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Ethical criteria for the admission and management of patients in the ICU under conditions of limited medical resources : a shared international proposal in view of the COVID-19 pandemic


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Title: Ethical criteria for the admission and management of patients in the ICU under conditions of limited medical resources : a shared international proposal in view of the COVID-19 pandemic
Authors : Tambone, Vittoradolfo
Boudreau, Donald
Ciccozzi, Massimo
Sanders, Karen
Campanozzi, Laura Leondina
Wathuta, Jane
García Sánchez, Emilio
Keywords: COVID-19 - Hospitales - Aspectos éticos.Hospitales - Admisión - Aspectos éticos.Critical care medicine - Moral and ethical aspects.Cuidados intensivos - Aspectos éticos.COVID-19 - Pacientes - Aspectos éticos.COVID-19 (Disease) - Patients - Moral and ethical aspects.Hospitals - Admission - Moral and ethical aspects.COVID-19 (Disease) - Hospitals - Moral and ethical aspects.
Publisher: Frontiers Media.
Citation: Tambone, V., Boudreau, D., Ciccozzi, M., Sanders, K., Campanozzi, L.L., Wathuta, J. et al. (2020). Ethical criteria for the admission and management of patients in the ICU under conditions of limited medical resources: a shared international proposal in view of the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Public Health, vol. 8, art. 284 (16 jun.). DOI:
Description: Este artículo se encuentra disponible en la siguiente URL:
En este artículo también participan: Luciano Violante, Roberto Cauda, Carlo Petrini, Antonio Abbate, Rossana Alloni, Josepmaria Argemi, Josep Argemí Renom, Anna De Benedictis, France Galerneau, Giampaolo Ghilardi, Janet Palmer Hafler, Magdalena Linden, Alfredo Marcos, Andrea Onetti Muda, Marco Pandolfi, Thierry Pelaccia, Mario Picozzi, Ruben Oscar Revello, Giovanna Ricci, Robert Rohrbaugh, Patrizio Rossi, Ascanio Sirignano, Antonio Gioacchino Spagnolo, Trevor Stammers, Lourdes Velázquez, Evandro Agazzi y Mark Mercurio.
Rights :
ISSN: 2296-2565 (Electrónico).
Issue Date: 16-Jun-2020
Center : Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU
Appears in Collections:Dpto. Ciencias Políticas, Ética y Sociología

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