Dpto. Comunicación e Información Periodística
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/10637/10422
Search Results
- Social mobilization and media framing in the journalistic coverage of oil survey permits in the Mediterranean
2019-11-07 The granting of hydrocarbon exploration permits in the Gulf of Valencia in 2010 brought thousands of citizens of the Valencian Community and the Balearic Islands to the streets until 2015 when the beneficiary company renounced to carry out the project. As in other cases of citizen protests, different concerns and positions were expressed in the media. Knowing the media frameworks around these projects is the main objective of this research. Specifically, the research looks to identify the presentation of positions for or against the risks and potential benefits, and to determine the presence of social mobilization as an information source in the coverage of the three reference newspapers in the affected area: Levante-EMV (Valencia), Mediterráneo (Castellón) and Diario de Ibiza. From the theoretical perspective of framing, the frames used in reporting are revealed in terms of the definition of the problem. The results of the analysis of 1,258 texts have made it possible to identify frames of benefit and risk, much more frequent on the latter, focusing on the economic risk for tourism and fishing, and above all, on environmental risk. The frame of benefit referred to the economic advantages that would reduce the dependence on energy, occupies a discreet place since, in this case, the main actors in the conflict -politicians and civil society- coincided in their arguments, both becoming protagonists of media discourse in their role as sources.
- Exploring news frames, sources and editorial lines on newspaper coverage of nuclear energy in Spain
2019-11-20 Five nuclear power plants with seven reactors operate in Spain, one of the countries in the EU in which support for nuclear power is weaker. For understanding the public debate about nuclear energy is essential to know media discourse. The aims of this investigation are to find out how news is provided on nuclear power from an environmental point of view, who are the sources is the nuclear debate and to determine the editorial line with regard to the use of nuclear power in the seven national Spanish newspaper during five years (2008-2012). Applying the technique of content analysis for data collection, a qualitative analysis is carried out which identifies news frames a priori defined taking a deductive approach. The results show that the environmental perspective on nuclear power is relatively unusual. Using an ecoefficient frame, it is defined as a clean source of energy. Politicians play the greatest role and party political use is made of the nuclear power issue. Spanish nuclear coverage emphasizes the views of interest groups rather than those of scientists and other experts, ecologists or citizens. Thus, the press doesn´t play the substantive role in public deliberation and doesn´t connect with the different interests and sensitivities existing in the public sphere about nuclear energy.
- Communication and effectiveness of the protest : anti-fracking movements in Spain
2018-07-01 Este trabajo analiza la eficacia de las estrategias de comunicación de los movimientos antifracking en España. El estudio plantea la eficacia de las reivindicaciones que realizan tanto ONGs como plataformas ciudadanas en estos últimos años en función de la respuesta y el compromiso de la administración pública. En España, las protestas antifracking son protagonizadas por las ONG ambientalistas y los movimientos sociales ligados al territorio en forma de plataformas o asambleas contrarias al fracking. El poder de las plataformas ciudadanas ha logrado que los gobiernos regionales apoyen sus reivindicaciones frente al gobierno central, con la competencia estatal. / Lan honetan, Espainiako frackingaren aurkako mugimenduen komunikazio estrategien eraginkortasuna aztertzen da. Azterlanak azken urteotan bai GKEek bai herritarren plataformek eginiko aldarrikapenen eraginkortasuna planteatzen du, administrazio publikoaren erantzunaren eta konpromisoaren arabera. Espainian, frackingaren aurkako protestak ingurumenaren aldeko GKEek eta frackingaren aurkako plataforma edo asanblada forma duten lurraldeari lotutako gizarte mugimenduek burutzen dituzte. Herritarren plataformen indarrak ahalbidetu du erregio gobernuek horien aldarrikapenak babestea gobernu zentralaren aurrean, estatuko aginpidearekin. / This paper analyzes the protest and communication strategies by anti-fracking movements in Spain. This study explores the effectiveness of demands from Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and citizen platforms in the past few years in terms of governmental legislative agreements or decisions. In Spain, the anti-fracking protests are led by environmental NGOs and local social movements in the form of platforms or grassroots assemblies against fracking. The power of citizen platforms, spread throughout Spain, have managed to get regional governments to support their demands after the central government.