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Epidemiological approach to nematode polyparasitism occurring in a sympatric wild ruminant multi-host scenario


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Title: Epidemiological approach to nematode polyparasitism occurring in a sympatric wild ruminant multi-host scenario
Authors : Carrau Garreta, Tessa
Martínez-Carrasco Pleite, Carlos
Garijo Toledo, María Magdalena
Alonso de Vega, Francisco Domingo
León Vizcaíno, Luis
Herrera Russert, José
Tizzani, Paolo
Ruiz de Ybáñez, María Rocío
Keywords: Nematodos.Nematoda.Rumiants - Veterinary parasitology.Rumiantes - Parásitos.Veterinary helminthology.Rumiants - Parasites.Rumiantes - Enfermedades parasitarias.Helmintología veterinaria.
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Citation: Carrau, T., Martínez-Carrasco, C., Garijo, M. M., Alonso, F., Vizcaíno, L. L., Herrera-Russert, J., Tizzani, P. & Ruiz de Ybáñez, R. (2021). Epidemiological approach to nematode polyparasitism occurring in a sympatric wild ruminant multi-host scenario. Journal of Helminthology, vol. 95, art. e29 (07 jun.). DOI:
Abstract: The epidemiology behind multi-host/multi-parasite systems is particularly interesting to investigate for a better understanding of the complex dynamics naturally occurring in wildlife populations. We aimed to approach the naturally occurring polyparasitism of gastrointestinal nematodes in a sympatric wild ruminant scenario present in south-east Spain. To this end, the gastrointestinal tract of 252 wild ruminants of four different species (red deer, Cervus elaphus; mouflon, Ovis aries musimon; Iberian ibex, Capra pyrenaica and fallow deer, Dama dama) were studied in Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Natural Park (Andalusia, Spain). Of the analysed animals, 81.52% were positive for parasite infection and a total of 29 nematode species were identified. Out of these, 25 species were detected in at least two host species and 11 parasitized all ruminant species surveyed. The multi-host interaction between these nematodes and the four host species is discussed under the perspective of host family-based differences.
Description: Este artículo se encuentra disponible en la siguiente URL:
Este es el pre-print del siguiente artículo: Carrau, T., Martínez-Carrasco, C., Garijo, M. M., Alonso, F., Vizcaíno, L. L., Herrera-Russert, J., Tizzani, P. & Ruiz de Ybáñez, R. (2021). Epidemiological approach to nematode polyparasitism occurring in a sympatric wild ruminant multi-host scenario. Journal of Helminthology, vol. 95, art. e29, que se ha publicado de forma definitiva en
This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Carrau, T., Martínez-Carrasco, C., Garijo, M. M., Alonso, F., Vizcaíno, L. L., Herrera-Russert, J., Tizzani, P. & Ruiz de Ybáñez, R. (2021). Epidemiological approach to nematode polyparasitism occurring in a sympatric wild ruminant multi-host scenario. Journal of Helminthology, vol. 95, art. e29, which has been published in final form at
Rights :
ISSN: 0022-149X
1475-2697 (Electrónico)
Issue Date: 7-Jun-2021
Center : Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU
Appears in Collections:Dpto. Producción y Sanidad Animal, Salud Pública Veterinaria y Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos

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