254 | 28, pp. 241-260 | doxa.comunicación

January-June of 2019

New audiovisual consumption habits among minors: approximation through the analysis of survey data

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

The following questions focused exclusively on the consumption of series, as it is one of the types of content that is most watched by young people on the Internet (the second after music videos in our survey). Therefore, question 13 was the following: “How do you watch the series?” It was a multiple-choice question and the options were the following: 1) In its broadcast on television; 2) A la carte on the television channel’s website (e.g. Atresplayer); 3) Downloads from the internet; 4) On DVD or Blu-ray; 5) On free platforms (such as YouTube, Daily Motion or Vimeo); 6) On a content package (Netflix, HBO, Filmin or Movistar+).

Source: prepared by the authors based on data from surveys carried out using the SM tool

As can be seen in the chart, the most common options are the following: “In a content package” (66.06%), “In free platforms” (65.14%) and “In their broadcast on television” (54.13%). In contrast, only 13.76% consume the series on DVD or Blu-ray.

The next question raised was an open-ended question about the number of series consumed by respondents. The most frequent options are 0 and 1, with 26 answers each. Another 16 participants said they were watching 3 series at the time of the survey, 14 said they were watching 2 series, and 9 acknowledge watching 4 series at the time they completed the survey. Other respondents said they watched between 5 and 7 series, and three of them said they watched more than 10 series at the same time.

Following a logical order, question 15 referred to the number of episodes they saw per week, and it was also an open-ended question. To classify the results, we grouped them into several intervals: 1) 0 episodes; 1) 1-5 episodes; 2) 6-10 episodes; 3) 11-15 episodes; 4) 16 episodes or more. Although 14 participants said they did not see any series episodes, most of the