1. Investigación
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Search Results
- Electrocardiographic ventricular repolarisation processes in Andalusian horses before and after physical training
2005-03 Equine ventricular repolarisation wave can be influenced by many physiological and pathological factors. T wave abnormalities have been related to a shorter time for ventricular filling, reduced stroke volume, cardiac output and exercise performance in racehorses. The present research performed electrocardiographic recordings in 14 four-year-old male Andalusian horses, when they were untrained and after three months of an aerobic training programme. Leads I, aVF, V10, V1R, V3R, V1L and V3L were used. It was aimed to assess the incidence of abnormal T waves in this breed, according to the criteria of abnormalities established for other equine breeds, to evaluate if the changes induced by training in the T wave are the same that those reported in the athletic heart syndrome in canine and human athletes and, to analyse if the abnormal T waves could have been related to changes in the plasma concentrations of Na, K, and Cl, since these electrolytes are involved in the cardiac electrical processes. It was found out that the incidence of abnormal T waves was quite high in the Andalusian breed, especially in the precordial leads. Moreover, the incidence of abnormal T waves increased in precordial leads and decreased in lead I and aVF after training. The abnormal T waves after training were shorter and had the same voltage, changes which were different to those presented for the athlete’ heart syndrome. The horses with abnormal T waves had higher plasma K concentrations, both before and after training. Plasma Na and Cl concentration at rest decreased after training. Plasma Na concentrations were positively related to T wave duration and negatively to T wave voltage.
- Estimación del estado de forma física en caballos de deporte mediante índices de funcionalidad
2005 El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido describir un sistema de pun-tuación objetivo, a partir de índices de funcionalidad cardiovas-cular y metabólica, que permita la discriminación entre caba-llos según su potencial atlético. Se han estudiado 45 caballosadultos, Pura Raza Española (PRE), machos. Tras un calenta-miento al trote (4 m/s), los animales realizaron un test de ejer-cicio, a velocidades de 5, 6,7y8m/s, cubriendo 1.000 m encada carga de esfuerzo. Se monitoreó la frecuencia cardiaca(FC) y se extrajeron muestras de sangre venosa en reposo,tras el calentamiento, después de cada fase del test y a los 2,4, 6, 8, 10, 15 y 30 minutos de una recuperación activa. Ensangre entera, se determinó la concentración de hemoglobina(HB) y el valor hematócrito (HTO). En plasma, se midieron losniveles de lactato (LA). Los índices de funcionalidad oxidativoshan sido: HBo’ y HTOo’ (HB y HTO a 8 m/s), V150 y VLA2 (ve-locidad a 150 lpm y 2 mmol/L de LA respectivamente), FCLA2(FC a 2 mmol/L de LA) y LA150 (LA a 150 lpm). Como índicesglicolíticos-mixtos, se han considerado: FCmáx (FC máxima),FCo’ (FC a 8 m/s), LAmáx (LA máximo), V200 y VLA4 (veloci-dades a 200 lpm y 4 mmol/L de LA), FCLA4 (FC a 4 mmol/Lde LA) y LA200 (LA a 200 lpm). Los índices que mejor han dis-criminado a los caballos PRE según su nivel de forma físicahan sido VLA2, LA150 y HTOo’ (oxidativos) y FCo’, VLA4 yV200 (glicolíticos-mixtos). VLA2, VLA4 y V200 estuvieron co-rrelacionados positivamente con el potencial físico y FCo’,HTOo’ y LA150, de modo negativo.
- The Effect of Scholarships on University Persistence: A Case Study
2022-03 As we enter the 21st century, the social dimension of Higher Education is one of the key elements in university policies. Among measures aimed at retaining students, scholarship and study grant policies help to ensure equality. In Spain, the establishment of the Study Aid Programme (PAE) for degree studies is an outstanding innovative initiative. This study is aimed at assessing the importance of the PAE as an economic factor in equity, access and academic performance in the fi rst year at university. The data used is that available on all students who began degree studies at Abat Oliba CEU University from the 2009-10 academic years to the 2015-16 academic years. The results confi rm that obtaining a scholarship becomes an incentive that infl uences key aspects for persistence, such as the degree of eff ort and educational commitment with positive results on students’ performance.