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- Fisioterapia en procesos oncológicos y quirúrgicos de cabeza y cuello
2022-10-14 Obra innovadora dentro del ámbito de la fisioterapia que tiene como objetivo principal la recopilación de procedimientos basados en la evidencia que avale o desconseje la aplicación de intervenciones fisioterapéutticas habituales para el tratamiento de las afecciones y secuelas ocasionadas por intervenciones quirúrgicas o procesos oncológicos de la región de cabeza y cuello. Dirigida a fisioterapeutas, terapeutas manuales, rehabilitadores y cualquier otro especialista involucrado en este tipo de intervenciones. Su enfoque mixto hace que sea un contenido de interés para los estudiantes del Grado de Fisioterapia y dirigido a cubrir una asignatura que actualmente es de catácter optativo y que tiene una carga lectiva que va de los 3 a los 6 ECTS.
- Potential Use of Wearable Inertial Sensors to Assess and Train Deep Cervical Flexors: A Feasibility Study with Real Time Synchronization of Kinematic and Pressure Data during the Craniocervical Flexion Test
2023-04-12 The aim of the study was to develop a novel real-time, computer-based synchronization system to continuously record pressure and craniocervical flexion ROM (range of motion) during the CCFT (craniocervical flexion test) in order to assess its feasibility for measuring and discriminating the values of ROM between different pressure levels. This was a descriptive, observational, crosssectional, feasibility study. Participants performed a full-range craniocervical flexion and the CCFT. During the CCFT, a pressure sensor and a wireless inertial sensor simultaneously registered data of pressure and ROM. A web application was developed using HTML and NodeJS technologies. Forty-five participants successfully finished the study protocol (20 males, 25 females; 32 (11.48) years). ANOVAs showed large effect significant interactions between pressure levels and the percentage of full craniocervical flexion ROM when considering the 6 pressure reference levels of the CCFT (p < 0.001; 2 = 0.697), 11 pressure levels separated by 1 mmHg (p < 0.001; 2 = 0.683), and 21 pressure levels separated by 0.5 mmHg (p < 0.001; 2 = 0.671). The novel time synchronizing system seems a feasible option to provide real-time monitoring of both pressure and ROM, which could serve as reference targets to further investigate the potential use of inertial sensor technology to assess or train deep cervical flexors.
- Analysis of the Microbiota of the Physiotherapist’s Environment
2020-10 To analyze the microbiota of the physiotherapist’s work environment to understand the existing potential risks and to adopt appropriate preventive measures.
- A novel use of inertial sensors to measure the craniocervical flexion range of motion associated to the craniocervical flexion test: an observational study
2020-11-19 The craniocervical flexion test (CCFT) is recommended when examining patients with neck pain related conditions and as a deep cervical retraining exercise option. During the execution of the CCFT the examiner should visually assess that the amount of craniocervical flexion range of motion (ROM) progressively increases. However, this task is very subjective. The use of inertial wearable sensors may be a user-friendly option to measure and objectively monitor the ROM. The objectives of our study were (1) to measure craniocervical flexion range of motion (ROM) associated with each stage of the CCFT using a wearable inertial sensor and to determine the reliability of the measurements and (2) to determine craniocervical flexion ROM targets associated with each stage of the CCFT to standardize their use for assessment and training of the deep cervical flexor (DCF) muscles.
- Assessment of Hamstring: Quadriceps Coactivation without the Use of Maximum Voluntary Isometric Contraction
2020-02-29 This study aimed to study the coactivation patterns of the hamstring and quadriceps muscle groups during submaximal strength exercises commonly used in injury prevention in soccer without the use of maximum voluntary isometric contraction testing. This was used to compare: (i) the inter-limb differences in muscle activation; (ii) the intra-muscular group activation pattern and (iii) the activation pattern during different phases of the exercise. Muscle activation was recorded by surface electromyography in 19 elite, male, youth soccer players. Participants performed the following: Bulgarian squat, lunge and squat. Electrical activity was recorded for the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris and semitendinosus. No significant inter-limb differences were found (F1, 13 = 619; p = 0.82; 2 = 0.045). Significant di erences were found in the muscle activation between individual muscles within the quadriceps and hamstrings muscle group for each of the exercises: Bulgarian squat (F1,18 = 331: p < 0.001; n2 = 0.80), lunge (F4,72 = 114.5; p < 0.001; n2 = 0.86) and squat (F1,16 = 247.31; p < 0.001; n2 = 0.93). Differences were found between the different phases of each of the exercises (F2,26 = 52.27; p = 0.02; n2 = 0.80). The existence of an activation pattern of each of the muscles in the three proposed exercises could be used for muscle assessment and as a tool for reconditioning post-injury.
- Isokinetic profiles and reference values of professional soccer players
2021-11-15 Isokinetics is a tool commonly used in professional soccer. There is ongoing debate among researchers as to the isokinetic reference values a player should have. Objectives: To determine the absolute peak torque (PT) and average work of professional soccer players in relation to their positions on the field, and to establish the reference values for these variables. Methods: Purposeful sampling was used to select 289 professional soccer players. The sample included 32 goalkeepers, 100 defenders, 98 midfielders, and 59 strikers. The participants were measured preseason. The players were asked to perform a 10-minute warm-up on an exercise bike, and then to perform 5 repetitions at low speed, 10 at medium speed, and 25 at high speed, with 30 to 40-s of rest between each set of repetitions. The contraction method was concentric-concentric in a dynamometer Isomed 2000. Results: The average age, weight, and height of the players was 21.9 years, 74.3 kilograms, and 1.8 meters, respectively. The goalkeepers presented higher PT at the 3 measured speeds, and the higher average work at 180°/s and 240°/s in relation to defenders and midfielders. The strikers presented higher average work at 240°/s in relation to midfielders, and higher PT in relation to the defenders and midfielders. Absolute values. were shown and reference values were established. Conclusions: The goalkeepers and strikers were the players that showed the greatest differences in their favor in relation to the other positions. The peak torque values and average work were described in relation to the player’s position on the field. This study resulted in the creation of a tool for health professionals working with professional soccer players, providing reference values for these players in relation to their position on the field that can be used as benchmarks, by health professionals, to optimize soccer players’ performance
- Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Responses to an Isokinetic Testing Protocol in Professional Soccer Players
2022-03-11 The aim of this study was to determine blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) responses triggered during an isokinetic testing protocol in professional soccer players and compare cardiovascular parameters at completion of this isokinetic protocol with those during a treadmill test. Using purposive sampling, 63 professional soccer players were recruited. Cardiovascular responses were measured noninvasively during a bilateral testing protocol of knee flexion and extension. Treadmill ergospirometry following an incremental speed protocol was performed to analyze the same cardiovascular parameters at rest and at completion of this test. There were significant differences in diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and HR according to field position. The parameters presented high homogeneity at both competitive levels. Systolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure, HR, and rate pressure product at completion of the treadmill test were significantly higher than those at completion of the isokinetic protocol. Intermittent isokinetic testing protocol of the knee triggers normal and safe BP and HR responses in healthy professional soccer players. The HR of the defenders was higher than those of the forwards and midfielders but was independent of the competitive level. The values of cardiovascular parameters at isokinetic protocol completion were lower than those during the treadmill test.
- Knee Isokinetic Profiles and Reference Values of Professional Female Soccer Players
2022-12-12 Few studies have previously evaluated isokinetic parameters in female soccer players in comparison to those in males. The aim of this study was to describe normative quadriceps (Q) and hamstring (H) muscle strength values in professional female soccer players and to examine differences between dominant leg (DL) and nondominant leg (NDL). A standardized test protocol of concentric knee extension and flexion test protocol was conducted using the dynamometer isokinetic system (IsoMEd 2000). All the participants were healthy female professional soccer players from Spanish first and second division teams. Players were assessed for peak torque (PT) and maximum work (MW) values at 60º/s, 180º/s, and 240º/s. The mean difference was 7.17 (p-value = 0.0036), 4.4 (p-value = 0.0386), and 4.25 Nm (p-value = 0.0241) at speed 60º, 180º, and 240º/s, respectively. No statistically significant differences were detected for H–Q values between DL and NDL. This difference was 6.44 (p-value = 0.0449), and 5.87 J (p-value = 0.0266) at speed 60º, and 180º/s. The present study can be a tool that health professionals working with female professional soccer players in their care can use to assess and monitor a particular player.