Browsing by Author "Souza, Doralice Lange de"
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- The influence of broadcasting rights on sports journalism : a study with journalists on the coverage of the Rio 2016 Paralympic games
2020-09-23 The objective of the investigation was to characterize influences of image and transmission rights in production of news about the Rio/2016 Paralympic Games. This study was qualitative, descriptive, exploratory and inspired by some characteristics of news making studies. We interviewed 15 journalists and editors from different Brazilian media groups and newspapers that covered that sports mega event. The definitions and delimitations of journalistic making guided by commercial issues – such as time and space limits to interview athletes and occasional difficulty to access regional sports idols for news coverage directed to specific locations - indicate that, when broadcasting rights are not available, the breadth and complexity of the information collected by journalists for the production of news is restricted. / O objetivo da investigação foi caracterizar influências da detenção dos direitos de imagem e transmissão no processo de produção de notícias sobre os Jogos Paralímpicos Rio/2016. Esta pesquisa foi de cunho qualitativo, descritivo, exploratório e se inspirou em algumas características dos estudos de news making. Entrevistamos 15 jornalistas e editores de diferentes grupos de mídia e jornais do país que cobriram o megaevento esportivo. As definições e delimitações do fazer jornalístico pautadas pelas questões comerciais, como por exemplo os limites de tempo e espaço para entrevistar os atletas e a dificuldade de, por vezes, eles acessarem ídolos esportivos regionais para a cobertura noticiosa direcionada a localidades específicas, indicam que, quando não se possui os direitos de transmissão, se restringe a amplitude e a complexidade das informações a serem recolhidas pelos jornalistas para a produção das notícias. / El objetivo fue determinar las influencias de la posesión de los derechos de imagen y transmisión en el proceso de producción de noticias sobre los Juegos Paralímpicos de Rio / 2016. Esta investigación fue de cuño cualitativo, descriptivo, exploratorio y se inspiró en algunas características de los estudios de news making. Se ha entrevistado a 15 periodistas y editores de diferentes grupos de medios y periódicos del país que realizaron la cobertura del megaevento deportivo. Las definiciones y delimitaciones del hacer periodístico pautadas por las cuestiones comerciales, como por ejemplo los límites de tiempo y espacio para entrevistar a los atletas y, a veces, la dificultad de acceder a los ídolos deportivos regionales para la cobertura noticiosa dirigida a localidades específicas, indican que, cuando no se poseen los derechos de emisión, se restringe la amplitud y la complejidad de las informaciones recogidas por los periodistas para la producción de las noticias.
- The news production process in the Brazilian journalistic coverage of the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games
2022-06-15 The Paralympic Games (PG) are the biggest showcase of disability. Thanks to their growing popularity, they are gradually getting a space in television and social networks and are conquering a space in the print and digital press. Therefore, it is important to guarantee the quality of the coverage of the event and of the messages that are sent about people with disabilities. It is also important to understand what factors interfere with this coverage and these messages. In this context, we developed a study that had as a goal to understand the process of news production about the 2016 Rio PG by Brazilian journalists. We used a descriptive, exploratory, and qualitative approach based on some attributes of the newsmaking and gatekeepers’ studies. We conducted 15 interviews with journalists and editors who covered the event on site or direct from the newsroom. Our results indicate that the main factors that interfered and structured the journalists conditions of production and routines during the coverage of the 2016 Rio PG were: some business issues (prioritization of audience interests and the exclusivity of broadcasting rights); some logistical issues (limitation of coverage to contents that could be accessed from the newsroom; accessibility barriers for journalists with disabilities; transportation between arenas, and reduced teams of journalists); and journalists’ level preparedness to cover the event. The interviews also revealed that the main news criteria for content selection were expected victories and medals, proximity, and curiosity. They said they emphasized content that valued athletes’ sportsmanship and narratives of overcoming adversity.