-up of 3 West Highland white terrier dogs with constrictive myelopathy secondary to caudal articular vertebral process dysplasia are described. Clinical signs were consistent with an acute or chronic T3–L3 myelopathy in all dogs. Diagnostic imaging revealed hypoplasia or aplasia of the caudal articular vertebral processes, extradural compressive myelographic pattern (hourglass-like pattern) with a reduced diameter of the spinal cord, and focal thickening of extradural soft tissues. Medical treatment initially improved the clinical signs in 2 dogs; however, mild proprioceptive deficits remained in all cases.
Descripción : Este recurso no está disponible en acceso abierto por política de la editorial.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/10637/15294
Derechos: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed.es
ISSN : 0008-5286
Fecha de publicación : nov-2020
Centro : Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU
Aparece en las colecciones: Dpto. Medicina y Cirugía Animal

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