Dpto. Enfermería y Fisioterapia
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Search Results
- Evaluación de una intervención comunitaria para incrementar la cobertura vacunal de la gripe en mujeres embarazadas
2023-08-01 Objetivo: Conocer el impacto de la intervención educativa realizada sobre los profesionales de una zona básica de salud y su grupo de participación comunitaria, que conforman el grupo intervención (GI), y analizar su repercusión en la cobertura vacunal alcanzada para gripe en el grupo de riesgo (gestantes y puérperas) comparándola con su zona básica vecina, que conforma el grupo control (GC), durante la temporada vacunal 2019/20. Dise˜no: Estudio cuasiexperimental de intervención comunitaria. Emplazamiento: Dos zonas básicas de salud pertenecientes al departamento de salud Elche- Crevillente, Espa˜na. Participantes: Gestantes y puérperas de 2 zonas básicas de salud y el grupo de participación comunitaria. Los profesionales de salud directamente relacionados con la campa˜na vacunal de gripe. Intervenciones: Sesión formativa al GI previa a la campa˜na de gripe 2019/20. Mediciones principales: Actitudes hacia la vacunación de gripe en profesionales sanitarios mediante el cuestionario validado CAPSVA y la cobertura vacunal de las gestantes y puérperas a través del Registro de Vacunas Nominal y su aceptación a la vacuna en la consulta de la matrona. Resultados: Los datos de cobertura vacunal en gripe registrados en el Registro de VacunasNominal para las mujeres gestantes y puérperas fue del 26,4% (n = 207) en el GI y del 19,7%(n = 144) en el GC (p = 0,001), con una razón de incidencia del 1,34, lográndose así un 34% másde vacunación en el GI. La aceptación para la vacunación en las consultas de la matrona tambiénfue elevada, inmunizándose en el GI el 96,5% vs. el 89,0% en el GC, con un RR = 1,09 (IC 95%1,01-1,62).Conclusiones: Estrategias de formación conjunta a profesionales y activos de la comunidadmejoran los resultados de cobertura vacunal.
- Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the work activity of Spanish physical therapists and their response to vaccination
2022-05-12 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, physical therapists have had to adopt a set of specific protection measures, which have had an impact on their clinical activity and economy. The objective was to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the work of Spanish physical therapists, as well as their attitudes and predisposition to vaccination. An online questionnaire was divided into five sections: (1) demographic and professional data; (2) labor impact; (3) precautions and infection-control measures; (4) economic impact; and (5) vaccine acceptance and adverse effects. Of the 666 participants, 62.1% showed a reduction in their working hours motivated by: fear of infection (p = 0.007), financial issues (p = 0.002) and being in quarantine or isolation (p < 0.001). Of these, 36.4% were forced to close the clinic, 62.7% requested help from the government, but only 12.04% mentioned that it was adequate. The main prevention measures adopted were the use of gels and masks and, in the private sector, disinfection with ozone or ultraviolet light (p < 0.05). The acceptance of the vaccine was high, 87.5%, being lower among the group over 40 years of age, self-employed, widowed or separated. More adverse effects were mentioned after receiving the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine, compared to Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna. In conclusion, this study assessed for the first time that the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain had a negative impact on work and finances of physical therapists. The vaccine was widely accepted, in part by the economic impact that an infection in the work setting could signify.
- Obstetric-neonatal care during birth and postpartum in symptomatic and asymptomatic women infected with SARS-CoV-2 a retrospective multicenter study
2022-04-30 This study analyses the obstetric–neonatal outcomes of women in labour with symptomatic and asymptomatic COVID-19. A retrospective, multicenter, observational study was carried out between 1 March 2020 and 28 February 2021 in eight public hospitals in the Valencian community (Spain). The chi-squared test compared the obstetric–neonatal outcomes and general care for symptomatic and asymptomatic women. In total, 11,883 births were assisted in participating centers, with 10.9 per 1000 maternities (n = 130) infected with SARS-CoV-2. The 20.8% were symptomatic and had more complications both upon admission (p = 0.042) and during puerperium (p = 0.042), as well as transfer to the intensive care unit (ICU). The percentage of admission to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) was greater among offspring of symptomatic women compared to infants born of asymptomatic women (p < 0.001). Compared with asymptomatic women, those with symptoms underwent less labour companionship (p = 0.028), less early skin-to-skin contact (p = 0.029) and greater mother–infant separation (p = 0.005). The overall maternal mortality rate was 0.8%. No vertical transmission was recorded. In conclusion, symptomatic infected women are at increased risk of lack of labour companionship, mother–infant separation, and admission to the ICU, as well as to have preterm births and for NICU admissions.
- Acceptability of the vaccine against COVID-19 in Spanish Health Sciences students a cross-sectional study
2022-09-27 Healthcare professionals must play an exemplary role in the field of vaccinology. It is convenient that they are trained during their time at university. The objective of this study was to determine the acceptability of the vaccines against COVID-19 in health sciences students in Spanish universities. A cross-sectional study was performed regarding the acceptance of the vaccines against COVID-19 in students in the Health Sciences Degrees in Spanish universities was performed on a sample of students of nursing, medicine, and pharmacy during the spring of 2021, via an online questionnaire with 36 questions designed ad hoc, self-administered, anonymized, and standardized. There were 1222 students participating, of Spanish nationality (97.4%), women (80.5%) and with an average age of 22.0 4.8 years old. Of those, 12.3% had had the disease, 44.0% had to quarantine, 70.8% had undergone diagnostic tests, out of which 14.1% were positive. In total, 97.5% of those surveyed indicated their desire of being vaccinated, if possible, with Comirnaty® (74.9%). At the time of the study, 49.6% were already vaccinated. The reasons for vaccination differed according to the degree and the doubts about vaccine safety was the largest reason for reluctance. Some 37.7% suspected that there are unknown adverse effects and 85.6% of those vaccinated experienced some mild effects after injection. Vaccine acceptance and confidence in the recommendations given by health authorities is high in health sciences students.
- Willingness to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in Spain before the start of vaccination : a cross-sectional study
2021-05-15 Vaccine hesitancy has increased in the past few years, influenced by the socio-cultural differences, political populism, or concerns related to the effectiveness and safety of some vaccines, resulting a feeling of distrust. This feeling can become a barrier against the achievement of the immunity necessary to stop the expansion of COVID-19. The aim of this study was to evaluate the acceptance of the vaccine against COVID-19 in Spain, as well as to identify the factors that have an influence on the concerns and attitudes of people against accepting the vaccine in the months prior to the start of vaccination on December 2020. An online questionnaire was created to obtain information about (1) sociodemographic characteristics; (2) concerns and sources of information about vaccines; and (3) attitudes about vaccination and state of health. A multivariate logistic regression was performed to identify the influencing factors. Of the 2501 participants, 1207 (48.3%) would accept the COVID-19 vaccine, 623 (24.9%) were hesitant, and 671 (26.8%) would reject it. The logistic regression showed that being male, older than 60, married, retired, with a high level of education, or with a leftist political inclination, could increase the probability of accepting the COVID-19 vaccine. Disinformation and the lack of political consensus were the main sources of distrust. The patients with hypertension, immunodepression, hypercholesterolemia, or respiratory disease, or were overweight, showed a greater acceptance to the vaccine, while those with cancer took the longest to accept it. A low acceptance of the vaccine against COVID-19 was observed among the Spanish population in the phase prior to its availability, and the main fears of the population were identified. It is necessary to offer correct and transparent information about these vaccines to reduce the concerns and increase the trust of the population, to thereby guarantee the success of the vaccination campaigns.
- Vaccination of pregnant women in the Valencian Community during the 2014-15 influenza season : a multicentre study
2018-08-01 Background. To study influenza vaccination uptake in pregnant women from three Health Departments in the Valencian Community (Spain) during the 2014-15 flu season, to identify degree of knowledge, sources of information and attitudes toward immunization against influenza. Methods. Multicentre cross-sectional descriptive study during the 2014-15 vaccination campaign. Vaccine coverage was determined using the Nominal Vaccination Registry (NVR). Subsequently, a telephone survey was carried out on a sample of vaccinated and unvaccinated postpartum women. Results. The NVR had information on 934 (59.5%) out of 1,569 postpartum women; distribution per Health Departments was: 420 (44.9%), 161 (17.2%) and 353 (37.8%) in La Ribera, Torrevieja and Elx-Crevillent respectively. Vaccine uptake was 27.9% (n = 261). According to the “Country of Origin” variable, 77.5% (n = 724) of women were Spanish, with a vaccination rate of 26.7% (n = 193), compared to 22.5% (n = 210) who were non-Spanish, with a rate of 32.4% (n = 68). The main source of information was midwives for 83.7% (n = 159) of vaccinated pregnant women and for 44.6% (n = 127) of non-vaccinated women. The main reasons for vaccine refusal were lack of awareness (29.5%, n = 84) and not considering it necessary (25.6%, n = 73). Conclusion. Despite their high willingness to be vaccinated after receiving information about the flu vaccine, the vaccination coverage in pregnant women studied is still low and can be improved. Health professionals need new information strategies to extend vaccine uptake to a larger number of pregnant women in Spain. Midwife advice plays an essential role in transmitting information on influenza vaccination in pregnant women and has a significant impact on uptake. / Objetivos. Investigar la cobertura de la vacunación antigripal en gestantes en tres Departamentos de Salud de la Comunidad Valenciana (España) durante la temporada 2014-15, y evaluar su aceptabilidad, fuentes de información y motivos de rechazo hacia la inmunización contra la gripe. Métodos. Estudio descriptivo transversal multicéntrico en la campaña vacunal 2014-15. La cobertura vacunal se identificó a través del Registro Nominal de Vacunas (RVN). Posteriormente, se realizaron 2 encuestas telefónicas a un mínimo muestral de puérperas vacunadas y no vacunadas. Resultados. De 1.569 puérperas, 934 (59,5%) disponen de información en el RVN; la distribución por Departamentos: 420 (44,9%), 161 (17,2%) y 353 (37,8%) en La Ribera, Torrevieja y Elx-Crevillent respectivamente. Se obtuvo una cobertura vacunal del 27,9% (n=261). Según la variable “País de Origen”, el 77,5% (n=724) es española, con una tasa vacunal del 26,7% (n=193), frente al 22,5% (n=210) extranjera, con el 32,4% (n=68). La principal fuente de información fue la matrona en el 83,7% (n=159) de gestantes vacunadas y el 44,6% (n=127) en no vacunadas. Los principales motivos de rechazo fueron el desconocimiento (29,5%; n=84) y el no considerarse imprescindible (25,6%; n=73). Conclusiones. A pesar de su alta predisposición a vacunarse después de recibir información sobre la vacuna contra la gripe, la cobertura de vacunación en mujeres embarazadas estudiadas es aún baja y puede mejorarse. Son necesarias nuevas estrategias de formación e información por parte de los profesionales sanitarios para obtener un mayor número de gestantes vacunadas. El consejo de la matrona es un factor esencial en la emisión de la información sobre la vacunación antigripal recibida por las gestantes estudiadas.
- Knowledge, attitudes, and sources of information on vaccines in Spanish nursing students : a cross-sectional study
2021-03-24 Health professionals are the most influential and main sources of information about vaccines for the general population, as they are regarded as role models by patients and society. The objective of the present study was to determine the knowledge and attitudes of a group of university Nursing students about vaccines, as well as their sources of information and their education needs. A cross-sectional study was performed through a questionnaire (55 items) provided to Nursing students at two Spanish universities. A total of 1122 students participated in the study. The mean score obtained for knowledge about vaccines was 44.6 4.3, and for attitudes towards vaccines, it was 37.2 3.9. Hepatitis B (94.7%) and the Flu (89%) are the two main vaccines they should receive as health workers. The main source of information was the family environment (65.6%). Most of them considered that post-graduate education about vaccines should be provided by academic entities (universities, 62.7%). Among the health professionals, Nurses (85.5%) must be better educated and trained on the subject of vaccines. It is therefore necessary to delve into and complete the nurses’ training on vaccines, to educate them about the risks at the individual level, and their decisive role as promoters of the vaccination strategy for the general population. Universities must become the leaders in vaccine education and training.
- Estado inmunológico frente a la Hepatitis B del personal sanitario en dos departamentos de salud de la Comunidad Valenciana (España)
2020-11-04 Objetivo: Estimar la prevalencia de inmunización frente al virus de la Hepatitis B del personal sanitario, vinculado a los Departamentos de Salud de Torrevieja y Elche-Crevillente, de la Comunidad Valenciana Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal en todos los trabajadores sanitarios de dos departamentos de Salud. Obtenida la muestra se identificó los niveles de anticuerpos de superficie del virus de la Hepatitis B a través de los resultados serológicos ubicados en las historias clínicas. Se consideró inmunizado a títulos de anti-HBs ≥10mlU/ml. Las variables analizadas fueron categorizadas según: Departamento; Género; Edad (18-34; 35-49; >50años); categoría profesional (facultativos/Enfermería/Otro personal sanitario/Personal no sanitario); Servicio riesgo contagio (Si/No); Inmunidad (≥10mlU/ml / <10mlU/ml / No Dato) y Vacunacion sistemática anti-HBs según fecha nacimiento (Si/No). Resultados: El personal estudiado ascendió a 2674. Predominó el género femenino 68,8%, el grupo de edad 35-49 años, 52,8%, y la categoría profesional de Enfermería, 32,2%. Un 74,9% de los resultados serológicos identificaron niveles de protección anti-HBs, frente al 11,3% no inmune, y un 13,8% que no disponían de información. Del personal con información serológica (2306), obtuvieron porcentajes de no protección más elevadas la categoría masculina, 17,8%. Los niveles de protección fueron inversamente proporcionales según la variable edad, menor inmunidad a mayor edad. El personal no sanitario y los facultativos arrojaron niveles de protección más bajos, 36,9% y 11,1% respectivamente. Conclusiones: A pesar de identificarse una inmunidad elevada, el porcentaje de no inmunizados y de ausencia de información inmunológica plantea la necesidad de implementar nuevas estrategias de comunicación dirigidas a este colectivo. / Objective: To estimate the prevalence of immunity against Hepatitis B virus among all healthcare workers linked to the Departments of Public Health in Torrevieja and Elx-Crevillent, two municipalities in the Valencian Community, Spain. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study of healthcare workers in two different public health departments. Once the sample was obtained, the anti-hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBsAb) levels were abstracted based on serological test results recorded in the workers’ medical records. Titers of anti-HBsAB ≥10mlU / ml were considered as evience of immunity. The variables analyzed were classified by department, gender, age (18-34; 35- 49;≥50 years); professional category (physicians / nursing / other health personnel / nonhealth personnel); service at risk of contagion (Yes / No); immunity (≥10mlU/ml, <10mlU/ml, missing) and systematic anti-HBs vaccination by date of birth (Yes / No). Results: The study population consisted of 2674 workers. The highest proportions of workers were female(68.8%), between 35 and 49 years of age (52.8%), and employed in nursing,(32.2%). Overall, 74.9% of employees had evidence of hepatitis B immunity, 11.3% had no inmunity, and 13.8% was missing information on serology. Among those employees with serological information (n=2306), lack of immunity was highest among males (17.8%). Protective titers were inversely proportional to age, with the lowest titers being found in the oldest age groups. Non-healthcare personnel and physicians also had lower levels of protection (36.9% and 11.1%, respectively). Conclusions: Despite identifying high levels of immunity among healthcare workers, the percentages of non-immunized employees and those lacking immunological information underscores the need to implement new communication strategies aimed at these at-risk groups.
- Influenza vaccination experiences of pregnant women as a predictor of the intention to become vaccinated in future pregnancies in Spain
2020-06-09 A good perception of the vaccines administered during pregnancy favors immunization coverage, which is still not optimal for the influenza vaccine. To understand the predisposition towards vaccination in future pregnancies, a study was performed that evaluated the experiences of women with the vaccine or influenza. A cross-sectional study was conducted through telephone interviews given to a total of 683 postpartum women in two health departments from the Valencia Community (Spain). This interview asked about their intention of becoming vaccinated in future pregnancies and whether they were favor or against vaccination. Most of them, 98.5% (n = 673 [95% CI: 97.6–99.4]) (p < 0.001) declared having received the systematic vaccines throughout their lives. The ones who were vaccinated against influenza, 91.9% (n = 387 [95% CI: 89.2–94.6]) (p < 0.001) manifested they would do so in future pregnancies. The probability of future non-vaccination was modeled, which was related to an unfavorable opinion towards vaccines (OR = 4.07 [95% CI: 2.01–8.24]) (p < 0.001), having su ered from influenza during pregnancy (OR = 3.84 [95% CI: 1.41–10.42]) (p < 0.05), and not having been vaccinated during previous pregnancies (OR = 38.47 [95% CI: 23.58–62.76]) (p < 0.001). Vaccination during pregnancy increases the intent of vaccination in the future.
- Revisión exploratoria sobre series de casos de coronavirus (SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV y SARS-CoV-2) y sus resultados obstétricos y neonatales
2020-07-20 Antecedentes. La aparición de nuevas enfermedades infecciosas, como el COVID-19, supone un reto en el seguimiento de la gestación y la prevención de complicaciones obstétricas y neonatales. La revisión exploratoria tiene el objetivo de revisar la información disponible en mujeres embarazadas infectadas por los coronavirus MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 para evaluar las similitudes y diferencias en las características clínicas de las madres y los resultados neonatales. Métodos. Realizamos una búsqueda bibliográfica (revisión exploratoria) acorde a las pautas de PRISMA entre marzo y abril del 2020 en las bases de datos de MEDLINE, SciELO, y CUIDEN y el Centro de Información sobre el COVID-19 de Elsevier. Resultados. Analizamos 20 artículos con un total de 102 casos: 9 de MERS-CoV, 14 de SARS-CoV y 79 de SARS-CoV-2. La fiebre (75,5%) y la neumonía (73,5%) resultaron ser los síntomas más frecuentes en las gestantes infectadas. Las complicaciones obstétricas más frecuentes fueron la amenaza de parto prematuro (23,5%) y la cesárea (74,5%). No se documentó ninguna transmisión vertical en los neonatos. Conclusiones. Los tres coronavirus producen una neumonía con sintomatología muy similar, resultando más leve en el caso de SARS-CoV-2. A pesar de las complicaciones obstétricas documentadas, los resultados neonatales son favorables en su mayoría. Es preciso aumentar el conocimiento para mejorar y prevenir las complicaciones obstétricas y neonatales de estas infecciones en mujeres embarazadas. / Background. The appearance of new infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, poses a challenge in monitoring pregnancy and preventing obstetric and neonatal complications. A scoping review has the objective to review the information available in pregnant women infected with the MERS-CoV, SARSCoV, SARS-CoV-2 coronaviruses to assess the similarities in terms of and differences in the clinical characteristics of the mothers and neonatal outcomes. Methods. We carried out a bibliographic search (scoping review) according to the PRISMA guidelines between March and April 2020 in the MEDLINE, SciELO, and CUIDEN databases and the Elsevier COVID-19 Information Center. Results. We analyzed 20 articles with a total of 102 cases. 9 of MERS-CoV, 14 of SARS-CoV and 79 of SARS-CoV-2. Fever (75.5%) and pneumonia (73.5%) were the most frequent symptoms in infected pregnant women. The most frequent obstetric complications were the threat of premature delivery (23.5%) and caesarean section (74.5%). No vertical transmission was documented in any of the infants. Conclusions. All three coronaviruses produce pneumonia with very similar symptoms, being milder in the case of SARSCoV2. Despite documented obstetric complications, neonatal outcomes are mostly favorable. Increased knowledge is needed to improve and prevent obstetric and neonatal complications from these infections in pregnant women.