204 | 30, pp. 187-210 | doxa.comunicación

January-June of 2020

Communicating the humanisation of hospital care. An exercise in social responsibility in Madrid’s hospitals

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Chart 4: Communication of humanisation at the four hospitals

Information about humanisation activities

Humanisation communication

Main problems

Key actions

Humanisation presence in the website

San Carlos Clinical

Intranet: Service directors. Institutional email. Personal phone call.

Commission members promote actions in their areas.

Humanisation referents in services.

Numerous staff.

Information or communication doesn’t reach all staff.

Lack of internal communication.

How to create culture in the organization.

Identified humanisation referents in services.

Exchange with patient associations.

12 de Octubre

Intranet: Service directors. Institutional email. Personal phone call.

General sessions. Sessions by specialization or service.

Commission members promote actions in their areas.


Numerous staff.

Information or communication doesn’t reach all staff.

What actions to conduct to raise awareness.

Actions prior to the Plan. Humanisation in Paediatric Service and 2015-2019 Strategic Plan with an important focus in humanisation.

Almost no presence of humanisation in website.

Infanta Cristina

Very clear and straightforward. Intranet, agenda and news.

Through training.

Work coordinating with Training and Communication.

Commission members promote actions in their areas.

Humanisation-related messages in screens and banners.

Complaints for too many activities.

Not all health care staff applies patient centred care.

Campaign “Hospital with Empathy”.

Improvements in patient experience.

Humanisation very present in the website.

Source: Compilation based on interviews maintained with the directors and coordinators of humanisation actions in hospitals in the sample

6.3. Focus groups

6.3.1. Focus group conducted with nursing staff from the following services: Intensive Care Unit, Surgery, Patient Care, Outpatient Service and Paediatrics

This dialogue held by two participants stands out: