396 | 31, pp. 381-401 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2020

Discourse markers and informal Spanish on social network sites

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

C: however much Teresa makes proposals, the one being paid to do a job, is the one who has to do it!!! Come on, I mean….man (Vamos digo... macho) letting just anyone have an opinion… (Facebook, 19-05-2020).

Finally, it appears on a couple of occasions as an independent enunciation in brief responses, acquiring a value of initiation:

(39) A: Spanish Brothers and Sisters, stay home and take precautions. I am from Italy, Emilia Romagna, we have good hospitals but this virus is like a tsunami [...].

B: Come on (Vamos) 🇮🇹 forza!!!! (YouTube, 14-03-2020).

Despite its scarcity in the general corpus, we should also mention the meta-discursive conversational marker ¿eh?, whose function in the messages analysed seems to be that of an appellative signal. For example, in the messages below, it appeals to the listener, strongly requesting (Briz Gómez et al., 2008) confirmation or acceptance of what the speaker says (40), or of what has been asked of him (41):

(40) man, no need to exaggerate ... the three-month “face coverings are unnecessary” campaign wasn’t invented by the public ... and now that it’s over, we believe it ... and all change!! The good guys aren’t that good ... and the bad guys aren’t that bad, eh? (¿eh?) (Facebook, 19-05-2020).

(41) Seriously, enough copy and paste, it’s really boring ,... continue on another page.... if you want eh? (¿eh?)... wow... (YouTube, 01-03-2020).

Moreover, in (41), the speaker seeks the conformity of the addressee with what has previously been said (“The good guys aren’t that good ... and the bad guys aren’t that bad”). In short, he/she intends to submit the proposal for the consideration of those who are making comments in that space.

4.1.6. Por ejemplo (for example)

Finally, the even more limited use of the discursive operator por ejemplo, which features a minimum of ten times in the general corpus, of which 6 are in comments on YouTube. This particle is presented by a participant as an example or case, in conceptionally distant enunciations or that are more associated with the written conceptional variety. As we can see in the next, longer comment, addressed to a generic interlocutor, that is, to the audience imagined on this video channel, the marker is placed in an intermediate position to support, by means of an illustrative example, the argument relative to the difficulty of keeping a 1-metre distance between people in daily life:

(42) all activities in meeting places are supposed to be prohibited, [...] I suppose that from now on they’ll limit the distance between people to 1 metre,,, for example (por ejemplo) in a lift, instead of 4 people, only 2 will be allowed, staying a metre apart, just as on the metro, bus and planes, a minimum of a metre and in taxis, instead of 3 or 4 passengers, there’ll only be one in the back, if there are 2 it’s a source of propagation, either you do it right or you do it wrong (YouTube, 14-03-2020).