doxa.comunicación | 30, pp. 187-210 | 203

January-June of 2020

Graciela Lamouret Colom and María Teresa García Nieto

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

In order to build this chart eleven questions from the satisfaction survey were chosen and aggregated in seven key dimensions related to humanisation such as: 1) the treatment and kindness of professionals 2) the information provided at different stages of health care 3) the time and dedication of the professionals 4) respect for privacy 5) participation in decisions regarding treatment and health care 6) silence at night, and 7) pain treatment.

6.2. In-depth interviews

As a summary we will point out the most relevant issues derived from the results of the in-depth interviews:

In large hospitals:

The communication of humanisation does not reach all hospital staff. And there are significant differences between some departments and others. Some are more committed to humanisation, others not so much.

Interpersonal communication ends up being the most efficient method to summon participation in humanisation actions.

Given their larger size, despite the numerous activities conducted and the great effort made, messages don’t reach internal audiences.

Hospitals use different tools to communicate humanisation with patients. The 12 de Octubre Hospital stands out for having a more straightforward and general communication, with information materials and consultation with patients. And the San Carlos Clinical Hospital excels for working together with patient associations.

At mid-sized and smaller hospitals:

The concept of humanisation reaches health care professionals at these hospitals, although for different reasons it is not sufficiently applied.

Some hospital service areas do not acknowledge their own participation in humanisation actions, even though they are being implemented in the relationship with patients as well as in the provision of services.

Oddly enough, health care professionals consider the amount of activities proposed at their hospitals regarding the humanisation plan to be excessive.

The features of the communication of humanisation at hospitals researched are outlined in the following chart.