doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 381-401 | 395

July-December of 2020

Ana Pano Alamán

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

In the corpus, it also performs a meta-discursive function when, for example, it orientates the end of the enunciation, or indicates conclusion of the same, as in the following message which also displays elements of oral speech reproduced in digital text:

(33) How true !!! Something they haven’t said from the beginning. Knowing that it should be compulsory. But as they hadn’t made even a MINIMAL prevision of material. They were the ones who left Spain mask free. To be able to supply the hospitals. OUR HEROES !!!! They were sold out 😬 keeping all the pharmacies’ distribution channels for themselves. NOW Well (Bueno) better late than never !!! (Facebook, 19-05-2020).

It also attenuates disagreement in reactive comments (Portolés Lázaro, 1998: 108). As we can see in (34), C addresses B in this exchange between three participants in the debate to cast doubt on his/her words, by means of implicit and mitigated criticism, using the initial particle, of the US President and his ability to deal with the crisis, in comparison with what the Spanish government is doing:

(34) A: With the greatest respect… it seems to me, that saying hairdressers can stay open is just laughing at healthcare workers and others who are stuck in our homes waiting for all this to finish .. [...] this is ... it’s laughable…shameful

B: ridiculous... they’d never say that in the USA.....

C: Well (Bueno) your president is hardly Albert Einstrein, is he? (YouTube, 14-03-2020).

Amongst the interactive markers we find vamos, whose function is usually that of drawing the attention of the interlocutor to something (Cortés Rodríguez & Camacho Adarve, 2005: 17). In the messages analysed, it is placed at the beginning of the enunciation, normally in interventions addressed to the group of participants in the interaction. The analysis shows that in these messages it presents the member of the discourse in which it appears as a clarification or nuance of what has just been said, as in this comment:

(35) When things were at their bleakest...they were inadvisable and now that there’s light at the end of the tunnel...they’re highly advisable. Come on (Vamos),... obligatory. What a bit of stock in the warehouse can do!!!! (Facebook, 19-05-2020).

Other times vamos is employed to introduce a summary or a conclusion of what has been generally said in a tweet, post or institutional video, as a premise to the actual comment:

(36) Come on (Vamos), coronavirus is here to stay and now we’ll have to live with the flu and covid-19 together every winter, as if flu wasn’t bad enough, well great, if anyone catches the two at the same time, good luck, cos viruses don’t wait in line. (YouTube, 01-03-2020).

(37) Come on (Vamos) just the same as yesterday, nothing has changed, so why the press conference? (YouTube, 14-03-2020).

The following Facebook exchange acquires an attenuating function which permits the speaker to avoid responsibility for what is said and any possible disagreement Note in this example, in the comment by C, the combination of the particle with digo with an anaphoric function which attenuates the affirmation, together with the suspension marks, and with macho, that in this case could be considered a variation of hombre focusing on the disagreement:

(38) A: How many times are you going to change your minds, aren’t you ashamed of yourselves, RESIGN

B: suggest a solution instead of just criticising!