Piquer Mañó, Encarna
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- Optimización y mejora del aprendizaje mediante la utilización de la realidad virtual en las prácticas de grados y ciclos formativos
2020-07-16 Virtual reality has become a tool that opens up the possibilities of technology beyond its use for video games. Immersion in the real context in which events take place allows the ability of this technology to be extrapolated to the world of education to improve learning and adapt it to the demand of new generations. VR allows to locate the user within a virtual scenario that reproduces the corresponding learning environment. Through this project we seek to make available to students the practical content of the undergraduate subjects and vocational training modules, so that they can have it permanently without the need for face-to-face or a fixed schedule. The flexibility and ease of access to these contents also allows that for reasons of any kind (labor, personal, etc.) can track the practices without difficulties. The project includes both training cycle degrees (Dental Hygiene and Audiovisual Projects) and degree (Odontology and Architecture), showing the versatility and extension to the different sectors to which the use of this teaching methodology can reach. / La realidad virtual se ha convertido en una herramienta que abre las posibilidades de la tecnología más allá de su uso para videojuegos. La inmersión en el contexto real en el que se desarrollan los acontecimientos permite extrapolar la capacidad de esa tecnología al mundo de la educación para mejorar el aprendizaje y adaptarlo a la demanda de las nuevas generaciones. La RV permite ubicar al propio usuario dentro de un escenario virtual que reproduce el entorno de aprendizaje correspondiente. Mediante este proyecto perseguimos poner a disposición de los alumnos el contenido práctico de las asignaturas de grado y los módulos de formación profesional, de manera que puedan disponer de él permanentemente sin necesidad de presencialidad ni de un horario fijo. La flexibilidad y facilidad de acceso a estos contenidos permite, además, que por motivos de cualquier índole (laborales, personales, etc.) puedan realizar el seguimiento de las prácticas sin ningún tipo de impedimento. El proyecto engloba tanto a titulaciones de ciclo formativo (Higiene Bucodental y Realización de Proyectos Audiovisuales y Espectáculos) como de grado (Odontología y Arquitectura), mostrando la versatilidad y la extensión a los diferentes sectores a los que puede llegar la utilización de esta metodología docente.
- In vitro bonding performance of modern self-adhesive resin cements and conventional resin-modified glass ionomer cements to prosthetic substrates
2020-11-18 This study aimed at evaluating the shear bond strength (SBS) of modern self-adhesive resin cements and resin-modified glass ionomer cements applied to di erent prosthetic substrates. Zirconia, lithium-disilicate glass-ceramic and a noble metal alloy were used as bonding substrates. They were all sand-blasted with alumina, while LD was further etched with 9.6% hydrofluoric acid (10 s). A light-curing resin-modified glass ionomer cement (3M-GIC: Ketac Cem Plus) and a self-curing resin-modified glass ionomer cement (GC-GIC: FujiCEM 2) were compared to self-adhesive resin cements (PAN: Panavia SA Universal) and (3M-RES: Rely X Unicem 2). Ten specimens for each substrate were produced and up to five cylinders of each cement were bonded to each substrate. The shear bond strength (SBS) was evaluated after 24 h or after thermocycling (TC) aging (5000 cycles). The data was statistically analysed by two-way ANOVA and Student–Newman–Keuls test ( = 0.05). Failure modes were analysed through stereoscopic microscopy. The greatest SBS was attained with PAN, whilst 3M-GIC showed the lowest SBS and failed prevalently in adhesive mode. No di erence in SBS was observed between GC-GIC and 3M-RES. After TC aging, all cements showed significant drop (p < 0.05) in SBS, but PAN showed the greatest SBS. Reliable bond strength to prosthetic substrates can be achieved with specific universal resin-luting cements and may be an alternative to glass ionomer cements when luting alloy substrates.