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Instagram y Tiktok: el rol de la mujer en las redes sociales



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Title: Instagram y Tiktok: el rol de la mujer en las redes sociales
Instagram and TikTok: The role of women in social media
Authors : Gil Ibáñez, Marta
Ruiz-Viñals, Carme
Olmo Arriaga, José Luis del
Keywords: RegulationWomenTikTokInstagramSocial MediaPlatformDissemination
Publisher: VisualCOM Scientific Publications
Citation: Gil Ibáñez, M., Ruiz Viñals, C., & del Olmo Arriaga, J. L. (2022). Instagram and TikTok: The role of women in social media. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review / Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 9(3), 1–11.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze policies related to women promoted by the social media platforms TikTok and Instagram. A qualitative research has been conducted using documentary analysis complemented with a focus group study to female university students in order to incorporate their point of view on the regulation and accountability in the contents published on these platforms. One of the aims is to see how it affects the sexist attitudes they contain. The results highlight important shortcomings of the social network platforms analyzed in relation to the role that women play on these platforms.
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ISSN: 2695-9631
Issue Date: 2022
Center : Universitat Abat Oliba CEU
Appears in Collections:Documents de recerca

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