Browsing by Author "Collado Boira, Eladio Joaquín"
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- Impacto de una intervención educativa en adolescentes relacionada con la cobertura vacunal de la meningitis C
2017-06-23 El presente estudio pretende mostrar la importancia de las intervenciones educativas a la hora de aumentar coberturas vacunales. Consiste en dar información sobre la enfermedad de la meningitis y la eficacia de la vacuna de la Meningitis C y observar las reacciones. El objetivo es, comprobar que el índice de vacunación y su registro se incrementan tras la intervención realizada. METODOLOGÍA: Es un estudio realizado en dos etapas. La primera etapa corresponde a un estudio observacional retrospectivo y la segunda se completa con un estudio pre-post intervención. Dicho estudio se realizó sobre 351 adolescentes de 20 años de edad, de un centro de salud urbano perteneciente al Departamento de Castellón. RESULTADOS: Tras la intervención se obtuvo un incremento de vacunación del 49% (IC 95% 43,35-54,09). Con un incremento en el registro de la vacunación en un 40,43% (IC 95% 25,33-55,52). La cobertura vacunal media en el Centro, para las tres dosis de la vacunación sistemática, durante 2007 fue superior al 80%. Se determina el número necesario a tratar (NNT) definiendolo como número de intervenciones necesarias para conseguir la vacunación de uno, obteniendo un resultado de 3. CONCLUSIONES: El índice de vacunación y su registro se incrementan de forma significativa tras el impacto de una intervención educativa para adolescentes. Personal de enfermería como persona clave. La cobertura vacunal sistemática del centro de salud estudiado es buena. La variable que ha demostrado tener una relación significativa para nuestra población a estudio es la inmigración.
- Self-care and health-related quality of life in patients with drainage enterostomy : a multicenter, cross sectional study
2021-03-02 The current article examined stoma self-care and health-related quality of life in patients with drainage enterostomy, described clinical and sociodemographic variables and analyzed the relationship between all of them. Trained interviewers collected data using a standardized form that queried sociodemographic and clinical variables. In addition, Self-Care (SC) was measured through a specific questionnaire for Ostomized Patients (CAESPO) and Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) through the Stoma Quality of Life questionnaire (S-QoL), which are not included in the electronic medical record. This was a multicenter, cross sectional study conducted in four hospitals of the province of Castellon (Spain), where 139 participants were studied. As novel findings, it was found that the level of SC of the stoma was high and was positively correlated with health-related quality of life. In relation to SC and sociodemographic variables studied in the research, women, married patients and active workers presented significantly higher scores than the rest. In relation to the clinical variables, we highlight the highest scores of the autonomous patients in the care of their stoma and those who used irrigations regularly. The lowest scores were the patients with complications in their stoma. We can highlight the validity and reliability of the CAESPO scale for biomedical and social research, and the importance of skills related to self-care of ostomy patients for a good level of HRQoL.
- Subclinical hypothyroidism in advanced chronic kidney disease patients: prevalence and associated factors
2022-05-17 Introduction. Renal function and thyroid metabolism are tightly related. However, evidence about subclinical hypothyroidism prevalence in patients with chronic kidney disease and its related factors is scarce. Objectives. Our aim is to analyze subclinical hypothyroidism prevalence and its related factors in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease. Materials and methods. Nondialysis-dependent patients with chronic kidney disease at stages 3 to 5 were included. Other inclusion criteria were age above 18 years and clinical stability. Patients with diagnosed thyroid illnesses were excluded. Subclinical hypothyroidism was de ned as thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) > 5.3 mU/L, with free thyroxine 4 (FT4) between 0.54 and 1.24 ng/dl. Filiation data, comorbidities, and routine blood and urine test results were registered. Results. A total of 299 patients were included. Of them, 184 (61.5%) were men. The mean age was 71 ± 13 years old. The mean glomerular fltration rate (CKD-EPI) was 22 ± 9 ml/min/ 1.73m2. According to chronic kidney disease stages, global distribution of patients was as follows: Stage 3, 67 patients (22.4%); Stage 4, 155 patients (51.8%); and Stage 5, 77 patients (25.8%). We found subclinical hypothyroidism in 54 (18.1%) patients. According to chronic kidney disease stages, distribution of affected patients was as follows: Stage 3, 9 patients (13%); Stage 4, 25 patients (16.1%); and Stage 5, 20 patients (26%). Di¤erences among stages were statistically signifcant. By univariate analysis, factors related with subclinical hypothyroidism were as follows: age RR 1.048 (95% CI 1.019–1.078; p = 0.001), hypertension RR 2.705 (95% CI 1.026–7.130; p = 0.04), glomerular fltration rate RR 0.962 (95% CI 0.929–0.996; p = 0.03), and proteinuria higher than 1 gram/day RR 2.387 (95% CI 1.303–4.374; p = 0.005). By multivariate analysis adjusted by age, hypertension, glomerular fltration rate, proteinuria, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease history, only age RR 1.016 (95% CI 1.009–1.028; p = 0.04) and glomerular fltration rate RR 0.963 (95% CI 0.930–0.997; p = 0.03) preserved their independent association with subclinical hypothyroidism. Conclusions. Subclinical hypothyroidism prevalence in patients with chronic kidney disease is high and increases with renal disease severity. Factors independently related to subclinical hypothyroidism are age and glomerular fltration rate.
- The relationship between resilience and quality of life in patients with a drainage enterostomy
2020-09-01 Introduction. Impact and adjustment to a drainage enterostomy are measured mainly through health indicators. Objective. To investigate the relationship between resilience and adaptation to the placement of a drainage enterostomy. Methodology. Prospective observational study with a sample of 125 patients (64 men / 36 women) with a temporary or permanent drainage enterostomy and a mean age of 66.72 years. Results. High quality of life (mean 80.5) and resilience (mean 79.57) scores and a positive relationship between both were found. There seems to be a positive relationship with general QL and HRQL. The logistic regression model shows that the main predictor as regards HRQL is resilience.