252 | 28, pp. 241-260 | doxa.comunicación

January-June of 2019

New audiovisual consumption habits among minors: approximation through the analysis of survey data

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Question 6, rather than evaluate the frequency of access to the Internet, measured the frequency of consumption of audiovisual content the respondents reported watching. The question was, “Thinking back over the last year, how often did you access content using an electronic device?” The figure of 83.49% of the participants said they did so “every day”. Only 15% said they watch content “every week, but not daily” and only one person (0.92%) said they watch it “at least once a month”. Lower frequencies such as “Not every month” or answers such as “I don’t see audiovisual content” were not chosen by any of the respondents.

Going deeper into the audiovisual consumption of those surveyed, the next question was about the platforms they use to view content. The main winner was YouTube, used by 110 of the 111 participants (99.10%). It was followed by Netflix (64.86%), though by a wide margin, then Movistar+ (39.64%), and HBO (27.03%). Other options such as Amazon Prime Video, Rakuten or Vimeo turned out to be more in the minority. In addition, almost 30% of the participants said they use other platforms such as “Plusdede”, “Masdede”, “Spotify”, “AnimeFLV”, “AnimeYT”, “Repelis” or “Twitch TV”.

Source: prepared by the authors based on data from surveys carried out using the SM tool

Next, question 8 sought to determine whether participants only consumed audiovisual content or whether they also actively participated by rating or commenting on the content.

The figure of 78.18% answered this question by saying they merely watch the content, and only 20.91% said they actively participate.

Similarly, question 9 continued to evaluate the active role of participants. In this case, the question was the following: “Have you uploaded audiovisual content to the internet?” Of the 111 respondents, 72 said no (64.86%), while 39 answered yes (35.14%). The latter were asked to specify to which platform they had uploaded content, and the responses were as follows: “Instagram”, “Twitter”, “Twitch TV”, “YouTube”, “Vimeo”, “Facebook” and “SoundCloud”.

Going still deeper into the type of content that respondents watch, the next question was the following: “Do you often watch, or have you ever watched, content for people over 18 years of age on the internet?” In this survey, of 111 children from 14 to 17 years of age, 84 of the participants (75.68%) said they had watched content for people over 18 years of age, either frequently or occasionally. Quite to the contrary, only 16.36% stated that they had never done so.