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Present status and future directions the restoration of root filled teeth


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Title: Present status and future directions the restoration of root filled teeth
Authors : Mannocci, Francesco
Bitter, Kerstin
Sauro, Salvatore.
Ferrari, Paolo
Austin, Rupert
Bhuva, Bhavin
Keywords: Dentina.Dentin.Dentistry, Operative.Odontología restauradora.Endodontics.Terapéutica dental.Dental therapeutics.Endodoncia.
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Citation: Mannocci, F., Bitter, K., Sauro, S., Ferrari, P., Austin, R. & Bhuva, B. (2022). Present status and future directions: the restoration of root filled teeth. International Endodontic Journal, vol. 55, suppl 4 (oct.), pp. 1059–1084. DOI:
Abstract: This narrative review will focus on a number of contemporary considerations relating to the restoration of root filled teeth and future directions for research. Clinicians are now more than ever, aware of the interdependence of the endodontic and restorative aspects of managing root filled teeth, and how these aspects of treatment are fundamental to obtaining the best long-term survival. To obtain the optimal outcomes for patients, clinicians carrying out endodontic treatment should have a vested interest in the restorative phase of the treatment process, as well as an appreciation for the structural and biomechanical effects of endodontic-restorative procedures on restoration and tooth longevity. Furthermore, the currently available research, largely lacks appreciation of occlusal factors in the longevity of root filled teeth, despite surrogate outcomes demonstrating the considerable influence this variable has. Controversies regarding the clinical relevance of minimally invasive endodontic and restorative concepts are largely unanswered with respect to clinical data, and it is therefore, all too easy to dismiss these ideas due to the lack of scientific evidence. However, conceptually, minimally invasive endodontic-restorative philosophies appear to be valid, and therefore, in the pursuit of improved clinical outcomes, it is important that the efficacies of these treatment protocols are determined. Alongside an increased awareness of the preservation of tooth structure, developments in adhesive bonding, ceramic materials and the inevitable integration of digital dentistry, there is also a need to evaluate the efficacy of new treatment philosophies and techniques with well-designed prospective clinical studies.
Description: Este artículo se encuentra disponible en la siguiente URL:
Este artículo de investigación pertenece al número que lleva por título "Present status and future directions in clinical Endodontics, Part 2".
Rights :
ISSN: 0143-2885.
1365-2591 (Electrónico)
Language: es
Issue Date: 27-Oct-2022
Center : Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU
Appears in Collections:Dpto. Odontología

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