222 | 29, pp. 213-233 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2019

Algorithms and bots applied to journalism. The case of Narrativa Inteligencia Artificial: structure...

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

If new elections were held immediately, Ciudadanos would be the party to improve its results the most with 18.5% (4.6 points more than in the last election). Rivera is the leader with the highest score among his own electorate (+93) and also has a positive opinion among voters of both the PP (+67) and PSOE (+36).”

Due to the characteristics of the sample, the results are not completely generalizable, an example of which is the fact that not all journalists in the country are represented. However, this does not invalidate the results, since the primary purpose of this study is not quantitative but qualitative. In other words, the number of information professionals is not as important as the arguments they use because these professionals were more directly involved in the object of study. It is worth recalling the words of researchers Rubio Romero and Perlado Lamo de Espinosa (2015), who indicated that a qualitative sample does not seek statistical representativeness, but rather structural, because what it seeks to understand is the different social meanings and relationships with the phenomenon under investigation, not the extrapolation of the data to the universe, as in the case of a quantitative sample.

3. Results

3.1 Structure and organization chart of Narrativa Inteligencia Artificial

The Spanish startup company was founded in the summer of 2015 and is legally established in the Civil Code as a Private Limited Company (Ltd.), specifically under the name of Narrativa Inteligencia Artificial S.L.

The team is composed entirely of engineers with more than 75 years of experience in total, among which the following stand out: David Llorente, company founder; David Martínez de Lecea, head of operations; Génenis Capunitan, vice-president of Marketing; Alberto Moratilla, software architect and Agile Software expert; and Javier García, AI engineer. Also participating are professors from the University of Alcalá de Henares, such as Eugenio Fernández, an AI expert. In addition, there is Antonio Moratilla, a computer scientist and expert in big data/software who collaborates with Narrativa Inteligencia Artificial through the Research Chair “Artificial Intelligence and Data to Text Generation”, which focuses on research and development of big data and AI techniques aimed at generating text narratives from data.

The company is headquartered in Estonia and has two other offices in Madrid and Dubai, where it carries out e-commerce projects and collaborates with the Government of the United Arab Emirates in generating reports based on official statistical data. David Llorente explains that the company was founded with the idea that technology can transform the world in a positive way. Gabriele’s proposed value lies in automating news in order to anticipate content, create trends, and meet customer demands in the global marketplace.

The company possesses highly advanced technology and has established an alliance with EFE for the joint development of news, which the agency then distributes directly to its clients. “This combination is unique in the world”, says the company founder.

The initial experiment produced around 40 journalistic texts per week, but the figure has increased to 20,000 articles per week in the current year of 2019. The subject matter is varied, but the sports and financial texts stand out the most. The