doxa.comunicación | 28, pp. 241-260 | 253

January-June of 2019

María José García-Orta, Victoria García-Prieto and Miriam Suárez-Romero

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Source: prepared by the authors based on data from surveys carried out using the SM tool

In addition, those surveyed were also asked what their parents thought of the content they consumed on the Internet. The options were: 1) “They know what I watch and they agree,” 2) “They know what I watch, but they don’t agree, and I watch it without their permission,” 3) “They don’t know what I watch, but if they knew, they would agree,” and 4) “They don’t know what I watch and if they knew, they would not agree”. However, 37 said their parents don’t know what they watch on Internet (33.33%), although 32 of them said that if they knew, they would agree. None of them chose the option “They know what I watch, but they don’t agree, and I watch it without their permission”. A figure of 66% said their parents know the content they consume and agree with their watching it. We also wanted to know if they watched TV series or movies online on both free and illegal websites. In question 12, which referred to this issue, 74.77% of the respondents acknowledged that they did, while 23.42% denied doing so.

Source: prepared by the authors based on data from surveys carried out using the SM tool