Dpto. Comunicación e Información Periodística
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/10637/10422
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- News coverage of the Church dealing with the pandemic Spanish and Italian newspapers
2022-05-10 This paper focuses on media representation of the Catholic Church during the first months of the coronavirus pandemic in Italy and Spain. The purpose is to know when and how the Catholic Church starred in the news; how its actions were presented, and using which frames. The work analyses the coverage of the Church in Corriere della Sera and El Pa ıs between January and May 2020 and connects the deductive process (news frames by Semetko and Valkenburg) with the inductive process (setting common places or topoi) in order to get a better understanding of the news-framing. Findings show that both newspapers gave prevalence to news about the charitable work of the Catholic Church during the pandemic instead of about conflict with the political authorities because of restrictive measures. When it comes to the relationship with civil institutions, a positive image of the Church was offered, one that portrayed her as ready to collaborate and apply the preventive measures recommended by the health authorities. The positive perception is more frequent than the negative one when there are dualities in the topoi that are found in the interpretation of the facts.
- Framing 'Green Pope' Francis : newspaper coverage of Encyclical 'Laudato Si' in the United States and the United Kingdom
2018-01-01 One of the voices that has recently joined the discussion on environmental protection is that of Pope Francis with the publication of the encyclical Laudato Si’ (2015). This work studies the keys to interpretation used by the British and U.S. newspapers to present the encyclical between 14 and 24 June 2015. By analysing newspaper coverage by The Times, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, The New York Times, The Washington Post and Los Angeles Times from a framing perspective, a political focal point emerges, one that lends importance to the impact of the encyclical on a local level, due to the presence of sceptical voices in the North American context, and on a global level, due to the imminence of the Paris Climate Change Conference (COP21).
- Indagaciones interculturales sobre orígenes y religiones en el humor periodístico
2011-07-01 El humor periodístico -las denominadas viñetas de prensa- constituye uno de los más peculiares géneros periodísticos de opinión. Su componente gráfico, el habitual uso del humor y la apertura a la libre interpretación le proporcionan un carácter singular con un alto grado de eficacia persuasiva. El objetivo de este artículo es procesar esta modalidad comunicativa en relación con las distorsiones interculturales. Este estudio explora los elementos de análisis aplicables en el ámbito de la representación de la diferencia: las variables “origen”, vinculada con la inmigración, y la denominada “religión” presentan usos contrapuestos cuando ponen el acento en los estereotipos y pierden la dimensión social. / The journalistic humor - called cartoons- is one of the most peculiar journalistic way to express opinions. Graphic elements, uses of the humor and the opening to the free interpretation provide a singular character with a high degree of persuasive efficiency. The aim is to process this communicative modality in relation with the intercultural distortions. This study explores the elements of significance in this area of the representation of the difference. The variables “origin” linked with the immigration and the “religion” present opposite uses when they focus in the stereotypes and loose the social dimension.
- El ciberperiodismo ante la agonía y muerte del Papa : el weblog y la intervención no profesional
2005-01-01 La agonía y muerte del Papa ha supuesto para el ciberperiodismo un momento especialmente significativo por la convergencia de determinadas necesidades informativas y nuevos avances tecnológicos que ha puesto a prueba las prácticas periodísticas tradicionales. Este texto pretende reflexionar sobre ese fenómeno y sus implicaciones de futuro.
- Debates y controversias sobre las imágenes de la actualidad internacional : foto-impacto en las portadas globales
2013-01-01 Las imágenes periodísticas son objeto de debates y controversias. Desde la niña de Trang Bang hasta las imágenes de niñas y mujeres en el terremoto y la epidemia de cólera de Haití en 2010, los comentarios se suceden sobre el valor simbólico y comunicativo de lo representado. Las imágenes de prensa reconocidas como “Foto del año” por la World Press Photo en el periodo comprendido entre los años 2000 y 2011 representan conflictos y catástrofes internacionales en las que los protagonistas son principalmente mujeres, niños y niñas; se trata de imágenes cargadas de drama y pathos. Los ejes de la discusión son la jerarquización en portada frente al derecho a la intimidad, la visibilidad de las personas enfermas y víctimas de catástrofes y la respuesta social ante las imágenes a través de la red. The journalistic images are subject to debate and controversy: from the girl of Trang Bang to the most recently images of women and female kids during the earthquake and the cholera epidemic in Haiti in 2010, comments on the symbolic and communicative value of the pictured subject keep occurring. The press images awarded as “photo of the year” by World Press Photo in the period between 2000 and 2011 represent international conflicts and disasters where the main characters are mostly women and children, plenty of drama and pathos. The axes of the discussion are the main photography situation on the daily journal front page, against the right to privacy, the iconic representation of the sick people and victims of disasters and the social discussion through the network.
- Edublogs e innovación educativa en la enseñanza del periodismo
2013-12-01 El uso de edublogs en la enseñanza del periodismo permite recrear, en las aulas, dinámicas del mundo profesional y favorece el entrenamiento en destrezas propias del entorno 2.0 como son la interacción con los lectores, la capacidad de dar respuesta de decisiones y contenidos o la creación de un perfil profesional con presencia activa en la Red. En este texto se exponen tres experiencias docentes coordinadas de creación y uso de edublogs en los estudios de Periodismo desde la perspectiva de la formación por competencias. The use of edublogs in the Journalism studies allows to recreate some professionals skills and ways of working in cyberjournalism at the classroom as the interaction with the readers; to be able to give a response about personal decisions or the creation of a professional profile for an active presence in the Network. In this paper we expose an educational experience of creation and use of edublogs in the Journalism studies from the perspective of the learning by skills.