doxa.comunicación | 28, pp. 241-260 | 255

January-June of 2019

María José García-Orta, Victoria García-Prieto and Miriam Suárez-Romero

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

responses were in the range of 1-5 episodes per week (36 responses), followed by 6-10 episodes per week (23 responses). The figure of 6 participants viewed between 11 and 15 episodes, and 8 of them viewed more than 16 episodes per week. Other answers collected could not be quantified. For example, such as: “As many as I can, because I get hooked”; “Few”; “Quite a few”; “Depending on the time I have, I can see a season every day or nothing all week”; “Right now none, but later I will”; “If it is being broadcast, 1 per week. If not, 5-20”.

Going even further into the consumption of series, in question 16 we asked the participants to tell us which were their five favorite series. The following list includes those that were named 10 or more times:

Stranger Things (18 responses)

Game of Thrones (15 responses)

La que se avecina (12 responses)

Breaking bad (11 responses)

La casa de papel (11 responses)

13 reasons why (11 responses)

Rick and Morty (11 responses)

Most of these are rated for viewers over 16 years of age, and in some cases because of the high content of violence and sex.

Finally, the survey concluded with a closed-ended question on the preferences of Spanish or foreign series. The figure of 81.73% of the participants said they preferred foreign series, while Spanish series were chosen by only 18.27% of the respondents.

Source: prepared by the authors based on data from surveys carried out using the SM tool