Zapatera Llinares, Alberto
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- Assessment of Scratch programming language as a didactic tool to teach functions
2021-09-03 The objective of this research is to study the Scratch programming language as a didactic tool to teach functions. The introduction of didactic tools allowing comprehension in simple and attractive ways is required. Given the traditional teaching/learning system, it is necessary to organize participatory and collaborative dynamic classrooms, which allow the interaction of students in activities where the educator modifies his or her traditional role as an advisor and the students take a more active role in learning through their own effort. In this sense, three activities using the Scratch programming language are proposed: the first one refers to the linear and affine functions, while the second one deals with the quadratic function and the third one is related to the exponential function. The participants in this study were 30 future teachers. The study considers the combination of magisterial lessons and active didactic methodologies as demonstration method, cooperative learning and gamification, also including the applied assessment. The activities, methodologies and assessment were evaluated by the participants with results higher than 4 in 5-point Likert scale for all cases, preferring the active methodologies than magisterial lessons.
- Proceso de aprendizaje en la fabricaciĆ³n integrada de una plataforma robĆ³tica educativa multidisciplinar
2020-07-16 Educational robotics has come to the classrooms and is here to stay. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) learning has put the use of robots in classrooms in vogue, though these are mostly closed products and at a high price. The educational innovation project āDesign, implementation and tests of a modular low-cost educational robotics platformā from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, expects to design an open, modular and low-cost educational robot to make robotics more accessible. One of the challenges which the project hopes to accomplish is for this robot to be able to adapt to any educational level, thanks to its modularity, from pre-school to university levels. This study analyzes the Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering degree studentsā level of acceptance. Therefore, an analysis of the currently most used educational robots at any level has been made, comparing them to the project design. Moreover, a survey was passed to a total 78 students from several degrees to compare the level of acceptance, concluding that students show a general interest in the proposal, but not so among those of the study group, probably due to the lack of robotics knowledge. / La robĆ³tica educativa ha llegado a las aulas para quedarse. El aprendizaje STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) ha puesto en boga el uso de los robots en las clases pero, en su mayorĆa, son productos cerrados y a un alto precio. El proyecto de innovaciĆ³n educativa Ā«DiseƱo, implementaciĆ³n y puesta en prĆ”ctica de una plataforma modular de robĆ³tica educativa de bajo costeĀ» de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria pretende diseƱar un robot educativo abierto, modular y de bajo coste para hacer mĆ”s accesible la robĆ³tica. Uno de los retos que pretende alcanzar es que dicho robot, gracias a su modularidad, sea capaz de adaptarse a cualquier nivel educativo, desde infantil hasta grados universitarios. Este estudio analiza el nivel de aceptaciĆ³n por parte de los estudiantes del Grado en IngenierĆa en DiseƱo Industrial y Desarrollo de Productos, realizando un anĆ”lisis de los robots educativos mĆ”s usados en la actualidad en todos los niveles y comparĆ”ndolos con la propuesta del proyecto. AdemĆ”s, se realizĆ³ una encuesta a 78 alumnos de ingenierĆa, concluyendo que muestran un interĆ©s general por la propuesta, pero no tanto entre los del grupo de estudio, probablemente debido a la falta de conocimientos de robĆ³tica.
- El mĆ©todo Singapur para el aprendizaje de las matemĆ”ticas : enfoque y concreciĆ³n de un estilo de aprendizaje
2020-12-30 Los excelentes resultados obtenidos por Singapur en las Ćŗltimas pruebas PISA 2015 y TIMMS 2015, han provocado un gran interĆ©s por el denominado MĆ©todo Singapur de aprendizaje de las matemĆ”ticas. El marco curricular de Singapur tiene como centro de aprendizaje la resoluciĆ³n de problemas matemĆ”ticos y se basa en cuatro aspectos fundamentales: el enfoque CPA (concreto - pictĆ³rico - abstracto), el currĆculo en espiral, las variaciones sistemĆ”tica y perceptual y la comprensiĆ³n relacional. Estos aspectos se fundamentan en las ideas de Jerome Bruner, Zoltan Dienes y Richard Skemp. En este trabajo, tras presentar el sistema educativo de Singapur y el marco curricular, se estudian las aportaciones de estos autores y sus concreciones en el MĆ©todo Singapur y se extraen una serie de conclusiones para su adaptaciĆ³n. / The latest mathematics assessment tests, PISA 2015 and TIMMS 2015 have caused a great interest in the Singapore Method of Mathematics Learning. The Singapore curriculum framework, which has as a learning center the resolution of mathematical problems and which is developed through four fundamental aspects: the CPA approach (Concrete ā Pictorial - Abstract), the spiral curriculum, systematic and perceptual variations and relational understanding. The Singapore Method is based on the ideas of Jerome Bruner, Zoltan Dienes and Richard Skemp. In this work, after presenting the Singapore educational system and the curricular framework, the contributions of these authors and their concretions in the Singapore Method of learning mathematics are studied.
- La generalizaciĆ³n de patrones como herramienta para introducir el pensamiento algebraico en educaciĆ³n primaria
2022-08-24 Investigadores y corrientes didĆ”cticas, como la Early Algebra, recomiendan introducir el pensamiento algebraico desde los primeros aƱos de la escolarizaciĆ³n, incorporando tareas de generalizaciĆ³n de patrones, relaciones y propiedades. En este trabajo se estudian las respuestas de 106 estudiantes de EducaciĆ³n Primaria a un problema de generalizaciĆ³n de patrones, analizando el nivel de Ć©xito, los grados de desarrollo y la utilizaciĆ³n de estrategias y se realiza un estudio de casos. Se ha comprobado que los estudiantes de Primaria estĆ”n preparados para trabajar la generalizaciĆ³n de patrones y que las estrategias mĆ”s usadas en los cursos inferiores son las aditivas y en los cursos superiores las funcionales.
- El nĆŗmero como cantidad fĆsica y concreta, un obstĆ”culo en el aprendizaje de los nĆŗmeros enteros
2019-07-01 Durante el aprendizaje de los nĆŗmeros naturales en la EducaciĆ³n Primaria, el estudiante adquiere la concepciĆ³n de nĆŗmero como cantidad de magnitud con soporte en el mundo fĆsico y concreto. Posteriormente, la generalizaciĆ³n de esta concepciĆ³n a otros campos numĆ©ricos supone un obstĆ”culo epistemolĆ³gico que dificulta su aprendizaje. Este estudio pretende determinar estos obstĆ”culos epistemolĆ³gicos en el aprendizaje de los nĆŗmeros enteros, verificar su presencia en los errores y en las justificaciones que realizan los estudiantes y presentar sugerencias metodolĆ³gicas que faciliten la ruptura con los obstĆ”culos para mejorar la enseƱanza de los nĆŗmeros enteros. / During the learning of the natural numbers in Primary Education, the student acquires the conception of number as quantity of magnitude with support in the physical and concrete world. Later, the generalization of this conception to other numerical fields supposes an epistemological obstacle that hinders its learning. This study aims to determine these epistemological obstacles in the learning of the integer numbers, verify their presence in the errors and in the justifications made by the students and present pedagogical suggestions that facilitate the break with the obstacles to improve the teaching of the integer numbers.
- Sustainable educational robotics : contingency plan during lockdown in primary school
2021-07-27 New technologies have offered great alternatives for education. In this context, we place robotics and programming as innovative and versatile tools that adapt to active methodologies. With the arrival of COVID-19 and lockdowns, physical resources were kept out of use, and the virtual lectures did not propose to incorporate these elements in a meaningful way. This recent situation raises as an objective of study the need to evaluate if robotics and programming are content that can be taught virtually in these circumstances, without physical resources and without face-to-face lectures. To do this, a mixed methodology consisting of questionnaires and interviews has been incorporated, aimed at primary education teachers, families, and primary education grade students. The results suggest that the virtualization of robotics and programming is a feasible and beneficial alternative for students, which allows the development of digital skills, while it is enhanced with the use of audiovisual materials and online resources. Even though face-to-face classes have other benefits not offered by virtualization, and teacher training needs to be up to the task to face this situation, it is a matter of time to respond to these situations and to guarantee a high-quality distance education.
- The initial algebraic knowledge of preservice teachers
2021-09-01 Early algebra proposes to incorporate algebra in primary school from the first years of schooling. The success of this incorporation depends, to a large extent, on the training of teachers, so the objective of this article is to study whether the degree of algebraic knowledge of student teachers at the beginning of their training. To conduct this, 106 preservice teachers were given a questionnaire. This survey is based on two daily life situations. They had to propose tasks to develop algebraic reasoning in primary school students. Most of the participants designed tasks in which they assigned specific values to the indeterminate ones and solved them arithmetically. In this way, they transformed open situations and numerous opportunities to promote algebraic thinking in students through the generalization and representation of relationships and functions into closed single-solution problems that do not promote algebraic thinking. We can see from the results that the participantsā algebraic knowledge is insufficient. Therefore, it is necessary to include in their training process the programs and experiences that will allow them to design tasks in order to detect and promote algebraic thinking in their future students. Sequences of tasks are presented to develop both situations by generalizing and representing relationships and functions, which can serve as a starting point for future training programs and experiences.
- IntroducciĆ³n del pensamiento algebraico mediante la generalizaciĆ³n de patrones : una secuencia de tareas para EducaciĆ³n Infantil y Primaria
2018-01-01 Tradicionalmente se ha pospuesto el estudio del Ć”lgebra a la EducaciĆ³n Secundaria, pero investigaciones en didĆ”ctica de las matemĆ”ticas han demostrado que el pensamiento algebraico puede ser desarrollado desde edades tempranas. En los Ćŗltimos aƱos han surgido corrientes como la Early-Algebra que proponen la introducciĆ³n del Ć”lgebra desde los primeros aƱos de escolarizaciĆ³n y consideran que una de las vĆas mĆ”s eficaces para ello es la generalizaciĆ³n de patrones. En este artĆculo, tras estudiar el proceso de generalizaciĆ³n de patrones, se presenta una secuencia de tareas a desarrollar en EducaciĆ³n Infantil y en EducaciĆ³n Primaria. El objetivo de este trabajo es animar a los maestros a introducir el pensamiento algebraico en sus alumnos y proporcionarles una herramienta que puede servirles de referencia en su prĆ”ctica docente. / Traditionally the study of algebra has been postponed to Secondary, but research in didactic of mathematics has shown that algebraic thinking can be developed from early age. In recent years have been emerging currents such as Early-Algebra that propose the introduction of algebra from the first years of schooling and consider that one of the most effective ways to do this is the generalization of patterns. In this article, after studying the process of generalization of patterns, is presented a sequence of tasks to be developed in Pre-school and Primary Education. The aim of this work is to encourage teachers to introduce algebraic thinking in their students and provide them a tool that can serve as a reference in their teaching practice
- Sustainable city : a steam project using robotics to bring the city of the future to Primary Education students
2020-11-20 This article presents a STEAM project, āSustainable Cityā, based on educational robotics whose objective is to bring the problems of climate change closer to primary school students. The participants were 30 students (aged 10ā11) from 5th year of Primary Education and the project consisted of 14 sessions in which different active methodologies such as project-based learning, collaborative learning and the flipped classroom were carried out. A pre-test and a post-test were carried out and the results were better in the post-test, which indicates that the students improved their skills and increased their motivation. As a conclusion, this STEAM project, which is adapted to the Spanish LOMCE curriculum, can be a reference for other teachers to bring their students closer to the problem of environmental change through educational robotics and the use of active methodologies.