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An ABP model for the development of transversal competences in university students


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Title: An ABP model for the development of transversal competences in university students
Authors : Baura García, Eduardo
Gallego Jiménez, María Gloria
Milán Fitera, Antonio
Keywords: Project-based learningTransversal competencesActive methodologiesCooperative learning
Publisher: Dykinson
Citation: Baura García, E.; Gallego-Jiménez, M. G.; Milán Fitera, A., “An ABP Model for the Development of transversal competences in University Students”, en Bonilla Quijada, M. R., García Bellido, M. R., Rey-Stolle Valcarce, M. F. y Villagrasa Sebastián, V. (coords.), Iniciatives to Educational and Teaching Innovation, Dykinson, 2023, pp. 267-272
Abstract: Project Based Learning (PBL) has been widely proved as a suitable methodology for developing transversal competences. This chapter proposes a didactic experience using this methodology, and studies describes its impact on the development of transversal competences in students and systematises a PBL model applicable to any area of knowledge. This chapter has two goals: 1) Describing the PBL methodology implemented in the Education Degrees of the CEU San Pablo University, in order to justify it theoretically and to study its impact on the development of transversal competences in the student body. 2) Presenting a model that can be applied to any university degree. Methodology: 23 students completed a questionnaire to evaluate their skills development after carrying out two PBL projects during one academic year. Results show an improvement in content analysis and synthesis, in reflection and critical thinking skills and in the recognition, understanding and deepening of concepts and content was detected in the students. Conclusions: PBL methodology is an appropriate teaching tool for the development of transversal competences in university students and the systematisation of the model presented in this work enables its application in any university degree.
Rights :
ISBN: 978-84-1170-452-6
Issue Date: 2023
Center : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Appears in Collections:Facultad de Humanidades y CC de la Comunicación

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